Reminder that console exclusivity is a 100% anti-consumer practice and literally the only reason exclusives exist is to force people to buy overpriced and underpowered systems.
Reminder that console exclusivity is a 100% anti-consumer practice and literally the only reason exclusives exist is to...
Too poor to idort?
Stop being a NEET and get a real job. Or stop caring about how green the grass is on the other side and get to understanding basic capitalism.
These types of responses are clearly shills or shitposters. Thanks for the contribution faggot.
>businesses want money
holy shit... this is really making me think...
That post still doesn't make me want to own an Xbox One Exclusive.
You tell 'em, Goldstein! He needs to stop being so entitled!
>doesn't think exclusives are the greatest games ever made
Wake the fuck up OP. Exclusives are the only games you should EVER play. Their quality is absolutely unmatched.
user you've been in a coma for 2 years....
wtf i love corporations now
>Xbox One """exclusives"""
its just a waste of money when i have other hobbies i could spend the same money on and get more out of it rather than be able to play 99% of the games i already have at a lower quality plus one or two new ones that run like shit
id sooner meditate all day day than start playing games at 30fps again, literally rather stare at a wall thinking of nothing
All XBone games are available on Win10 though. Microsoft cucked their console to push NSA.
that one is not on windows 10 store. most exclusives from 2015 and previous years aren't.
Somebody wasted money on irrelevant hardware aka pc/nintendo and now is jealous?
You got only yourself to blame for poor life's choices.
>never ever face on a literal nigger
How fitting.
30fps is being a little optimistic.
>its ok if gpu and cpu creator sell their shit for insane prices
>muh console
>spending $500 for a gpu that will give you 60 fps at 1440p
>can always play any and all older games with no issues
>spending $500 on a console that will give you 20-30 fps at 720p
>and then having to buy another one because old games run like ass on new consoles for some fucking reason
>to push NSA.
Is there any actual evidence behind this or is it just a meme?
Asking for a friend.
Astounds me this is still a thing, it doesn't need to be like it used to.
How will videogames every reach the same level of artistic merit as cinema or literature with bs like this in place?
Money they are not earning. But really you're right, they're not doing anything wrong. If I could cultivate idiocy in a demographic and trick them into buying the contents of bowels, I certainly would too.
The really funny thing is that a practice like platform exclusivity would trigger an outrage in any other consumer base. Movies only playing back on certain players made by a certain manufacturer? Film freaks would be enraged and demand an end to such practices.
Songs only playing back on certain devices made by certain manufacturer? Sup Forumstants would riot.
But not in vidya land, no. In vidya land the useful idiots got suckered into the juvenile "Us vs Them" mentality that the hardware manufacturers embedded into their marketing, and now they take pride in exclusivity, as it was some kind of mark of quality.
True, but I'd wager a number of great games wouldn't exist, or wouldn't be nearly as good if it weren't for the funding they got from whatever console manufacturer to release their game as an exclusive.
Though, personally, most of my favorite games are very low-budget.
>all those console exclusives of the past that are stuck at a 320x240 resolution and require the old hardware (that at some point will stop working) to function
>some of the consoles will never have good quality emulation
Makes me sad.
>The Order: 1886 is two years old
It's a 100% capitalist practice
Capitalism is all about getting you to buy shit you don't actually need but that nevertheless is worth more than nothing
Having a Nintendo Switch is a different experience to having a PS4 even though I don't really need both or either.
If a person wanted to make a movie or music player and then spend their making a movie or album that would only play on heir device on their media(like a blue ray) then they have that.
They don't do that because it would be financial suicide.
So as far as game consoles manufacturers go. Well they allow anyone to produce games and make profits from the license they sell to game developers. The exclusive thing is kind of a no brainier if your not 12 years old and understand business. By this logic KFC and coca-cola should not be allowed to have a secret recipe because people have to buy their product to enjoy chicken or soda that only they can produce.
>I'm a pleb that spews shit from my mouth if a cock is not carefully inserted into my mouth every hour
As an idort I can literally guarantee you I hate consoles 10 times more than a PC only user. The amount of shit I have sitting around is getting ridiculous and I have no option to get rid of it if I want to keep playing these games.
>I just throw insults when I can't come up with a legitimate argument
why you so mad?
That's first party exclusives, which are understandable. But first party exclusives are the minority of exclusives. Most exclusives are made by third party studios paid to develop a game for their system exclusively.
That is pretty much paying your competition out of the race AND taking the resulting product hostage, using it as material to virtually blackmail customers into buying your system.
It is an entirely jewish practice that is indefensible.
Also, as to your food analogy, there are other chicken and soda products you can consume than Coke and KFC. An exclusive game can only be played if you spend money to buy the platform it is on. To use your analogy, it's like KFC made it so that ANY chicken you want to eat must be eaten out of a KFC bucket that you must buy separately.