Can't wait for SNES mini

>walk into store
>see this
>buy two
>feels good man

Other urls found in this thread:


>he paid $74 for a $60 console

The NES Classic is the ultimate shitbiscuit.

The original price in europe is 69,99 Euro

>30 pre-installed games and no way to buy more
Why do people buy these again?

Can you name 30 more good NES games?

Are all 30 games included in this good?!

>paying 70 euros for 30 year old ROMS you could've found and emulated in 5 minutes with a better controller
>selection isn't even that incredible
>can't even add more games to it nor play NES cartridges with it
>retardedly short controller
>doesn't come with a second controller to justify its price
>is LITERALLY just a ROM box with 30 games pre-loaded

For what purpose?

Yes, sir all 30 of them

What's the fucking point if you can only play 30 games? I just want to play Blaster Master but no fucking nintendo has to fuck it up. Besides if you want something physical instead of emulator you might as well get buy an original NES and original games.

I'm emulating games since first grade. It's not the same... Underage faggots like you just don't get it

You could have made a mini computer to play limitless games for half the price.

>with a better controller

goys, I'm a silly pirate faggot and I think that my pirate controller is better for playing NES games than a fucking NES controller.


Nah mate i won't pay 50 Euro and up for shitty used NES with a worn out controller that can only play games at 50 Hz

Doesn't have most of these games:

>What's the fucking point if you can only play 30 games?

there are 80 games on my NES Mini including DuckTales.

or these

>buying an emulator in a box with only 30 games and 3 feet cords
>when you could buy a famiclone, a 154 in 1 cartridge and have a better NES experience

you guys are so fucking stupid it blows me away

or these either.
Especially FF3.

I don't want a mini PC

This thing is simple, thats why it's so great



Müller sold me a NES Mini right on release day. God bless 'em.

>it's not the same
yeah it's better you fucking cuck loser
enjoy your trash toys for babies while i fuck bitches and don't have a load of stupid console shit cluttering my house

P.S.: hope you used a Rossmann coupon for 10% off.

pretty much every nes game i like isn't in this shitbox
no sachen games either so it's LITERALLY WORTHLESS to hong kong master race

I know for damn sure it doesn't have Akumajou Densetsu, Just Breed, or Lagrange Point.

NES Mini can't do expansion audio, after all.

uhh lmao?

nice 70 dollar rom machine I guess

>only 30 games


nigga just could of bought a usb nes controller for like five dollars and plugged it into his toaster holy fuck

n64 mini when? Nintendo are sitting on a fucking gold mine with their n64 emulation and they aren't doing anything with it

>n64 mini when?

after snes mini.
Trademark was registered a few weeks ago.

I actually have and indeed they are great

awww yiss best news I've heard all day

>tfw still have my snes donkey kong bundle my parents got for me because they couldnt afford the new n64 at the time

Most durable Nintendo console I ever used. Still fucking works to this day.

I hope it's DKC 1

I hope snes mini will get more than 30 games. There are so many superb snes games. Can't wait.

A mini computer is simple too. Just plug and play.

I hope it does too, but it's not like the NES mini wasn't hacked to get every other NES game. We'll be ok.

Just hack it. It takes all of 5 minutes to hack it.

All i want is Terranigma, Secret of Evermore and Hagane on this thing

I even would pay 200 €

>buy two
Why buy two?
Why buy this at all?
Is OP retarded?
That was a dumb question, of course OP is retarded.
Did you really have to create a thread dedicated to your retardry though?

>walked into store today
>saw those
>didn't buy anything because i'm not an idiot
feels good man

I'm pretty sure Hitler would have at least bought one

You can install every NES game on it. You can even install Retroarch and play different consoles. Not officially of course, but you can

Otherwise I agree

Are the last two you listed translated?



Almost looked like Karas. Can't believe I haven't played this.

He's trying to say he's too stupid to make one.

It's really underrated and rare but one of the best snes games i've ever played

roms aren't rare, unless they're like DKC

>Is OP retarded?
>That was a dumb question, of course OP is retarded.

yes, OP is totally retarded.
He will now go full retard and sell one of those for max profit on ebay, so that his other one is literally free. What a retard, ey?

I was also a full retard, buying 2 copies of Fire Emblem Fates and selling them for 100 bucks profit each.

I'm talking about the physical version
The cartridge goes for over 120 € alone

hipster detected

Hitler would have bought them all.

Not everyone like you grew up with a Playstation 3 and Wii

They go for like $120 on ebay. After all the fees and shipping, he'll be lucky to make $20 in profit.

>Inaccurate emulation
>Input lag
>$60 for 30 games
>Missing classic titles
>Includes retarded titles
>Visual glitches unique to the NES Mini
>$60 for 30 NES games that can easily be obtained for free
>Bad filter options
>No proper scaling options
>Poor sound effects
>Pixels jittering off the grid
>$60 for 30 NES games that can easily be obtained for free and played on a much, much better emulator

It's a cash-in aimed at the ''muh childhood'' normies. If you actually spent money on this, you have to have brain damage.

How does it feel not to be loved?

Not an argument.

It's actually got the least amount of input lag of any other similar sized device. A raspberry pi running retroarch has so much input lag that it's unplayable. NES classic has an almost unnoticeable amount of lag.

>Inaccurate emulation
The 2016 NES model cannot be "inaccurate".
It defines the NES canon, not emulates it.

>He doesn't know
/vg/ figured out how to install more games months ago, m'man.

>No Journey to Silius
>No Shatter Hand
>No Sweet Home
>No Gimmick!
>No Gargoyle's Quest II
>No Metal Storm

Though Cobra Triangle is straight fire though.

Can these be modded to play other games yet? If they were able to take SD cards in the cartridge slot this would be a literal perfection.

Something I still regret is when we were kids, we wanted the N64, so my dad took our snes and games, traded then in and got an N64. That night I realised the mistake I had made. Later in highschool I bought a SNES with super mario world, sim city, and super mario RPG. Through the years I was able to slowly rebuild my collection, but not perfect. I've finally resorted to buying japanese copies of games on ebay, since they are much cheaper, so far got Super Street Fighter, DK 1, 2 3, mario kart, yoshi's island, f zero, super bomberman 5 and 6, all for less than 50 dollars. Fuck the retro gaming bubble in the west, and fuck scalpers.

The sell for 120 EUR (not including postage) on ebay. He paid 63 EUR.
Do the math.

Why the fuck does anyone want to spend 60 bucks on a glorified emulator let alone buy two. I could run all these 30 games and more off my fucking phone and they would run better even. But of course only the dumbasses will shell out the money for this garbage.

Because it's not a "glorified emulator". It's the thing itself.

>Can these be modded to play other games yet?

for around 2 months now.
They do not have a SD slot, but they are powered by USB. And Nintendo fucked up and you can upload games + even other emulators to it.

It can easily be modded to include every NES game though, so I guess enjoy your obsolete physical collection

>still not in stock ANYWHERE

>It's the thing itself
No, it isn't. It doesn't sound or look nearly as good as an actual NES.

So, is nes mini gud?
Does it output in original resolution?
Does it feels like playing an original NES?

I got a CRT and I want to test it.

Thats a whole lot of mad there son

>fuck bitches
>posts on Sup Forums
You can lie to yourself user, but youre not fooling anyone here

It's HDMI only

>No, it isn't. It doesn't sound or look nearly as good as an actual NES.
Doesn't matter if you like it, even a shitty NES model is still an original NES and defines "accuracy" by simply existing.

>when you realize that the controller cable was so short to force you to sit in front of your TV so that you can try to understand how the console was played 30 years ago

Why was gaming so shit back then?

It's an emulator box running Linux.

>It's an original NES
Well, technically, I guess that's true. An original NES model that's inferior to the old one.

NES is garbage.

SNES is where its at.

>Well, technically, I guess that's true. An original NES model that's inferior to the old one.

You can put SNES, neogeo, gba roms on it, and so on.

I don't know what the fees are in europe, but here's the calculation:
$120 - $15 shipping - $12 ebay fees - $4 paypal fees = $89
$89 - $66 (retail price + tax) = $23 in profit

>NES is garbage.

millennial shitposter
get out


oh and I forgot to include the price of materials for shipping, since most people don't just have shipping boxes and bubble wrap lying around, so that probably brings it down to like $10 profit, not including the cost and time waste of having to go to the post office

are you retarded?
I already said that it sells for 120 EUR, postage NOT included. I even added a link.

Postage is 5 EUR. And in Europe all prices already include tax. So he paid literally 63 EUR for each of them.

I just used the official ebay calculator, which says 12.50EUR fees (and that's even being dumb, just wait a bit, ebay offers 5 EUR max fees every few weeks, I used that for my fire emblem fates copies). You do not have to offer paypal, national buyers will buy it anyway.

Nostalgia sells like hot cakes.

I'm going by what it sells for on ebay in america, not in your cuck country. Also, there's no way shipping is that cheap anywhere in the world.

>since most people don't just have shipping boxes and bubble wrap lying around

Just kill yourself, seriously.

>It's not the same
But it is. The SNES mini uses emulation you retard.

>majority of Sup Forums doesn't get it

And so it goes

Got a leaked list of the SNES mini games.

>No VRC6


Not everyone is a neet who needs to buy and sell shit on ebay every week to supplement their welfare check. Most of us have jobs that pay much better for much less effort.

Cool story, bro

>I'm going by what it sells for on ebay in america

So really retarded I see.
You see that huge ass age rating? Yeah, that's USK rating from Germany. The other one is PEGI. So it's a European NES mini.

So where is OP going to sell it? Oh I know, it will be within Europe and your retarded backwards 3rd world country is irrelevant. It's only spreading chaos + terrorism all over the world, that's all it's capable of doing.

looks like the playlist of shitty games of the angry video game nerd.


>majority of Sup Forums doesn't get it
>And so it goes

I'm not surprised. Majority of Sup Forums is retarded millennials, who aren't into actual great games anymore, but are literally graphic whores, who actually give a fuck about gameplay, so the opposite of gamers.

user, some ppl here do fuck bitches. However, its a shame they have to pay for sex instead of going to parties for free sex or in the worst case getting into a relationship.