What's your favorite contrarian-core game, Sup Forums?
What's your favorite contrarian-core game, Sup Forums?
I don't know if this is contrarian, but Daggerfall > Morrowind. People just spam "copy pasted world" as a criticms but they ignore that most of the quests and gameplay are far more involved.
Any old clunky PC game like dues ex
Re6 being a good game.
Legit loved Dark Souls 2
I got into the same "gotta keep going" mood that the first one and Demon Souls got me into
Can't bring myself to finish the 3rd one though
Dark Souls 2 and 3
Sonic Heroes
I don't think sf:zero was necessarily bad per se.
I saw the game 100%ed in 3hours and 20 minutes.
>yfw Federation Force, Zero, and Color Splash FUCKING BOMBED
There's only one good game on that list and it's Dark Souls 2.
Thank fucking god. The best was how AM2R released at the same time and absolutely BTFO FedForce as a game.
Even the worst Souls game is still a 7/10.
except scholar
scholar is like a 5, holy shit
Most satisfying feeling in the world.
>Well, I guess that means gamers don't want Metroid, Star Fox, or Paper Mario games anymore!
they're better off dead than getting more of that tripe
I loved Apollo Justice; I don't care what anybody says.
I really liked Super Paper Mario and Skyward Sword
>mfw to this day Cody is still trying to convince people those games were good
How is it contrarian if it's a person's genuine honest feelings? There is no hive mind people do have differing opinions.
>now he's trying to 'defend' the Switch as if it bombed like the Wii U
He's so desperate to stay noticed
If they had just added online dogfights like the TEN YEAR OLD DS GAME had, it would have easily been worth $60 for me. They even had arena's built right in the campaign, but they redefined lazy and left it out
There's no excuse for no hard mode either. Just copy & paste a few enemies for fuck's sake
There's nothing wrong with RE6, DmC and Fallout 4
>The short campaign is intentional because it is a cinematic game meant to be replayed
Hitman 1
Resident Evil 5 and to a lesser extent 6
Spirit Tracks
Castlevania 2
There's probably a lot more
What makes Starfox bad? It looks exactly how Starfox should be from the trailers.
DmC and Fallout 4 are fun
Neverland played RE6
non-existant length
DS Zelda games
Dark souls 2 is excellent
I've never played a Metroid game before but wasn't the FPS highly acclaimed?
Why haven't they made anymore in the franchise?
Seems like it would have gone well with the release of the Switch.
Sorry if all that was retarded. Genuinely curious.
This. If not for weird gampad mechanics it'd be a pretty great game
Twilight Princess.
Second best zelda game.
main team was (is) working on donkey kong
prime series is finished with 3, they may make more first person style games but they won't be called metroid prime; or rather they shouldn't be as metroid prime is dead by the end of 3
What kills them?
>non-existant length
As long as there's difficulty settings and replayability then I'm ok with that
What would you like to talk about Alex?
Story was actually bretty gud. With Me is a pretty badass song.
I love Killzone 1(the version on the PS3 that doesn't run like shit), the campaign is lengthy and having multiple characters adds a bit of replay value, but I think I'm the only person that likes its weird health system.
Full-price game with little to no replay value and shit controls.
Spirit Tracks had a few questionable mechanics, but I enjoyed it.
Mee too user
>Other M
I enjoyed it. It's not amazing, but it's fun.
>Dark Souls II
It's easily the worst game in the franchise but still worth playing.
TP is probably the worst of the 3D Zelda's and I've never played any of them.
justice truly exist
Star Fox Adventures
I like Zelda games. DmC is pretty fun too though. Never understood why people hate Ninja Theory. Enslaved was solid as well
SS is easily the worst
>i've never played any of them
then why comment faggot
That's... not that unusual of an opinion user
DMC and Dark Souls 2 are marginally better than the other 4
I love Skyward Sword and Phantom Hourglass
>and I've never played any of them
Dark Souls II is not that bad.
Is it the weakest game in the series? Oh, without a doubt.
But by itself, it's not a terrible game.
so is this like a sequel to secret rings or what?
>weakest game in the series
>not ds3
Top kek.
MGS2 because it's a contrarian's pick but still a fun entry to the franchise
This only applies when an already unpopular game gets a sequel.
"We're taking a risk by making a sequel to this niche game, please buy it"
"Welp, nobody bought it, guess it was niche for a reason"
In this case all those franchises were ultra-popular already. So what Nintendo should be doing is scratching their heads, thinking "why didn't anyone like these games?"
>highest rated MGS game
Controls, no replay value, awful camera bouts.
>why people hate Ninja Theory.
Because the game had "devil may cry" in it's title.
this desu
I like Darksiders 2
Nothing. It's a great game. Better than 64 in my opinion.
>What is MGS4
better than reeee7 anyway
Dark Souls 2 is legit better than 1 and 3 in some ways. Overall I enjoyed it and played it more than 3.
The only other one there I've played is Other M, which was kind of shitty but not as terrible as people made it seem. Did not finish it.
Didn't buy any of the others because they all looked trash.
That's an alright zelda-lite. Not a controversial opinion.
My man, Metroid and Star Fox are not as popular as you think they are.
Where's Bloodborne?
Well people say it's worse than the first game but I think it's superior in every way
I want to know who the fuck even pretends to like Federation Force
Even the Diablo style loot?
Yes I am fine with that since the combat is way more fluid. As a fag who likes character action games I find that alone makes it better
metroid is definitely popular
Other M and Star Fox Zero were legit good, tho. Not amazing or groundbreaking, but they were enjoyable.
DmC could have been a very good game on its own right, but tried way too hard to replace old Devil May Cry and suffered because of that.
Sticker Star is no excuse, it is a terrible game with way too many cons to be salvageable.
DmC and DSII aren't terrible though. They're weak entries in their respective series (especially DmC) but calling them terrible just shows that you're a bandwagoning faggot who hasn't played either.
Yoshi's Story and Super Paper Mario
Do you mean to imply that I imply that the shortness of the campaign is acceptable?
If you do, know that I don't.
I thought the one ending was not just disappointing, but really antithetical to the idea of star fox.
It was a real slap in the face.
Except DS2 I didn't play any of them and DS2 sucked donkey dick in hell.
But I like Castlevania 64.
I have only played DmC and Dark Souls II from that list.
I'm playing right now DS2 and I'm loving it. DmC on the other hand got boring quickly.
Bioshock Infinite.
Total War: Rome 2, even liked it at launch apart from how long the ai took to take its turn
Metroid Prime 3
Like...what was wrong with it? It's not replayable, so there's that, but really, what else was wrong? I enjoyed Samus' stylish kills, and I'm not much for trying to break the map and such junk.
Well Dark Souls 2 was at least good despite all of its massive flaws.
Last Hitman game, I think it's the best in the series but usually nobody agrees with me
Didn't Prime 3 do just as good as Prime 2?
I thought it was as good as it maybe not better but its great.
Good shitpost, nigger.
CS:S is definitely contrarian-core.
>worst souls game isn't DS3
>Scholar is worse than vanilla DS2
Holy Christ stop posting forever please
Dark Souls 2 is the best in the series
Are you retarded? Newest Hitman is generally thought as either as good as or better than Blood Money. Contrarian would be Codename 47 or *bsolution.
Dark Souls 2 has its faults in damn near everything in the PvE stuff, which is indeed unexcusable for the Soulsborne series, but its PvP was top tier compared to the others. More variety in viable weapons and styles, allowing for a large range of different PvP sets. Really it's a shame Dark Souls 3 didn't have PvP as good as 2.
And I don't know much about DMC, but I hear the combat is good, just not as fantastic or as advanced as the previous Devil May Crys. Dante is indeed complete shit though, best played in Spanish from what I hear just so you don't have to hear his bullshit.
The rest are super shit though.
Yeah but it gets slammed as bad as 2.
I don't see how that's the case, seeing as 2 had all kinds of garbage.
Good taste senpai
I don't know anything about that since I only played ds1 and ds2, but I prefer ds2 over 1 somehow
I see that 2 is a flawed game and I know 90% of soulsfans don't agree with me. But I don't know, I honestly could never bring myself to finish ds1, not even once. Meanwhile the gameplay feels better to me in ds2 and I finished it multiple times and play it to this day, even if I know the npcs aren't as fleshed out and the story isn't as good.
Basically I know it's many flaws but despite that I love it for it's merits. I think it would have been the best souls game if it wasn't rushed
Transistor is vastly superior to Bastion. Fuck everyone who thinks Bastion is the god tier game and Transistor is a shittier version. Transistor had innovative gameplay, great lore, and didnt have a shitty "OMG WAR IS BAD" story. It had to do with issues with full democracy and human's desire to progress.
Anyone who likes Bastion more has nostalgia glasses.
Transistor is better.
It's comparably very guided and linear. People also love to say the art design is great even though the levels don't make any sense context-wise. That is, it's fun to look at the sky city planet, but why would that society build so many morphball cannons and roller coasters that rail around so much instead of being a straight shot to its destination?
You forgot Majoras Mask
Majoras Mask is a cult favorite. You wanna go contrarian say Skyward Sword because apparently that game sucks despite it being a favorite of mine.
I blame the fatties.
>Capcom never released the final sales for DmC:DE
Loving every laugh
It's more in the other way around, but
I hate majora's mask and thinks it's everything wrong with an adventure/exploration and rpg game.