WE, the weaboos, DEMAND you give us JAPANESE LANGUAGE. The true, most faithful...

>WE, the weaboos, DEMAND you give us JAPANESE LANGUAGE. The true, most faithful, original and how it was intended language. Japanese audio or fuck off!
2 minutes later
>WHHHAAAATTT? what do you mean there are no english subs? How will I understand japanese then?

Every fucking time

Do not even bother posting here unless you speak japanese.

Bonus points: Faggots who dont realize the EN sub for the jap audio and the shitty EN localization is more often than not the same one, but they think they are reading a faithful translation

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm currently trying to learn Japanese with this book

Voice acting is a bad meme

Speaking and reading a language are 2 different things, especially for people wanting to learn Japanese.

Also Japanese VA elitist are cancer to society.

Is it useful?

Speaking of untranslated shit, what was the name of that one CRPG that was untranslated when it was released in Japan, so the game came with a Japanese strategy guide?

>japanese voiceover kiryu: stop
>american pig dubbing kiryu: wait a second you fucking retard
whats wrong with americans?
why do they have to destroy everything with their stupid faggot aggressive hamburger language?
beautiful calm japanese language doesnt deserve such shitty treatment!
OG jap voice or dont bother porting games at all you fucking gaijins!

Because translating every single form of やめ as "stop" loses character

So when are you passing N2, OP?

>progressive edition
fucking sjws ruined this localization
dont buy this reeeeee

In all seriousness though I'm learning through the GENKI books in class. Having fun, although I'm only in the second semester. Somehow managed to scoot by basically without studying aside from doing the homework

then how are you going to explain this scene?
in japanese version of game goes through the door like normal human being instead of kicking it out

US Army should have make Japanese people write in roman alphabet after WWII.

You know I'm right.

First thing it tells ya is to go live in Japan with the book.

Look into ようこそ、very good too.

>there will never be a global standard alphabet
Honestly, it would just make everyone's life easier

>Anything space related
>Earth acting as unified
Guess that's why they call it sci-fi.

Well they tried it with Esperanto

The funny thing is to know who was the first kid who was 100% fluent in esperanto.

Once you kick open a door once it becomes the only way you will ever want to open a door

Oh yeah fuck it's like anyone who takes up learning a language as a hobby can just fuck off to live in another country. Forget work, visas, inability to integrate with society doe to a massive language and cultural barrier, costs to set up and all that. Just do it dude lmao

I'm only at Lesson 3 so far, but I would say yeah. I'm mostly focusing on reading/writing Hiragana for now. Once I'm confident enough I'll get into vocabulary. Though some common phrases it teaches are easily memorized

George Soros was right?

Considering the massive progress globalisation managed to achieve towards destroying all of the world's cultures and turning them into one homogenised blob just over the past single decade, I'd hardly cosnider it that far off.

I thought it was pretty common knowledge that if you have no idea what they're saying, a 5/10 voice acting can be disguised as at least 7/10 voice acting

>The true, most faithful, original and how it was intended language.

I don't know why others do it but I usually prefer/wish for japanese audio because dubs are more often than not fucking atrocious in quality, like they picked up random people off the street and handed them a piece of paper to read without any direction.

>but what if the jap va is terrible too and you just can't tell?

That's the point, I don't care if it's good jap va, bad jap va, or platypus mating calls. It's all white noise to me, and that's often preferable than listening to shoestring budget english dubs.

do you watch movies dubbed?
do you only listen to english music?
of course you do, you're amerifat

>I don't know why others do it but I usually prefer/wish for japanese audio because dubs are more often than not fucking atrocious in quality
This. I just can't stand English dubs because the voice actors go full retard with the way they inflect their speech, almost like they're told like they have to voice it like it's Dora the Explorer or some shit.

can you pirate this shit?

I haven't gotten the book, but I just recently started learning Japanese and the author's Youtube videos have been really helpful.

Do you people also watch Der Untergang (Downfall) dubbed?

Doing that is a worse crime against humanity than anything depicted in the movie itself tbqhwy.

JP with JP subs master race

I like to play with English dubs AND subs

I listen to amateur dubs of Sigur Ros songs (dub on top of original audio) because who the fuck listens to music they can't understand?

I speak Japanese
Ja nai means not

Holy shit I hate it when they do that.

>through the dark lord, amen

How's Genki, my dudes?

You will never learn japanese

Wait, which game was this?

Not a game.

Gabriel Dropout, an anime running this season.

Oh, that show. I found the subs kind of funny as a joke sub, but I dropped it because I could watch better things.

What kind of deal did she make?

If you didn't want meme subs why did you download them?


Because fansub are dead since Crunchy garbage became mainstream? Fuck all of you normalfags for supporting this shit.

not hard to be honest, especially Japan
>apply for job there
>move there for a gap year
>spend year drinking, sightseeing, learning language and trying cool shit while making bank
>move back with conversational Japanese a year later
to your normal job and life

Not to mention Japanese is a pretty easy language to learn too. Just talk to people at work and in bars and you'll be fine in 6months without really studying anything.

Honestly, the hardest part of learning Japanese is learning to get away from the です ます crap that no-one actually really uses and trying to get a hang of colloquial Japanese.

>apply for job there
Not everyone is American and therefore eligible to be an "English teacher" leech though.

to add, Hiragana takes a couple hours to learn. Katakana about the same, but a couple like シ ツ ソ ン you'll mix up from time to time for a few months.

And honestly, reading/writing Japanese not that useful for the most part. You'll gradually learn probably ~2-300 kanji just living there for a while, maybe upwards 500 if you use a flashcard app on your phone or something. But you dont really need to be able to read in that country.

lol you what? I'm Aussie and been living here 12 years. There are heaps of people from the Phillipines, Brazil, Europe. I even knew an English teacher from Scotland there that no-one could understand, it was pretty hilarious.

Unless you're from Poo In Loo or something and have a degree anyone can live there.

Which subs aren't meme subs?

>thank you for the food

Thats what I want.

Fits the character though, right?

passed Nouryoku so i can speak on general level.
I hate reading though.



>when the translation is spot on


>by the time you're dead at least 50% of the world will be fluent in english and not being able to speak and write it perfectly will be the same as being a country bumpkin

Can't wait, fuck nationalism and fuck shitty cultures.


Hello Georgy boy,how's the BLM thing going?


Can people explain to me why you would want to learn japanese? Being able to play untranslated games and other weebshit is cool and all, but wouldn't you rather spend that time and effort learning a language that will actually help you in life?

Instead you chose to learn an overly complicated language that is only used on a single island and is only spoken by 125 million people

Lingua Francas come and go at will.
Your father was taught Russian because that got you around in the majority of the world whereas it is absolutely useless nowadays.
Your children (>implying) might end up having to learn Cantonese for all we know.

>but wouldn't you rather spend that time and effort learning a language that will actually help you in life?
Such as?

Vidya is my main hobby, and localization is fucking awful. It changes stories and changes characters.

I already speak english, which is enough for getting by in business relations in most of the relevant world.


Hirajuana is a pretty dank language.


Are you assuming that they couldn't use it for translation jobs, or even working in Japan or with Japanese companies? Not everyone wants to be a career grocery store clerk.

Just got my N2 certificate in the mail, shooting for N1 this year. This will be my third year of independent study. Currently playing Breath of the Wild, Higurashi act 1 and Daigyakuten Saiban in Japanese. /blog

For the same reason I learned English.
I haven't spoken to a native in person and all it has been good for is watching movies before they get subtitled, understanding games and navigating the English websites.

Likewise, learning Japanese would most likely hold no real use outside of playing their games (that rarely get a translation), watching cartoons without having to wait for shitty subtitles and possibly visting Asian portion of the web where almost no one speaks English, anyway.

I know it's hard for retarded american like you to understand but for Europe it's pretty much normal to know 5 languages fluent while you are an EOP and complain about every little thing.

>for Europe it's pretty much normal to know 5 languages fluent

If you're swiss, maybe

And even then, not fluent

I heard that there is no way for non-native to find a job teaching English in Japan, but I heard that on Sup Forums and another Internet place of questionable reputation so what do I know.

Do you think a non-native with English BA has a chance?
I'm Polish, with Danish mother but
>tfw no one wants to learn Polish
>tfw no one wants to learn Danish

tell me what does the moon runes on my pic mean

>first meeting of the first unified governent of Obamearth, the new name for the 3rd planet of the Sol system, named for the hero that slew Emperor Trump during his 4th inauguration ceremony
>deciding on the official language of the entire planet
>english is right out because of white privilege
>eastern languages are no good because it's a tuesday and asians are just as bad as whites until the next full moon when they'll be an opressed minority again
>german has too many nazi implications
>as does any romance language
>finally comes down to 2 choices
>that african clicking language narrowly beats arabic by 2 votes

This is the future liberals want

I meant this guy

Depends on where you live, of course.
People living on the borders usually speak 3 languages easily (English, as well as the langugaes of the two countries that share border there).

Take Slovakia-Hungarian border, for instance.
People there natively speak both Slovak and Hungarian.
And since they speak Slovak, they are almost assuredly fluent in Czech as well.
English is a must in today's world.

That's 4 languages out of the blue, 3 of which are basically native-level.
Compulsory education throws in another one for good measure so they realistically speak 5 languages without even living in a country that can't decide on its own language.

Scandis tend to be fluent in a lot of languages but that's because they are very similiar.

It basically means "to be continued" when used like that.

My friends brother went to Japan to teach English without speaking a worday of nip and he got married there.

His last name is now Nakamoto-Thompson

_______ foreigner?

つづく = Tsudzuku

It's often used as "To be continued" in cartoons.

anime is more important that anything you can do with any other language.

it's total trash, of course, but yurop is so irrelevant that more accurate characterization in your loli pantsu cartoons is more useful than everything that happens in every yuro nation.

chinese or russian might be useful when they take over, but we don't know which one yet

>tell me what does the moon runes on my pic mean

To be continued...

Japs have large global businesses, and research facilities, you'll find more use with Japanese in the world than most tiny Yurop nations.

every japanese game would be better without voice acting except for fighting and rhythm games

all it does is make the games more linear because nobody is going to bother paying a seiyuu a ton of money to record content that not everyone is going to see

it also lets people get away with making bad games because they know idol shiteaters will buy it anyway because person they like is in it. that 7th dragon game is a great example of this, game is a generic wizardry dungeon crawler clone that would've been passed up entirely if it didn't have the advertising of LOOK AT ALL THESE FAMOUS SEIYUU YOU CAN HAVE TO VOICE YOUR PARTY MEMBERS.

fucking disgusting

If it's animated in Japanese it will look weird in English unless they re animate everything, which they rarely do. They are free to make the game worse by wasting money on hiring english voice actors while removing the japanese audio, but don't expect me to buy the game.

>no english subs
Never happened, you're an idiot for thinking it did.

I started learning Japanese with really no goals in mind. I imagined I'd be reading VNs and untranslated games while scoffing at the peasants who were too lazy and unmotivated to take the time to learn it. I spent 2 years of daily study, averaging 6 hours each day. Some days I'd have 14 hours of study.

All that studying can really eat at you. I started to lose interest fast. I stopped doing those long stretches of VN reading practice and actually started playing video games again. 5 minutes of reading, 30 minutes of gameplay. 2 minutes of reading 30 minutes of gameplay. Things started to feel a bit better, but it didn't help. I had come to the realization that I had no interest in reading as a hobby. I didn't like reading English books, why did I assume I'd enjoy reading Japanese books as long as they had some pictures and basic background music accompanying it?

I have no interest in getting back into it knowing thousands of more hours of reading is required for fluency. I can't even enjoy cute little manga that I can understand without using a dictionary. I have no interest in translating. No interest in moving to Japan. No interest in conversing with people.

If you're learning Japanese soley for video games, you're most likely going to be very disappointed.

I hope you enjoyed my blog.

>What you want
>Japanese subtitles
So just download Jap subs you fucking idiot

I wouldn't mind learning French to check out their animated works. Plus, I think it sounds kind of nice.

Most people don't live on the border.

And being a scandi myself, it's not a case of being fluent, it's a case of the languages being so similar you can understand eachother while only speaking one of them. I can hold conversations with danes and norwegians just fine, but I can't speak either.

As a translator this ticked me off immediately. I understand the concept of localizing but going out of your way to translate a common phrase that even casual Japanese language enthusiasts like weebs know as something completely different from the norm is unacceptable. いただきます is "Thanks for the food" in every dimension of this universe and should be kept as such, being a translation hipster is one of the worst things you can plague your audience with.
Please do not support Crunchyroll, they have been putting out monkey typewriter quality translations for a good three to four years now and it's honestly baffling how nobody has any shred of self-respect over there that they put out such low quality work all the time.
I sincerely hope they all end up unemployed, there's no need for incompetence in an industry where quality is key, even for something as petty (if you will) as anime or manga. Tasteless and disgraceful.


In a perfect world you'd be judged by your skills, but we live in an imperfect world and you're white so that works out too.

As long as you can speak with an english or american accent and are white enough they won't care either way.

What sources did you use? Anything you can recommend?

I'd like to learn it just because I want to.

I think I'd actually be disappointed in myself if I learned something like Spanish over something that I actually have an interest in learning.

That said, I have no idea how to even start learning it.

Are there any video games that are easy to learn Japanese with?
I'm not a native English speaker but one of the ways I managed to pick up English so easily at a young age was through video games, so I wonder if I could try to do the same thing with Japanese.

I get the meme but I hope you understand you left me genuinely confused.

That doesn't really make sense in the context and I had to verbalize it to get what you were saying.

>but wouldn't you rather spend that time and effort learning a language that will actually help you in life?
This is such a fucking stupid statement it's baffling. I live in a country where I speak my native language and I already speak the Lingua Franca of the entire civilised world. What do you suggest? "Chinese cuz most speakers in wurld lol"? Why would I force myself to learn a language I don't give the slightest shit about and don't need over one I have some interest in as a hobby? What's with these Sup Forums retards always spewing this don't do anything in your life that isn't 100% pragmatical" which is hilariously ironic coming from a video games board?

How did they translate it? Something like bon appetit?

>but wouldn't you rather spend that time and effort learning a language that will actually help you in life?
Where your career goes in the future could end up being based on the languages you know. I already know Spanish and English, plus a little Portuguese, and don't went to spend my life on the US/Mexican border. Or worse, in Brazil.

Plus there's the added benefit of being able to shitpost on 2chan and play vidya or read manga that the normie-tier weebs have to wait months or years to enjoy.

Literally any fucking mainstream game.

Don't forget that most game are intended to be played by children and teenagers.


i'm just starting to learn hiragana so this might be a dumb question, but why is the romaji so inconsistent for some kana? Like, what i learned that would be tuduku. is it just imperfect romanization?