Sup Forums shits on PS4 for only having Bloodborne

>Sup Forums shits on PS4 for only having Bloodborne
>Switch only has BOTW
>Suddenly it's the best console ever

>Sup Forums shits on Xbox for it's high failure rates and paid online practices
>Calls Switch the best console ever

>Sup Forums shits on Horizon reviews as shilling
>Treats BOTW reviews as objective truth

Nintendogaf, explain these double standards.

>Sonyfag trying to pretend they don't constantly shill and shitpost all over the place about their console
>Sup Forums shits on both consoles
>T-T-They only defend the Switch I swear!
1/10 bait, here's a pity (you)

PS4 also has Yakuza 0 and Persona 5.

And a lot more memes aside.

Switch doesn't even have ONE because Zelda is a multiplat.

>Persona 5
I honestly hope you aren't trying to pass this off as a good exclusive

Have you ever considered that the three people you're describing in the OP are three different people and not the same person

>Suddenly it's the best console ever
>Calls Switch the best console ever
>Treats BOTW reviews as objective truth
Literally NO ONE thinks this

Botw is goat. End of story. Switch is shit like every fucking console.

This. There are like 5 shitposters a day "defending" the switch. Stop being retarded OP.

that's cool since BOTW isn't even an exclusive

Why did you use a picture of a traveling sovereign citizen that is clearly doing nothing wrong?

>comparing switch to rrod

Hi underage

>console comes out literally 3 days ago
>should be able to beat a console which has been out for like 3 years now

I know this is a bait thread but in case it isn't, you're a mongol.

I've seen this picture posted so many times is there any story behind it or just a negro with poor spending habits?

>pc fags shilling as sonybros and nintendodrones
same goes for you retards, never change Sup Forums

almost as if different people had different opinions

But the Switch is LITERALLY better than the PS4 in every way.

>Talk about Persona 5 being shit
>B-B-But BoTW
Oh lord this is pathetic

Don't play stupid.

heres your

And Nioh now

Lol ok. PS4, wiiu, and xbone not included.

botw is a good game from a series with several masterpieces
bloodborne is an ok game from a meme series that got stale after the first

i dont know about best console ever but the failure rate doesn't even come close to the 360. i'm never going to defend paid online, but i also don't play online with consoles so it doesn't really affect me

reviews are all shit, but numbers are easy to throw around at eachother.

>Not being absolutely shat on

Choose only one

>Nobody ever mentions Gravity Rush 2

I like it

Switch doesn't even have BoTW. It's on Wii U aswell and even runs better.

The best console claims I agree, no one says this, but people treating the reviews like objective truth and not shilling, that's bs.

neither is Persona 5 bro, it's coming out on a console that has more than 10 years old.

Nice victim complex

post one game ps4 had on launch.

hurr hur

post one exclusive the Switch had on launch.

Not OP but Zelda shitters are going around parading it as a 10/10 game and defending the Switch till threads are dead. I don't know why either. Who does that?


We never ever did that you toon.
>le /vee/ is a single person
KYFTYS amigo.

I can play all of the mini games without the switch, haha.
All I'll need is two sticks.

Pff nonsense, those posts are all made by that anonymous guy.

ok, then Knack. Nigga, you serious?

>someone says zelda is good
>Hey! That faggot said the switch was the best console ever!
Nice logic there douche.

I see your Knack and raise you Snipperclips

I think thats Kodak Black. He's a famous rapper. He's locked up.

Are you retarded, user, or simply blind?

>that fucking interior

You weren't around yesterday. There were multiple threads shitting on Witcher 3 saying that BOTW was the first good open-world game.

Killzone: Shadowfall

I have seen a couple shitposters "defending" the switch over the past few days. I have seen hundreds and hundreds shitting on it. I personally don't think it's good but i do think zelda is good and guess what? It's on wii u and cemu too so when someone defends zelda, they aren't defending the switch. Or is that too hard for you to figure out? I guess i'd see eye to eye with you if i hated myself and hated video games and just wanted to shitpost on an imageboard as my only source of entertainment.

Super Bomberman R

Maybe not the first good one but certainly the best. How does that equate again to the switch being good? Is everyone here fucking stupid?

PS4 has only Bloodborne for four fucking years. FOUR.

I literally never said that you blind retard, that's why I asked if you were blind. I said they went around doing both, and yes, there have been more threads shitting up on the Switch, but only because BoTW came out just two days ago. Jesus.

>and defending the Switch till threads are dead.

I must be blind because i have only seen a small handful of people defending it and i took most of them as absolutely 100% Shitposting.

There's a difference between finding things happening when the console is released to the market, and the failure rates of the fucking Xbox 360.