Faggot mod removed last one so here's a new one
I still feel empty despite finishing the game weeks ago ;_;
Faggot mod removed last one so here's a new one
I still feel empty despite finishing the game weeks ago ;_;
the ending was shit
I thought it was pretty good. Nothing mind blowing but it did what it needed to do. Credits were emotional as fuck too
All in all, Velvet got off pretty easy. She was prepared for much worse.
they should have sealed laphi with artorious not velvwhore
Literally not a whore, she was sealed a virgin
And have Artorious not die? That's not gonna fly with Velvet.
will i like it if i fell completely in love with Tales of the Abyss ? Im considering buying it.
>implying the whole village didnt fuck her
Play Zest to see how the whole cast died.
I'm about 10 hours in so far, when do i get more party members?
The characters in this game aren't total cunts to each other for the sake of 'development', so maybe.
I just got to some new island after the samurai guy in my group lost to his brother with a sword made from a daemon's head. How far from the ending am I?
They didn't. She wasn't interested in boys or girls, only looking after Arthur and Laphi
Too far, you haven't even started to collect therions.
Does this game have yuri in it?
It's /ss/ land.
But the girls have very sisterly bonds.
No. I don't even think they added a yuri outfit this time around either.
We usually get a yuri or luke outfit iirc
Zestiria got the yuri one.
I wish I can be Phi.
>Cover of the berseria novel
(Volume 1 out on 10'th March)
Fuck this game is long. Is there a reason to keep "Your choice" or whatever as an attack command? Does my character choose the right attacks? Manually changing my attack chains every time I enter a new area with a different set of enemies is a little tedious.
Belobettu thighs
I want her to squeeze my dick between them
>instead of being on the other side of the planet or using illusions along the way to him, melchior decided to fight velvet and gang head on.
this is just plain bad writing.
He already tried to do that and failed.
He was a shitty character in general
Is there any kind of trick to getting stuns in this game? I just did the Kamona fight and i was getting my shit slapped around. I had to drop the difficulty from Intense to Hard and it was still a pain in the ass. Her stupid aoe fatigue thing was constantly bringing me down to 1 or 2 SG and I would just be stuck doing shit for damage and getting killed.
He wanted to try to win back Magilou and he couldn't take the chance that Velvet would awaken even 1 Empyrian since it could destabilize the world further and weaken Innominat.
Illusions were not working on them because not only Magilou could see through them (she can do it from the very beginning) but Velvet as well.
He wanted Magilou to come to his side, because she's still thinking with reasons.
But the old man got fucked, because she regained her emotions back thanks to Velvet.
Besides, he knew he would die. I think he's even happy to see that in the end Magilou was worthy of being a Mayvin, as she truly understood what Claudin meant by the utopia.
but he said the volcano would explode if of all four of them awoke.
I want to creampie her
If they would fail.
he could have tried getting her back after the world was turned into reason when she is a emotionless husk.
Why are they playing these recent installments up so much with animes and books? I mean what the hell. Is bandai namco running out of ideas?
Not that it is a bad thing, I mean creating entire worlds over and over again is something that will sap the creative pool pretty quickly.
What is so special about Velvet or Sorey?
Not all the way through the game yet, but Velvet just seems like a huge bitch. The world be better if she had just died that day Laphicet was sacrificed. Shes just going to fuck it all up because she can't bring her own narrow viewpoint to see the bigger picture about how much better Arthur made the world. Fuck you, Velvet.
Not much games where you are the bad guy of the story.
no. they needed to awake all four of them at the same time or the volcano would explode, killing everyone inside it.
> about how much better Arthur made the world.
Yeah, it was a super amazing world.
He discarded her, as she was completely broken.
I the novel Bienfu says that she was not speaking, not even moving. He was feeding her and took care of the girl for a year, before she managed to snap from it, when he was gone for too long.
I don't know how far you are but Arthur's plans are more sinister than you might think. Although Vel doesn't know that for most of the game
>Velvet's thighs
So I remember people speculating that Tales of Orfellia -assuming it will be a sequel- would have to wake up Velvet because of how fucked up the world is in Zestiria.
Wouldn't that also mean having to wake up Innominat and the suppression would start again?
>He wanted Magilou to come to his side, because she's still thinking with reasons.
No she doesn't, he wants Magilou to return because she still thinks of herself as a Mayvin.
I assume they'll find a way around that/to seal him in order to wake just her up.
That's one ugly boy.
No, but Vesperia does. VESPERIA FOR PS4 FUCKING WHEN?
I want to impregnate Magilou.
such an unwomanly body probably couldn't handle the rigors of bearing a child.
Either git gud or you aren't playing correctly, Intense is easy as fuck.
Have you tried dodging perfectly? That aoe fatigue is easy to dodge.
Are you guard breaking?
If you still can't win spam Gouging Spin
I want to help her embrace her feminine side by telling her how pretty she is
>guard breaking?
What is this and how do I do it? I realize that I suck at this game and probably have a sub-optimal arte set-up. I beat the fight but not after a lot of frustration. I'v been getting better at perfectly dodging things but there were just some thing I kept fucking up.
Why couldn't us Velvet fags get someone like Motomu Toriyama? He got his waifu to have three (3) games.
Your characters can choose any art that is checked as Auto in their artes list, which means they'll cast things outside of the arte branches you've set up. Uncheck the Auto for all the artes you don't want them to use as AI.
You hold guard for 2s until you glow red, the first arte you use is a guaranteed guard break that will pop out a soul once for every enemy.
Boss fights are an exception you can get a soul indefinitely but only one per Soul Burst.
I want more Velvet games, but at the same time my heart couldn't take it if something bad happened to her.
There is high possibility of Vesperia being ported to PS4 and Switch this year as its 10h anniversary
Write up a PS3 emu for Linux.
shes a 29 years old hag
>wanting to impregnate old and busted used goods
>wanting to impregnate a demon
>Velvet comes back and sees the book describing her as a demonic wolf-headed demon that terrorized the world
I'm ready to take responsibility
>Vesperia was 10 years ago
Just kill me.
Magilou trolls her even from beyond the grave. As it should be.
That's pretty much what people called her in the game.
Artorious was right.
Do you have mental problems?
I really fucking hope it's the PS3 version but actually fucking released in English.
>Berseria was 10 years ago
You could have already played it in english.
>How much better he made the world
>Mind raping and enslaving another species to use as your weapons while quietly eliminating anyone who doesn't adhere to your new world order
Yeah, that's a much better world. And that's before the real plot even starts going
She looks hot.
But his method would've overcome the seraphs' curse.
Then he should have devised a plan against the seraphim cunts instead.
yeah not that one
autism: the villain
What happened to witch? Did she die?
Thanks m8. I havn't been having too much trouble with the game, but there are parts here and there where I hit a wall.
>Why are they playing these recent installments up so much with animes and books?
Symphonia had an anime.
Abyss had an an anime.
Vesperia had a movie.
Most of the games have manga and novels.
This is nothing new.
Does the combat get better or is it simply mashing abxy
No, she survived the end of the game, got married to a handsome man, and had many adventures. Bienfu died painfully in a fire and was forgotten by all
If the announcement 3rd game it won't be good for your health
She got over realizing her dead brother was her enemy all along pretty quickly.
Also, I dressed Phi up in the waiters outfit with a bow tie, the mustache, and the laughing glasses. It makes all the melodrama hilarious because he looks like he's just being a sarcastic little shit.
You shouldn't be telling lies on the internet, user.
Just got the platinum trophy
fuck I loved this game, I want to remove it form memory and play it blind again
Next game she will lose Phi, and it will be her new revenge quest to go to heaven to get the shota back.
>handsome man
I think I know who
>Thinks he's better than everyone else
>"Things would be better if everyone was just like me"
Definitely autism
>not playing on auto the whole game
>I want to remove it form memory and play it blind again
>technology that enables this won't be a thing in my lifetime
Well I answered his second question anyways, she does __live__. And you can't prooooove the rest isn't true
Are you the guy that made these combo webms?
either they will have sorey\phi deal with him or they will find way to wake her up alone , the little bitch have no place in another game "i hope at least "