PC gaming is more expensive

>PC gaming is more expensive

>It's more popular in third world countries


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Piracy is easier
They only play CS and LoL anyway

>PC gaming
>more expensive
Games are fucking free, dude
Stop this meme

You don't need a expensive machine to play moba trash CS 1.6

There are dirt cheap Pcs and being a pirate is ridiculously easy pendejo

Brazil has some law against console gaming because it's some form of gambling.
I think.

I live in a third world country, I have a bad pc and play a lot of low end shit.

PC gaming is more expensive BECAUSE third worlders pirate. It's not just a coincidence.

pc games on brazil are extremely cheap

that's the vast majority

>gray market keys
>steam sales

It's the cheapest by far

>dirt cheap

Wtf? Video cards are expensive as fuck

>Buy some $700 console because third world
>Or steal some toasters from Jamal's pawn shop down the street and put together a PC that can run shitty old F2P games
Why do you think BRs ruin all free MMOs? Some of them are rich but most just ninja loot gear on old toasters and huehue the MMO into the ground.


>they play on toasters
>consoles are more expensive because of socialism

it's not fucking rocket science

>PC gaming is more expensive

If you want a top of the line PC sure, but otherwise It's not
It's also a lot easier to get a cheaper PC with used parts, and considering that piracy is a thing and a lot of the games are free, then it's even cheaper

Ridiculous taxes on consoles and their games. Console gaming is considered a luxury in these countries.

>get put into a group with 4 brazilians
>they need roll on absolutely everything

Is it some kind of cultural thing?

a PC is a multi functional tool
a console is a toy
you can only afford one

>only play shitty mobas

Next question

A graphics card cost a bit more than my salary
im a full time secretary

>full time secretary
post bunda

no it's typical commie luxury tax so they have more money to pump into the favelas

You don't need videocards for shit games. Also laptops avoid the "fun" tax. You can play pretty much every f2p multiplayer game with a 650m.

You can play games on a cheap PC. You just have to suffer through low graphics settings and low frame rate, or play only ancient games.

Do you seriously think the cheapest computer is more expensive than a new console?

Besides, most people have a computer anyway, even if they didn't buy it for games. So if they choose to play games, it's not really a matter of buying a console versus buying a PC -- it's a matter of buying more hardware versus not buying more hardware.

>live in Chile
>have GTX 760 2GB and FX 6300
>want to upgrade
>GTX 1070 costs $525
>i7 7700K costs $455
>new mobo + 8GB DDR4 RAM costs $300


Life is suffering.

Secretary (male)

consoles are expensive not to mention the games themselves, so piracy is really the only option.

>1,7k for a ps4
holy fucking shit

>most people have a computer anyway

Most people in developed western nations who aren't literally starving or homeless, I mean. I don't think we can count starving African children in a conversation about which gaming toy is most popular.

You mean more than your paycheck?

Because if you make less then a good GPU cost with a year of pay, kill your fucking self.

>even in UK it's more expensive


Do they also have to pay their TV tax if they only use their TV to play video games?

Hey, yes you.

Buy electronics from aliexpress. Read some guides on how to find reputable sellers.

Can you buy a Nvidia card in AliExpress?

You can build an ok PC and still play the latest games for free, how this is expensive? Also, Steam is objectively cheaper than console games, so it's a nice cost-benefit even if you don't pirate.

Free gaems.

Also vidya cafés with dedicated DOTA and LoL rigs are surprisingly popular.

Yeah monthly. I earn 12k ars a month. Brand new ps4 is 12k. Switch 17k.
1070 14k
480 9k

someone link one of these guides because my googling isnt coming up with anything

In Germany you have to pay a fee to the government if you have any electronic device that CAN is able to play back radio or tv

>posts a chart with no text, no context, no anything
>relate it to your greentext shitpost
>retards will fall for it

That's outdated. You have to pay TV fee, once you have your own lockable room with a bed in it.

I think if they made the same chart for the PS3 launch, it would be even worse.

how the fuck are you a secretary when you fail so hard at communicating

>getting your shit retaine for 6+ months
>when you get the stuff it is already opened
no thanks

>GTX 1070 costs $525
>i7 7700K costs $455
>new mobo + 8GB DDR4 RAM costs $300

PY prices.

The TV license only has to be paid if you are using the TV to receive live TV Signals.

South america speaks native ebglish right?

>a good thing

kys cuck xD

I want to be a PCfat but everything is expensive

When I went to South America for Vacation to see my granddad, my cousin there had a PC and played Dota All Stars and Half Life 1 multiplayer all the time. When I asked why he didn't own a console to play modern games instead of using his old computer, he just said it's really expensive. Considering you can go to a market and buy a modded version of GTA San Andreas for 3 American Dollars, I can see why PC gaming is so popular there.

I got a better PC than some of my gringo friends, some of us are narcos and shit ;3

OP holy shit how can you be so sheltered.

>Facebook games

Like holy shit have you been living under a rock since 2002?!

Because i attend people in spanish? Also i barely talk to people

As always the only smart post in a thread gets ignored.
God I hate this place. Threads like this one shouldn't be getting traction.

>New to MMOs
>Hear BRs are cancer and learn about "huehue"
>Think it's some meme and they can't all be bad
>Join a group of BRs
>They roll on literally everything and actually type "HUEAHUEAHUEA" in all caps when laughing
>Leave the group and never trust a BR again

It has but it's not the culprit. The problem is the mix of high taxes and companies trying to rape us. Battlefield 1 Ultimate for PC came at the low price of $158 just for you get the idea, this is like 40% the price of a brand new PS4.


Ps4 is 8 or 9k now. It's around 500 Dollars. Ps4 Pro is around 600.

PSX, PS2 and 3DS were extremely popular because you could easily pirate the games.

Village toasters.

I've heard multiple third worlders agree that PC gaming is more popular. Mainly because consoles are stupidly expensive in those countries.


As a huehue living in one of the most poorfag regions of the country, I started as a console gamer, but at some point during the 6th generation after my third PS2 fried on me in a row without anything even vaguely resembling professional technical support anywhere around I just gave up and transitioned to computers.

Believe it or not, in these circumstances it's a much easier and cheaper habit to support.

Abusing Windows PCs for gaming only gets popular, if consoles are even outright banned (China) or stupidly expensive.
It can't stand on its own.

>Abusing Windows PCs for gaming

Here my friend


If you dive you can find good stuff for cheap

I live in Argentina.

Nintenod Switch is $300 in the USA.

Nintendo Switch is $800 here in Argentina.

BotW is like $110.

Its easier and cheaper just to get a gaming PC and get your games at regular price.

Windows NT isn't really suitable for high performance video games. It's good for spreadsheets.

>800$ in Argentina
Jesus christ, how much of that is tax?

>I make a fortune selling pc part to argentines

Around 35% + Jewish merchants's profit.

Nowadays, it's much cheaper, even if the computer itself is more expensive.

Back in the N64/PS1 era, everyone had playstations and only rich people had N64's. Why? You could pirate playstation games. Hell, every street had a couple of stores selling pirated ps1 games by the fucking ton, you could literally buy enough games for an entire summer break with 20 bucks(10 dollars, at the time).
Meanwhile, N64 games were 60 dollars each.

In the PS2/Gamecube era, same shit, everyone had a ps double.

In the PS3/XBox 360 era, everyone had a 360, because you couldn't pirate ps3 games easily.

Meanwhile, people also played on PCs a lot because there's tons of free games and, again, pirating is a piece of cake.

In this current gen, games are more expensive than ever on consoles(about $120 dollars for a console game) while PC games are much, much cheaper because of Steam. It's just stupid to buy consoles unless you really love game x, because after buying three games you're already about even on price.

Of course, since the government is attempting to tax the shit out of computer games so they can finance more communist movies to brainwash the population, this entire thing may change.

I'm pretty sure I've heard that the BBC police will knock on your door if you own a television and don't pay the tax.

>>PC gaming is more expensive
That's like saying that mobile "gaming" is more expensive because you are a retarded normie and need to buy a new $1000 iPhone every 4 months.

The word is 'fenicio'

How the heck is Chile 3rd world ??

>buy anything
>70% of the price comes from taxes
>30% of those taxes exist to line politician's pockets
>69% are for welfare programs
>1% are for actually financing the infrastructure of the country

Its is South America, done.

Buen gentil, sigue culpando a esos malvados Fenicios.

Its not only the price, in third would countries you earn less than in the US

>mfw the ps3 was 7 thousand dollars in Americanas

Anyone with an IQ over 1 can work out PC is the cheaper option, due to paid online (which almost everyone buys) and the need for a computer anyway (literally everyone needs this)

>inb4 butthurt sonybros who just happen to not own a computer or never replace it, and just happen not to play online

When a Clapper can't put a country in the map they assume is a 3rd world one.

Amerinigger with 0 knowledge of my world.

Chile has one of the highest hdi and hapiness rates in the world.

Callate ruso

it may not be as much of a shithole as the rest of South America, but it's still third world.

Chile > Argentina > Uruguay(I think?) > Brazil > rest

in terms of quality of life

Era broma hombre. Los Fenicios tambien son Judios.

>Is it some kind of cultural thing?


PC gaming is not popular in my nice and beloved Mexico. We have been console peasants since ever.

Brazillians get screwed out of 90% of what they own and earn every day because of a shitty communist government.

So when they go online, they want to get their revenge.

Constant frustrations with all aspects of life is generally the reason why brazillians are such cunts online. Being a brazillian is hard, and in the virtual world they can at least pretend they're not living in a shithole.

That's because consoles are more affordable here

But PC gaming is growing here nonetheless

whats this?

That's because KoF wasn't released of PC.

I imagine the shittier the society, the more people resort to video gaming to escape it

technically every country outside NATO and the former Warsaw pact is 3rd world.

Chile is developing though, not underdeveloped like the term implies.

PC has more F2P games.

Those "budget" master race builds are a meme, and you'll have a very outdated machine by industry standards in the span of a year or two, and then you'll have to put in more money to upgrade.

Or you could buy what's considered a great PC for $1.5k to 2k or higher.

Or you could buy a console for a fourth of that, and have enough money for a bunch of games.

PC gaming IS more expensive from wherever you want to look at it. Unless you're a pirate.

>Or you could buy a console for a fourth of that, and have enough money for a bunch of games.

"fourth" means 1/4, not x4

What you have to remember is that this is like the "more girls play video games than men!" argument in that it's only true in the most technical and irrelevant sense.

Sp like how the % of women who play games drops to the single digits once you discount facebook and phone drone shit, PC gaming is very popular in Latin America... where they sit, crammed elbow to elbow in internet cafes and play F2P games.

That's what I meant. You could buy a console for a fourth of what a good PC would cost you.

Did I phrase that wrong? English isn't my first language.