Shrine of Amana

>Shrine of Amana


They wanted to combine every shitty elements from other zones to make the worst zone in the series?

it's a great level

>mfw casuals got it nerfed

at least it wasn't as bad as dark souls patch 1.04 in terms of casualization

It would have been fine if the arrows didn't home in so much and the enemies didn't pop into existence twenty metres away. God what an atrocious game.

you don't have to pretend it's a good level, nobody thinks you're cool for saying it

>Homing arrows
>Slow walking
>Cliffs you can't see because of water reflectivity
>Terrible boss fight
>Annoying equipment degrading enemies right outside of bonfire
>Have to come back there for DLC bullshit

It's not the worst souls area, but its damn close.

lmao i was actually kind of excited with the direction the game was going in the area just before with the singing music

then i get to this area and there are mages firing spells at me from across the fucking level, what the fuck

Learn to roll you fucking casuals

>people still assblasted about roll timing the level even after nerfs

Damn those steam achievment %'s for Souls games are true, they can't be all unplayed copies.

not surprising, there are a lot of people that think they beat souls games summoning when someone else beats it for them

>need to have a torch out to see the ground because the level has instant drop-offs
>rolling puts out the torch

>can't snipe enemies because pop-in makes them spawn 20 feet away

hurr it's easy just use a bow

What was it like before nerf? I just cheesed the level with poison arrows

The second part of this level with the NPC invader that also shoots homing shit at you from the water is so fucking bullshit

>>can't snipe enemies because pop-in makes them spawn 20 feet away
Are consoles really this bad? I thought there wasn't any real differences between the versions?

You can kill those cunts for 100 yards away on SotFS PC.

spells homed in more, retards who don't know about iframes on roll and tried to run away from them cried bitch tears

I can roll them, it's a bad level

>Cliffs you can't see because of water reflectivity
Use a torch :^)

>wow how dare these people play co-op in a game with online co-op as a main feature

I don't even know what was so hard about Amana and I played melee on DaS2 launch. You can dodge the projectiles just by walking. There's plenty of broken pillars or walls for you to take a breather and heal up if needed.

you can play however you want, but you didn't beat the game, someone beat it for you

Its pathetic game dev's change levels jsut because some whiny faggots complain

Seriously it was a difficult level but its not bad at all, a nice challenge and mix up of your play style

I unironically like this level and I loathe the fact that they nerfed it, at least I got to play the original once.

Just make him chase you into one of the ruined shrines, he gets stuck in the tight corridors and you can jump attack him into submission

They don't call it worst souls for nothing

>beat the game

you didn't beat it, someone beat it for you

just watch a let's play if you don't want the experience of beating it yourself. enjoy your participation ribbon, i guess

this shit was painful before they nerfed it, but somehow i enjoyed it. whole area was interesting.

>market game for being difficult
>constantly nerf things when pussies complain

>people pretending this level is good to be contrarians

oh boy my favorite part of souls is standing behind pillars and shooting arrows


it's not even tough it's just annoying

The games are as hard as you allow them to be, not so hard if you're allowed to summon people to do everything for you huh?

I thought design-wise it was one of the more memorable areas in DaS2. I only played it post-patch though, at least I think, so I didn't have too many issues.

>enemies didn't pop into existence twenty metres away.

>How to spot a console pleb

Once you learn the secret of mob pulling with arrows from a distance, it is E-Z and all core video game players should be used to mob pulling.

You probably never bothered to be good at video games but mob pulling is when you get an enemy's attention, on your terms, while setting your self in an advantageous position.

Gitgud scrub.

Everyone who has posted about enjoying it so far has played pure melee. Maybe you didn't like it because you played the most boring, safe, cowardly way imaginable?

I play every souls game with a guide and cheese the bosses with a full coop party. I want to fight other players (where you actually need some skill) instead of memorizing boss patterns and enemy ambushes.

yeah, on top of that invasion kept getting nerfed to the point where there is no point in invading DaS3 since you'll get 4v1ed along with a seed

Demon's souls was the best because they couldn't just ignore you and go to the boss

why are you so offended buddy? Did you summon for every boss or something?

>pure melee
>most cowardly
>says the magic user

nice bait

Magic is melee combat now...?

>How to spot a console pleb

PC. Enemies would pop into existence and their animations would play at 5 FPS if they were more than 20 metres away.

It was an interesting gimmick level, but the enemy placement was just silly.

I read that wrong sorry user

it's your fault for playing like a faggot, not ours


Designed by niggers

You can just run to the boss but DeS is the best because you can 1 shot faggy phantoms easily

Are these games more populated for PvP on consoles or PC? Im gonna get Dark Souls 3 but not sure which platform to get it on

>this ugly motherfucker

you can?

havn't played the online in a while but I remember there was no prompt to enter the fog gate if you were invaded.

PC has less from my experience with ps3/PC DaS1, can't speak for 2/3

>build up sin
>farm seeds
>chill by the second bonfire wait for blue faggots to show up



I fucking HATE the hitbox on his bite attack. I thought sotfs was supposed to have fixed shit like that.

PVP is dead in every souls game. only the die hard autists still pvp.

Yes you can. The invader gets a message that they failed the mission and are returning to their world

Console always had the most active community, rule of thumb. I guess pc people don't really play video games.

You can apply that criticism to the entire series. Literally everyone but you realized playing that way isn't fun and stopped.

PvP is alive in das3 but don't bother it's pure shit because of how stacked against the invader it is

It used to be way way worse on launch.


I already played DaS 2 for 360 when it launched, should I buy Sotfs? Does it changes a lot? Are the dlc good?

None of the drop offs were anywhere near the main path

The souls community is more concentrated on console because of DeS and Bloodborne

Also burned a bunch of these bad boys.

his teeth and claws are made of magnets

The DLC are some of the best in the series. SotFS was solid and fixed a lot of issues in the original.

It would have been much better if it wasn't just a corridor with mobs casting spells at you. But i guess that was too much to ask from b-team. At least you can get the twinblade in this place to outcheese the rest of this game

des is dead and bloodborne isnt even on's top 100 selling ps4 titles. souls pvp is dead on all platforms. good luck even finding someone to summon on ng++ just for jolly co-op

>GOAT aesthetic
>the critical path is clear but you're rewarded for watching your step and exploring into the distance
>enemies aggro when the nito milfs stop singing
>the environment is more than window dressing
>gimmicks based on your humanity
>decent loot
The only bad part of Amana is the drakekeepers. They hit too hard for how fast they are, and they're unparryable.

It's true for most other games as well though, not only Souls. It's also not true at all, barely anybody played DeS compared to DaS and it's sequels, for example.

DLC is the best levels in the series.

Base game isn't changed radically, but it's more open because you can get a fragrant branch much earlier.

>console players
>getting to NG++
thanks for the laugh

>friends bring their casual buddies through the game
>invaders try to lure them into mobs
>then go on Sup Forums and post this when it don't work

Invaders are faggots 90% of the time and I'm glad From put them in their place.

>create an interesting obstacle for the players to overcome
>people whine about it because it's hard

Faggots, variety in gameplay is exactly what the series needs


get it on PC so you can play in 60fps wtf kind of question is this?

>des is dead
There's a shitload of people playing DeS to this day. They just don't summon anymore, but you can still see the map littered with bloodpools, messages and recomendations and ghosts.

There were only a couple drakekeepers and they're all next to solid ground so you can get normal movement, I like them as an addition since it adds some real variety to the combat in the area.

>they just don't summon anymore,
dead game.

The level was basically "how to get gud at rolling 101". Even in the original it's not particularly hard. Plus the level is really rejuvenating. I want to float on those abyss while looking at the trees forever.

Wrong. And the community started on DeS, it's only natural that even after many years that playstation is still the largest community

>It's another "i'm a hardcore gamer and you're not" thread

>[muffled homing arrow sound in the distance]
made good use of my poison arrow supply, but still fuck this shit

You're an idiot

>he didn't get good
ayylmao @ you're life

>Dark Souls II


DS2 fanboy 101: "Don't like this part of the game? Ha, git gud!"

I care more about being able to PvP regularly with an active community than 60fps

Its mildly annoying but tame after the patch.
Playing like a complete asshole is the only way to have any fun with das2 anyways. My favorite method is to summon three guys and then run past all the enemies, then lead your giant aggroed train back to the group, having them to clean up your mess of 500 monsters. I call it musou mode

lol. Nobody played DeS in comparisson to DaS. Most people here only ever heard of it, and most people in real life either never even heard of DeS or didn't bothered going back to a "worse" game. Only a few people played it first. This means literally nothing.

PC is insanely active in all 3 souls games, senpai

This is what happens when you criticize any souls game and many other games too
"Don't like what I like? It's because you're bad and you died"

read here carefully bub, des is easily one of my all time favorite games, beaten it multiple times on different types of characters, BUT ITS A DEAD FUCKING GAME, ITS FUCKING DEAD JIM, ITS FUCKING DEAD

I just got done with a playthrough of DaS1 on PC, you couldn't be more wrong

Dumb post

if you didnt play shrine of armana on vanilla das2 then you dont get to complain.

>an interesting obstacle

I only like this level because it's so obnoxious to invade on with my ninja build. I used the item that let's you disguise yourself and everyone is dumb, so they never notice and I end up backstabbing one of them every time.

He's full of shit

More active than consoles.