By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. Remember, O Lord...

>By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

Do you know what it means?

Other urls found in this thread:

god isn't real

lol you're gonna be tortured and assraped for eternity loser

I have an idea of what it means

this is their 2nd best song after rasputin

What a fickle faith, your God sucks.


hell is fanfiction m8, there's only sheol

You're still scared enough to capitalize His name, bitch

Because that's how you distinguish the Abrahamic god, dumbass.

>tfw your bible contains New Vegas references

Could just call him Yahweh or something. Abrahamic faiths are cancer. Like is incorrect by most christian standards. There is no hell or eternal suffering in most of the philosophies. Jesus already died for everyone's sins, that's kind of the whole point.

Already a thread up.

>basing your entire life on being a sissy scared of imaginary volcano land

lmao you fucking spineless bitch


The Buddhist one is a bit too simple. It'd take several Buddhist reincarnations to achieve nirvana.

I get the feeling that either Sawyer or Avellone are fedora tippers that secretly wish there was a God.

>Practice faith for "just in case" scenario
>Not like an all knowing all seeing old man in the sky and his zombie son can't see through your scheme you retarded ape man
>Implying he won't laugh at you and throw you to hell
Theists are quite assinine

Sawyer is a leftist and presumably atheist.

Avellone I have no idea but he seems based.

Salvation is easier than shit my overweight friend.

Even normies know this verse. They even print it on the bottom of In-n-Out Burger cups.

John 3:16
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Whoever wrote Honest Hearts, it gave me the same vibes a friend of mine gives. He acts like an outspoken atheist but (not so) secretly wishes he were a christian and belonged to a larger community. He's the kind of cringeworthy autist who gets in arguments with priests, complains about the church's flaws, perceived or otherwise, and thinks christians are dum dums because american fundamentalists are making asses out of themselves, yet when we play tabletop rpgs he always makes a priest or a paladin (which require worshipping a deity) or otherwise believers, plays only christians in ck2 and keeps jerking off over crusades and medieval christianity even though the medieval church was more corrupt and misguided as today's.

He generally comes off like more of a disillusioned believer who spouts atheistic opinions just out of peer pressure, and he's oblivious to the fact that he's not fooling anyone.

He also celebrates christian holidays like christmas and easter and his saint name's day, which is funny to me.

Anyway, point is, Honest Hearts reminded me of him, even though it's about mormons/the old testament and not about christianity.

Does anyone else agree that Bob Saget should voice the playable character in Fallout 5?

Yes, salvation is easy as repenting once you realize you're wrong. So the "athiests are going to hell meme" is quite dumb.

In this context 'Nothing' is more of a negative term when comparing it to the possibility of having an afterlife and something to look forward to when you die

Is Joshua Graham the best outspoken Christian character in Vidya?

(There's no question he's the best mormon one.)

Any crazy religious fuckers that go into a fight, uttering passages of scripture while they kill their way through the field of battle is alright by my book.


Let's flip this whole shit over and suggest a god who punishes you for believing in religion or him, and suggest that a god will punish you for believing in one specific religion or one set of religions but not any others while also not rewarding you for believing in anything else. Pascal's wager fails to account for an unjust god who would only punish, once we account for this we can see that arbitrarily believing in one religion is more dangerous than disbelief.