The switch is the donald trump of video games

>Loudly declares desire to shake up the paradigm
>Most people confident it wont be successful
>Bogged down by scandal after scandal
>One halfway decent accomplishment mired by numerous other bad decisions
>not competent enough to accomplish anything meanwhile, or that will be remembered beyond its brief tenure

Prove me wrong

Spike DIES at the end

Other urls found in this thread:

>amerifat politics
out with you

America leads, the world follows you eurocuck. I can't wait until the towelheads roll you over and you have to call us for help again.

>hurr durr drumpf is dum
How profound


>wins anyway because the person he was up against was somehow worse


at least you tried


Just stating facts user. Nintendo executed a master ruse, they figured out how to sell one game for $360, i respect good business practices.

If by "worse" you mean "based," yes.

good word association! heres a cookie

>the donald trump of video games
That was the single most cancerous, least video games video game statement I've ever heard. You're a sickening sack of shit and I hope you die shortly after reading this.

God damn how mad where these guys when they made this?

these are the fuckers that wasted like $100,000 on digging a hole right? Why the fuck wouldnt they give it to charity? fucking dems

if you love the switch so much why arent you playing it instead of being butthurt on Sup Forums?

is yours bricked like everyone elses? :\

>he doesnt understand geopolitical economics
whens naptime kiddo?

You're gonna delete that post

I don't know, how mad were Trump supporters when they made this?

No, my screen is too scratched to play it.

Not mad at all since they won.

Dude, the Hillary Side has a sick volcano, free bananas and at least one free shoe. How could you not choose it?

Shut the fuck up you false-flagging dickless gigafaggot. All these poorfags trying to drag down the Switch with all this fake bullshit, my Switch isn't scratched at all and I've been taking it from home to the bus to school since release. This is literally the most baseless thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums. Burn in hell.

>Ben Garrison's attempts to depict Hillary Clinton as evil just make her look fucking badass instead

Why must reality lie to me?

PC = Trump
PS4 = Hillary
XBone = Jeb
WiiU = Jill Stein
Switch = Rand Paul
3DS = Marco Rubio
Vita = JF Kennedy

Enjoy watching your country get sold out by a 70 year old man in a hairpiece.

>Land of the free, home of diabetes

Have you even talked to a Trump supporter? They are mad all the fucking time

Thanks for spoiling a 20 year old anime faggot

Is Trump secretly the leader of Teen Titans?

Are you kidding, all the ones I met are happy as fuck now that they wont have to deal with more gibsmedats.

Nice edits, can I have the original ones?

You know if you really want to play Breath of the Wild that bad you can just by a used WiiU right? Theres no need for low effort shitposting

The worst part is that Trump is doing his fucking version of that right now

Ben Garrison is just as miserable now as he was before Trump won.

He drew this just last week.

you lame nigga


>keeping out terrorists
>freeing people from being force to pay exorbitant healthcare costs
>aligning us with the 3rd most powerful nation in the world, unifying the security council
>removing old blood from washington
youre right we're screwed

All political artists are miserable, the whole point is to draw a comic about how you are upset about anything that is currently happening in politics, look at Horsey's comics for example, he was mad even when he thought Obama was going to win a third term.

So they aren't yelling fake news all the time? They aren't calling every non-american Eurocuck etc?

>Sup Forums in my shitty Sup Forums
Can't we all just go back to talking about how cynical we are?

Everyones screaming fake news, from CNN to Fox to even minor networks like Huffington and Buzzfeed.

>buy wiiu
dont you mean emulate?

What did he mean by this?

Yes, yes, but where is the original picture?

yeah and none of that is true
Have fun with being cucked by Trump