Horizon Closed Alpha

Why didn't we get to pick the gender of the main character in the Horizon release version like in the closed alpha? He had a different name also Alman, which was a reference to how huMANity screwed up the world.

The one on the right looks fucking horrible. Holy shit, these """""improvements""""" need to stop.

Because Gorilla the developer didn't think it was fair

>misogynistic photoshop edits

privileged white male detected

back to

Adult women have jawlines. What you are attracted to are prepubescents (male or female).

>left image: meathead
>right image: pinhead

No, thanks.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

What improvement? It looks meh I agree but that's the female character, the new one in the release is genderless since its in the future

>The "fixed" one

She looks extremely off on the right. Like shes part alien

She looks like an lmao on the right. why not just remove some of her chin instead of shrinking her whole head?

triggered antifadrone detected

get thwacked loser

>Ugly adult women have jawlines.


wait is the one on the left the honest to god male model?

Covering all your bases, I see. But what will you do now that you have covered both sides of the shitposting political spectrum?

>underage virgin "edit"

You're not very smart, are you?

Make America Great Again!

>mixture of social constructs
>mixture of metals


op should uninstall photoshop

god damn, Aloy looks worse. looks like a chin/jaw-less having kike

OP has never seen a real life german girl. left is typical german face.

the one on the right looks like a fucking ayy. good job dude

Why did they whitewash her?

>implying most average women aren't ugly

to not offend native americans

so they offended native americans instead

t. unattractive woman with manface

>he's right
Im so sorry for you german bro

our women are top tier. only betafags want their women to look like shaved-jaw koreans

I'm less disgusted by her jawline, but by her wide cheekbones and fivehead. Would some bangs or something to hide that have been so bad?

is this a manlet convention?

read this outloud so you understand how much of a fag you sound like

the ones in black are brainlets too

>that pussy with the the pepper spray

i bet he posts online about being fully red pilled and alpha as fuck

>unhee real women have macho jaws


In here if a woman have a square jaw, people start wondering if she is a shemale all the time. What disgusting kind of country have women with manly face?

How does the man looks like where you guys live then? Their jaws are so manly they look like professor Utonium?

They would of been harder to animate.
>hurr durr

>he gets upset when his antifa bumbuddies get btfo

can't wait for the execution videos to start rolling out when trump deports them all to mexico

western developers have forgotten what women look like...

Both of those are ugly as hell. I don't speak for everyone, but having the main female character be pretty or ugly is a deciding factor in my purchase. Give me more shit like 2B, Atelier series, and so on.

im not antifa or whatever. if you think the weird baby guy in the vest using pepper spray is cool you're fucking gay

this is reverse conditioning, right? make the left one more appealing? because the face on the right... oh boy


You've made it even uglier than it was

>doesnt have a stick folder 1000 times
What are you going to do now with your shitty broken stick?

I know, they aren't prepubescent so of course they would be ugly. :^)

>the white American female composite looks more like Swedes and Germans than Brits and Irish

The graphics look beautiful but godamn does this game have some ugly character models. This is what happens when you focus more on graphics over good design choices

He's been brainwashed by anime to find all human females repugnant. Some are beyond saving.

This is the worst edit you could have possibly made

>implying Aloy isn't pretty

Waht the fuck the face on right is disgusting.

Because they wanted to go with the red haired neanderthal aesthetic.

Looks better than what we got.

I think she's gorgeous but apparently we aren't supposed to say that around here.

But, it's in the future, so it doesn't make sense. She should look closer to an anime character.

Aloy may be ugly, but the lore will make your jaw drop!

Chewbacca belongs on Kashyyyk. It does not, make, sense!

>right one
You have ten seconds to hand over the Meld and we might not dissect you.

Because 2D > 3D


Wow she was actually cute there. What the fuck.

Obviously, people haven't played the game, but someone told them on Sup Forums she was made ugly to appease SJWs

There's a strange feeling of satisfaction every time I see someone post picture I made

>Right image
>Attractive in any way

Someone please give that somali some cazuelas.

She does not looks like a stronk womyn that's the problem


>3DPD face model more attractive than the AAA studio's carefully crafted CG final model

They literally had the power to make her look prettier and deliberately chose not to.

Is this post supposed to be ironic? I can't tell anymore.

Not gonna lie, the ambient occlusion and lighting on her ear and hair is fucking stellar. I could only imagine what that engine could do on a high end PC with much better effects, textures, meshes, and LOD's.

Are you saying you think Aloy is more attractive than her reference model?

Guerrilla and Naughty Dog are the only two studios that know how to squeeze the most of shitty console hardware. Even then, they have to mask a lot of stuff with a lot of tricks. All the Killzones looked great for console games too.


KZ1 looked janky, let's not ignore that.

Unpause and it all goes away because that's the photomode.

What are they LARPing?

all these Sup Forumsirgins who've never seen a woman irl

No, the stupidity is the reasoning that a character design is bad because they aren't a carbon copy of [insert most beautiful individual in the world] reused again and again by every game.

Well, that was a PS2 game, you're right, I was talking about the PS3-PS4 era.

Here's a non-Photo Mode screenshot, the game actually looks good in motion too for a console game (too bad it's 30 fps)

Show her in profile so we can see how low-poly her ears are.

Right looks like a fucking alien

You won't be able to tell since you can't zoom on her like that without the Photo Mode in a non-cutscene environment anyway.

everyone who thinks im a gay retard is in fact a hillary clinton supporter numale. im not they gay one. my haters are

That's not my reasoning, you missed my point. My point was that they had the tools to make Aloy at least as attractive as her reference model or even more attractive but they made her uglier. Whether or not they tried to make her a carbon copy of the real life reference model is besides the point, in fact it'd be more impressive if they improved upon the models looks whilst giving her a more differentiated unique face, but instead the opposite happened.

Left looks like a tranny, right looks like a malnourished 14 year old boy wearing a wig.

Is this the standard PS4 version or downsampled to 1080p from Pro?

Honestly, it's not even about her being ugly. It's about her face simply being unlikable.

She's not really "ugly". She's not pretty either. Hear face is just not attractive at all. She has a normal shape to it, and she appears healthy.

She's just plain unlikable.

Give me FACE comparsion "alloy vs some kid from old animated movie"

Standard Plebstation 4

>normal shape
weeb/sexual deviant spotted

>low-poly her ears are.

Really grasping at straws eh mate?

>weeb/sexual deviant spotted
No, just someone who isn't faceblind. Different people have different traits about their faces. It just so happens, that they crafted the face of that person know one wants to be friends with.

Which I guess suits her, considering she's an outcast.

Not grasping, just want to see a non-photomode screenshot.

Unlike your photomode image

That's taken straight from a cutscene where all you can do is take a picture. What do you think this games photo mode does? Adds a gorillion more polygons and SSAA x8?

I'll try to make one in a few hours.

Take a moment and think what you said means.

It does make the model appears as it would in a cutscene and applies some other cutscene-exclusive effects, I suspect. But it sure doesn't add a better LOD, as evident here:

>Haha let me just move this goalpost since I was proven wrong

>Couldn't match my impossible standards that only I know about?

>Guess I win again

I get this is shitposting thread by salty drones, but I'm loving the game, everything about it is amazing and Aloy is genuinely, objectively ugly. We don't need this thread every hour. Also, I think this guy might be retarded.
''Low poly ears'' are you actually joking? It's like that guy who once said ''DS4 is shit because it hurts my thumbs''. I mean what?

Are you actually this retarded?

That makes more sense and had I understood it I wouldn't have made the post about you perhaps being ironic. However I don't agree with your sentiment. Beauty is both subjective and not the only goal when designing a character.

>Aloy is genuinely, objectively ugly

Here is your non-cutscene ear shot. Which im sure you'll cast off as some bullshot/doesn't fit your standard.