Thinking of picking up an online card game, looking at:

Thinking of picking up an online card game, looking at:

How generous are these games on giving out cards? How varies is the meta (how many viable decks are there)? How ded are these games?

Hearthstone is free


It's also not the only free but its the worst one filled with RNG shit.


all card games are luck based

Magic Duels. It's f2p and has most cards from Origins and up.

Duelyst is pretty generous. There's a lot of different deck types. It may look dead if you go look at the steam stats, but most people play the game through it's own launcher or browser.

There's a new expansion coming this month too.

shadowverse throws assloads of packs at you and if you feel like rerolling you can make a tier one deck right off the bat


Hearth is not very generous. The balance is okay but they love letting coin flips decide games. It's the most active though.
Pokémon isn't very generous but if you apply a bit of capitalism that stops mattering, since you can buy say 16 of a card for a pack and sell 4 for a pack, making profit. It's about as balanced as Hearthstone with far less rng competitive wise but not quite as active.
Shadowverse is extremely generous with packs. Likely the most generous, actually. Also has better overall game design than Hearth despite being similar, so if anything I'd directly recommend it over HS.
Duelyst is also fairly generous, and despite the core game play being super interesting, the design team has no idea what they're doing half the time. Unfortunate because it really is otherwise great.
Could not speak for Eternal, never played.

Shadowverse is probably the best when taking free- and alive-ness into consideration

shadowverse the best

Her sister is better

I already play cockatrice with a few buddies, no need to get another magic client and grind when you can already get all the cards. How is the client, though?

>Heartstone: dlc microtransaction cancer with low drop


Shadowverse is pretty fun

You need 1 of a lego for HS, but 3 copies for SW. I wouldn't be so sure which one is better.

It's a witcher card game? How does that work?

rerolling can give you a good start with 5-7 legos you either use or vial for other ones. also one of the best and fastest decks has no legos at all.

it took me one day to get 5 legos in SW, it took me 3 month to get one lego in Hearthstone

It's a standalone version of the card minigame from Witcher series.

You are right that SW gives more at start, but is it more generous than HS after that?

Isn't that still in closed beta?

>took all cards people earned in CBT to "eliminate unbalance"
fucking megajew faggots and very mediocre game, unfriendly for pure f2p

idk. never played HS. SW gives you on average a pack a day. much more if you are good at arena.

Fire Emblem Cipher

shadowverse without question. not only the best gameplay, best art, etc. but also the most generous

Yes, it is.
HS keeps throwing free packs at you all the time.
I didn't even reroll and have like, almost 30 legendaries by free packs and a bit of farming.

HS about the same. You get 40-100 gold per day doing the quest, and 10 gold per 3 victories. Pack costs 100. Although earning in area is extremely difficult last time I checked.

In Shadowverse even if you fuck up entirely on Arena you get a pack. They give you a pass every 15 days. Also you get rewards just by logging in.

Reminder that MTG is THE superior card game and all these cartoony meme anime knockoffs are just babbymode MTG-lite for people who suck at Magic and think it's too complex.

>Although earning in area is extremely difficult last time I checked.
you can't go infinite unless you win all matches every time but you only need 2.5/5 matches to break even and even if you don't win at all it's equivalent to buying a pack for 150g instead of 100g.

it gives you more sources of income. ranked is a steady source of packs and gold rather than a dump of dust at the end of the month. clearing the single player content like expert bots also gives a lot more (500 gold per expert bot)
the only downside is that you have to win all five matches to do infinite arena, but it's also much easier to break even with 3 or 4 wins

Well, you get a pack always in HS also. But participating in arena costs 150 gold. To get 150 gold back while getting a pack you need to have about 7 victories and max of 3 defeats.

The only good Card Game is Magic: The Gathering

And Unfortunately you have to be a rich piece of shit to be able to play it.

1. SW has 3 quests a day compare to one quest HS get
2. gaining points in ranked gives you tons of gold, arena tickets, packs and dust in SW, resets every month
3. you need 3 wins in arena to get better deal than buying pack, 4 wins good deal while 5 is outstanding in packs and gold, in Hearthstone you need 7 wins to go infinite while you STILL can get "common card" as a reward on 9 wins

How is every other card game bad?

Play Magic Duels



How am I supposed to play this game?


>/threading your own post

You get like 50 packs by completing all of the initial content available to you, which is more than enough to create a deck capable of climbing the ladder.

The game is extremely generous.

Absolutely anyone who came from Hearthstone says they love SV way more. The Evolution system mechanic adds way more decision making to even your low cost minions.

This is the deal breaker for some people, but just quit being a pussy about subjecting yourself to weab art.

Not him but MTG is objectively the best card game. Every other card game is derivative of MTG but takes out the complexity in favor of Hearthstone ezmode for pissbaby casuals.

I swear, nobody knows what a weeaboo is anymore

An animu-styled picture does not a weeaboo make

Shame we don't play Essay-Oh then. Damn, I love complexity.

You don't /thread your own post you muppet

That's not really an answer. Like how are the mechanics in MTG better than in any other game?

Because it's deeper and more complex by every single metric? Garbage games like Hearthstone take everything about MTG and dumb it down so anyone who completed 3rd grade can play it. "Lol Land management is too complex for people to understand so let's just give them free mana every turn."

No wonder this place smells like swamp ass it's filled with mtg sperglets.

>deeper and more complex

HS isn't the only other card game. How about compared to Vangaurd?

t. Hearthstone casulbabby blizzdrone or Shadowverse weeb cringe

So complex you can't even explain it.

blocked from entering my nose

Plants v. Zombies: Heroes.

1. you have to add land cards to your deck. they're usually a lot less interesting than actual cards.
2. land can easily be a dead card. bricking is way easier by over/underdrawing lands.

it doesn't take skill to manage land. it's the same as mulling for a good curve in any game. they're just absolutely dead cards outside of their early game use.
such great design and fantastic complexity.

a lot of mtgfags are scared of "competetion" from hearthstone but it's not like hearthbabs would play mtg anyway. no reason for them to get this defensive

>absolutely dead cards
t. doesn't play Magic. Lands existing means the possibility for Land removal, thereby diminishing your opponent's mana and their capacity to summon. It's an extra layer of depth that easymode games like Hearthstone and SV don't have. And that's just one aspect.

>lands aren't "interesting" enough
No wonder people who play Hearthstone and similar games are all autistic. They need every card to have a big explodey particle effect or cute anime waifus for them to be "interesting".

>dodging this hard

If there is one thing you can call hard MTGfags, it is defensive. They will refuse to even give anything else a try, terrified of competition.

And I like MTG, it really is alright, but pretending nothing else matters is dumb too.

I'm not a Pro Magic player but I can explain it as best I can

Each turn has many different phases and steps, and Each step you can only play certain cards or do certain things on that step.

Each player can play cards on any players turn (Depending on the card of course, you can't play creatures (unless they have an ability called "Flash" on an opponents turn) for example.

Depending on how you play your steps for each turn, determines how good a player you are. You also have to call the opponents bluff or potentional plays they could have (IE Playing around Counter-spells and Board wipes)

This is only the TIP of the iceberg, because so many cards have sooooo many mechanics, coupled with the strategy for every turn and each step and phase, it makes MTG the most complex card game out there.

Duelmasters was a better MtG in every way. Shields+every card doubling as a land was perfect.

OP here, I already play magic (cockatrice) and don't want the thread to get derailed, but compared to yu-gi-oh you get to play "trap cards" but from your hand blurring the lines between where turns end so some decks like to play open mana and react to plays. That usually just ends up being removal or countering spells, but occasionally you get all sorts of baiting and strange interactions. The resource management adds a layer to deckbuilding and has ways to mess with lands, although you can just netdeck it so it isn't as relevant. It has a ton of mechanics because it's a mature game with many expansions. I don't know what it looks like outside of magic and yugioh, but one of my favorite things is messing around with enter the battlefield effects.

But I'm looking to play a card game outside of my small circle of friends and don't want to play paper magic, which is why I've made the thread. It looks like Shadowverse is the most popular one here, so I'll try it eventually.

I literally addressed your point by saying that Lands exist for an extra layer of depth. But nice projection, if you didn't have a proper rebuttal just say do.

>two other replies you couldn't answer to
Thanks for the (You).

THERE ARE MANY Lands that do not just produce mana, you fucking idiot.

One of the best Legacy decks is literally ALL LANDS and it consistently wins games (it even won a tournament not too long ago)

Shadowverse is pretty generous with packs. You get a ton of packs and gold as a newbie. It's a great game but the anime aesthetic is not for everyone.

Shadowverse a best because anime waifus.

>not answering my rebuttal at all because I didn't answer in the way you wanted
Epic shitpost, hearthstonecuck. Sorry that your game is just Diet Coke Magic.

>MTG is better!
>how about compared to this? Can you explain
>FUCK OFF. H-H-H-Heathshitcuck! hehe


I still play duel masters with my friend and we're planning on bringing it to locals to see if anyone else still dabbles in it.

Wizards mishandled Duelmasters so much it's not even funny (it almost reminds me of how FoW is doing right now.)

>Lands are dead cards! Not interesting!
>actually Lands add an extra layer of depth because the possibility of remov-
>wow nice dodge thanks for the (you) the intelligence...of Hearthstone

>aesthetic shit
Yeah, I wonder if that's what was being talked about. Not gameplay mechanics.

It's more interesting to summon a 2/2 minion than to drop a land. Very simple concept that even a hearthbabby could understand, don't you think?

>you fucking idiot
so triggered over not being able to read the word
the autism is strong.

I'm actually really glad "instant" cards don't exist, like in MTG and YGO.
>i'm summoning this monster
>awkwardly pause for a sec, incase they have a mystical space typhoon
>i'm also summoning this monster face up
>awkward pause...
>i place this tra-
>uhh, wait I wanted to play MST on that first monster
get the fuck out with this interactive bullshit.

>thereby diminishing your opponent's mana and their capacity to summon. It's an extra layer of depth that easymode games like Hearthstone and SV don't have.
Yugioh is the simplest of games ever, and yet cards like Imperial Order, Vanity Emptiness or Royal Tribute exist, and they block the capacity to summon or to play at all.

You don't play high level Magic, so whats your fucking point?

Not the guy you been arguing with but, I said it once and I said it again. Magic: The Gathering is THE best card game out there, the only problem it has is that you have to be rich in order to play it.

>That's a different guy

How do MTGfags even function?

It's not weebshit
It's not blizzshit
And it's made by competent devs

>I'm really glad instant cards don't exist
>I don't want an extra layer of depth and interactivity because it triggers my autism during my safe space turn
Hearthstone everyone

>I'm actually really glad "instant" cards don't exist, like in MTG and YGO.

Oh I see, you want to play games meant for autistic children then.

Good on ya then, enjoy your fucking Ritalin chewables

Nice shitpost, and you still haven't addressed the issue. But continue to greentext and sperg out because you can't explain why Lands make you SO ANGRY when told how they exist for a purpose.

>It's more interesting to summon a 2/2 minion than to drop a land.

Uhh Actually in Magic, you can summon a 2/2, play a land, play another spell, draw some cards, attack deal damage, setup for next turn, play around opponents next turn.

All in one turn.


I didn't say anything about Lands. But feel free to shitpost about nothing.

Duelyst is fun.

>I-I'll pretend to be a different guy, surely I'll win the argument this time!
Fuck off back to your babbymode game

>it's another mtgfags sperg out because you're not playing their perfect game episode

You and your friend are pretty okay

Water civ best civ, fuck year earth eaters

>Even mentioned I didn't like HS or even play it

Whoa.... This is truly.... how MTGfags use their brain.

Seconded. Because Gwent actually has unique mechanics, not just "it's the MTG power/toughness system with different pictures"

I play all those except pokemon and eternal is the most generous by far. Whenever you get something the game usually gives you another resource too. So if you open a chest you get a card and gold. If you open a pack you get cards and extra dust automatically. The chests have a pretty good chance to upgrade themselves to a higher tier too.

All in all playing a decent amount you can get pretty much ever common and uncommon card in a few days just by playing.

I'll get back into duelyst when they send me my ios beta invite.

You're a fucking idiot who hasn't played Magic at all.

Having more lands during end game means you can play more spells per turn. Lands are NOT dead cards during late game, you fucking moron, wow you're stupid.

Many control decks depend on having lots of land during the late game, as well as many combo decks

Lands in your hand can also be discarded for cards that have additional effects of "Discard a card" and can also be discarded by card cycling or "looting"

Also many cards deal with land whether they be in the graveyard or are in play.


What do you think?

Sounds exactly like yugioh, what makes it deeper/ more complex than that?

I stopped before the first expansion. Don't tell me they went the hearthstone route

>implying sword maid will ever be your waifu
she´s princessexual

>One card draw

Where have you been.

I've been playing Pokemon online for years. Decent client and a generous F2P system as well as a dedicated new player game mode in the form of Theme makes it an obvious choice.

I can't tell you I havent played YuGiOh but Magic has so many card mechanics from sets over the years, its impossible to compare card mechanics with other games just havent been around that long

Banding(old), Flanking(old), Landwalk, Haste, First Strike, Lifelink, Flying, Fear, Intimidate, Bushido, Trample, Protection from, Menace, Double Strike, Hexproof, Indestructible, Reach, Vigilance, Skulk

That is just abilities that Creatures can have, not to mention there's tons of Soceries, Enchantments, Lands, Artifacts and other permanent cards that have a WIDE variety of abilities you have to concentrate on and all add to the gameplay of a match.

I previously thought playing multiple spells in a turn was possible in Shadowverse. Spells that lower the play cost of other cards, draw cards, remove monsters, summon monsters, and deal direct damage. But I was mistaken. That's exclusive to MtG. My mistake.

>o-only one person here is shitting on my precious mtg
The user who keeps >dodge posting isn't me.

If anything, it's you TCG players that have the "safespace" mentality. MtG and YGO are barely interactive games. They're still largely "play my deck as I built it" games. If you actually wanted interactivity, you'd play a card game that actually facilitated it, like Yomi.

Having instant cards just annoys the shit out of me when having to play against the aspies that play this genre. It just slows down the game way to much, in a real-time sense.