It is already dead. What went wrong?
It is already dead. What went wrong?
Its a story focused single player game.
What kind of threads do you expect about it?
fuck rpg codex
I want to find the civilization that created the tides and resurrect them from oblivion just in order to be able to wipe them out again with extreme prejudice.
Discussions about the story, characters and setting maybe?
Even Tyranny had more threads than this.
there's nothing redeemable about the setting, characters, or story. 2 years of delay for this pile of shit. like always, significantly delayed games are trash.
Five years is more than enough time for people to lose interest. I know I did.
Maybe I havent finished the game yet, because I'm not unemployed?
Besides, discussions on Sup Forums are pointless because they always end in someone sperging out about SJW influence.
any dialogue is overshadowed by the retarded background descriptions, just like PoE and Tyranny, it was written by talentless hacks.
It's really, really fucking easy. Completely trivial even once you have an edge or two in Intelligence on your PC.
My party has one actual fighter styled character in it who rarely needs to be used, but even the fucking child companion is a capable combatant since the game dumps useful items on the player for the smallest bit of exploration.
I do though like the way occasionally the game does consider multiple factors when calculating the difficulty of an action, but then there's shit like this where a couple skill checks turn a supposedly difficult solo encounter into a joke
like clockwork
good example of over writing. Even mentions the quality of clothes twice. needs an editor
>clear, blatant examples of social crusading in the setting
>SJW boo-gey-mahn! l-like c-clockwork
kill yourself
modern isometric rpg (pillars/tyranny and this) are shit, only underrail was good
you can have good world building and story telling without having characters shit on you with boring walls of text
Why are people who consider their life to have no value so quick to tell others to kill themselves?
>literally 90% of the game is reading text
I'm not one of those people who thinks dialogue doesn't matter but that's fucking boring.
Nothing to complain about to tell the truth. A bit short, but overall it's one of the best RPGs to come out in years.
Tyranny had a ton of hilarious issues that made it a perfect shitposting target. There isn't really much in Torment worth shitposting about. There's no romance, no SJW stuff.
>setting set in a billion years into the future
>nano spirits, countless worlds, transdimensional beings, psionics, time travelling and other crazy shit
>somehow how people identify themselves is too difficult to believe
Jesus fucking Christ.
i'm sure gender roles are an essential part of the setting just like the other things you listed. nice strawman.
>take one sample from a rpg book to help establish a theme
>s-SJW!1! s-see how they are special s-snowflakes?!
this gotta trigger someone
on the other hand, in light of that it's remarkably conservative that people still look like people. Even immersion-breaking if you wanted to be pedantic about it, although not inconceivable.
also, mercury (the planet) is gone, isn't it?
the game is a commercial failure and yet another testimony to the fact that normal people don't want to be preached and proselytized about political ideologies in fantasy or science fiction.
>people still look like people
Most of the NPCs seems to be either mutants or just outright alien.
If you want it to be, sure. The setting allows whatever the fuck the writer wants.
It's a short, easy, and unremarkable for just about everything it does other than the way it tranishes PS:T's name by association and the way it scammed so many idiots out of money through kickstarter.
didn't feel like it desu
Although that one valkyrie on a mission to purge all mutants did stand out.
>$4.2 million
>74k backers
An amazing setting, art direction, quests and story buried under a myriad of annoying little problems and oversights which all should have been fixed during its Early Access period.
I actually appreciated its approach to problem solving and the pool/edge/effort was translated to the video game rather well, even though it has pretty much become resource management between party rests.
The problem comes from the limited options of foci, the rather dull companions gameplay wise and the fact that combat in some instances completely rely upon cyphers you have gathered which may be a staple of the tabletop game, but completely counter-intuitive to a typical grid-based tactics combat system, where these types of items are usually a last resort not the backbone of the whole combat. Also between tiers (every 4 levels) the only significant manner in how you can customize your character's skills is equipment-based which leaves less combaty types at a disadvantage or for that matter anyone who doesn't explore every area/sidequest in the game, meaning its not designed for multiple playthroughs in the slightest.
My biggest complaint: there are like 30 different foci in the Numenera Corebook completely changing how the base types (glaive/jack/nano) work both in and outside of combat and InXile managed to include three, all of which are basically extensions or basic hybrid options for the base types. It's pretty obvious they did not bother balancing the game to more specialized playstyles either you are a very good nano, jack or glaive or a combination of these three, don't even dream about having sciency superpowers like mind control, magnetic manipulation or overpowered cybernetic implants.
After first act, which they uploaded as early access, game has literally no content.
That's an understatement desu. I'd estimate the beta cutoff as about halfway to end. (which is obviously still way too little, was expecting about three times as much.
Did anyone here finish Tybir's personal quest in a satisfactory way? I thought I did everything with him, but apparently I missed something.
Is the last step not confronting the Dracogen, leaving Tybir feeling like shit?
its fantasy get over yourself
nice argument, fag. downvoting doesn't work here.
You can try talking to him after, and maybe again after rest, but I don't recall him being particularly forthcoming.
Apparently it was enough for the "beloved" achievement though. And I think he got the ring unlocked as usable item but I'm not sure at which point.
>amazing quests
>nearly all the quests are literally MMO-style talk to the hub of idiots standing in a cluster right next to each other
my favourite area was the bar. every single NPC was some quest guy and you got some minor quest out of talking to all of them. it couldn't have felt more artificial than if they had tried. it's almost like it was satire making fun of the idea that anyone would actually accept that sort of crap.
>as if that could ever happen!
>I actually appreciated its approach to problem solving and the pool/edge/effort was translated to the video game rather well, even though it has pretty much become resource management between party rests.
resource management? it's harder to manage your mana in hearthstone than it is to manage your resources in this sorry excuse for a 'game'. they could literally have changed all the 'skill checks' into a "do you want to pass or fail?" dialogue box (to let you experience all the wonderful outcomes) and it would've changed absolutely noting for everyone who played the game who isn't nearly unspeakably retarded
>combat in some instances completely rely upon cyphers you have gathered
the game had combat?
I ran around with a literal 6 year old child following me around and I never even had a single character take critical damage through the whole game. though I did have to reload a fight once because a character refused to play its attack animation and the game locked up...
could go on but why bother. the game isn't worth the effort it would take to complain about its near-endless list if staggering flaws
I've been enjoying it a lot, thought its been on par with Planescape.
Too bad I can't play it anymore once I got the inspiration passive sound blasting through 24/7. Really fires up your neurons how they managed to let this shit pass.
>Apparently it was enough for the "beloved" achievement though. And I think he got the ring unlocked as usable item but I'm not sure at which point.
Apparently, there's another ending to that quest where he makes peace with Auvergne, but I guessed I just fugged up somewhere along the way.
Hmmm... I don't think you did desu, there may be some closure in the fathom
>game is a commercial failure
>has terrible writing without any editorial oversight
>social crusade instead of a compelling story
>the only people who care about it are people who believe in wrong-think
name a single redeemable part of the game
Is it better than Tyranny?
Do you honestly think that flavour text in the rulebook of the tabletop rpg is going to turn people off of the videogame?
Normies probably aren't even aware the game is based on a tabletop game.
normies don't buy or enjoy crpgs
its writing is bad but its hardly a social crusade. take off your tin foil hat you fucking sperg or go back to r/atheist
>Not the first post from this IP.
>tfw the game finished quicker than expected, so i only did the companion quests for those with me (Rhin, Aligern, Matkina) and neglected everyone else
whoops, was kinda interested to see what was going on with erritis and the red-headed chick too
Why the fuck are the companions so boring? Planescape had loads of cool shit and what do we get in this so called spiritual successor? 6 humans.
I meant how to dialogues and flavor texts were written within those quests, but I guess it's subjective. I played the majority of these cRPG revival games and Numenera appealed to me the most, only Dragonfall comes close.
It's resource management since you cannot cheese your way through the whole game with edge alone unless you savescum which would kill the enjoyment out of any game regardless of what system it uses. You have to sacrifice effort points one way or another and both resting and healing items cost money. Money you get from dialogue challenges or loot. This gives the game a certain flow. I think the real reward is getting the outcome you really want but if your aim is progress alone, I see how it would seem a fundamentally flawed and underdeveloped system.
The combat sucks, no argument there, I only argued that its barebones nature I think cannot be overlooked on the basis of the cypher system which is basically a bunch of glorified grenade items/spell scrolls made crucial in some cases to succeed (especially if you haven't tanked up on healing items).
There isn't a big market for visual novels in the west.
Entering a new area fixed it for me, although for me it was the sound of Erritis and his aura that looped.
that's an unfair comparison d.e.s.u.
visual novels have way less branching, especially visible in conversations, and no sidequests, nevermind puzzles
It's on par with Planescape with more concentrated content and less combat. A bit smaller and shorter but definately on par with PST.
planescape had a more charismatic main character and more interesting party members
My first VN was that shitty Sup Forums "game" about the crippled girls.
Never again.
It's not even that they're humans, it's that they just feel so bland and devoid of personality.
One other thing I really hated about the companions which I don't see other people mention a lot is the voice acting. There's not a single companion whose voice doesn't grate on me
although it did not have the little girl
the little girl is reason why I would give it an 8 rather than 6.5
>no SJW stuff
I beat the game, I liked the game, and I wanted to discuss it, but then I came to Sup Forums, and threads basically devolved into MUH SJW shitposting, which has absolutely nothing to do with the game where there are aliens that can change to whatever they want and nanomachines that can clone a consciousness. Then there was the same autist reposting shit about gender. Don't get me wrong, I hate Monte Cook's guts, and the Numenera rulebooks are a mess, but I liked game just fine.
So yeah, nothing to discuss, I guess.
They made this into a "game" while it should have been a book.
Depends on the VN, really. There are some that are borderline VN/rpg hybrids with quests and combat. But even in pure VNs there usually is at least some genuine branching in order to lock a path, something not even AoD did.
I think it would have made a good 16 episode TV show.
>a book
A short story anthology, maybe. The game barely has any coherent story, it's a theme park.
This. Rhin's quest's payoff is one of the greatest things in the game.
So was P:T. You explored what your previous selves did and how it affected the world, and in the end you connected the dots while occasionally visiting brothels for intellectual needs and sensariums (I think they were called) to read some snippets. Then you visited undersigil and had shitty fights with shitty enemies.
That summarises my entire feeling about this on Sup Forums. I had tons of fun with the game and I really, really liked the fantastical setting. Story wasn't bad at all and the writing was great.
Despite that there isn't much to discuss. Might be a good thing that the game has flown under the radar.
>"I'm gonna be a living god and only care about myself"
>there's suddenly a little girl in a dangerous place who lost her way home
>rhin comes back at the end of the game, a powerfully built warrior
>sticks with me for another 30 minutes through 3 combat encounters
>"glad i could help you out! welp, so long"
>ending slide: rhin had rescued the woman who had rescued her
fuck off, that little shit is still in my debt
>he didn't become Rhin's new family
>he actually let her go
w e w
>not met her foster father person and uncle nobody wants to visit
Were you a dick to her or something?
i let her go because i didn't want to be a turbo meanie, and also because she was pretty shit at anything other than running around and hitting buttons during combat
not letting her go back to her family is the dick thing to do, user
Fuck off, I'm her father now.
I was talking about the ending, obviously. I would NOT let an adult stick with me through the fucking Bloom's intestines, and especially not a child.
You know what's really good for an isometric RPG? Cyphers.
Like, you typically have different usable items like healing potions and grenades and shit, but each cypher is unique, and have some kind of history to it. I thought it was a really nice touch. Oddities were nice too. A good replacement for 999 gemstones and sellable shit you found in baldur's gate and other games.
She's the most OP broken piece of shit in the entire game after she gets her unlimited ciphers ability.
I think the game desperately needed a third act.
It was pretty weird that the Sorrow could even come close to the Bloom without being devoured, as it's obviously above its power level. I guess they needed to cut corners with that third big city.
The game is too easy, so it's not really that hard being an OP piece of shit. I literally only upgraded INT and INT edge and all encounters were ez-mode dialogue choices.
They didn't spend much time and effort on the "game" part in RPG.
A shame (I was a backer).
Nothing. I love it.
The combat is really really boring. Like, the idea of combat is good on paper, but it crumbles in the execution. When all you have to do to stop combat is speak with a dude 2 times in a row you know something's not like it supposed to be.
The only solid crisis was the Miel Avest one, where you saw what was at stake and how your combat decisions cost people their lives.
I disagree. That was the point calling it a crisis rather than combat in first place.
Also I very much liked the space station one.
The crisis is when something is at stake. When I can only upgrade INT and easy-mode all encounters past the first hour of the game it's not crisis at all. I didn't even need to say different things to characters (although I maybe remember something like that in the last Bloom fight before the resonance machine thing), just press the persuade option. But I guess that's the balancing issue.
I didn't see the space station one because I'm not a faggot who steals other people's things.
Can you even access other companions after you leave Sagus Cliffs? I was stuck with the same party until the end of the game in mine.
If you didn't break up with your party memebers you can summon them with a sphere you find in the underground facility in sagus cliffs.
>I didn't see the space station one because I'm not a faggot who steals other people's things.
No, you're just a faggot in general because you didn't figure out how to do the captain such a tremendous favour that they will give you the cortex for free.
>Can you even access other companions after you leave Sagus Cliffs?
Yeah, of course, you just use the sphere to summon them.
The only exception is Rhin, who will run off crying if you dismiss her, never to be seen again.
I haven't touched the game yet, but from what I'm seeing here, I do not like what I'm hearing. It seems like the majority of the entire game is just text after text after text to stroke the dick of Planescape dweebs. I distinctly remember them saying that you were given the option to either go full combat.
But that's not the qualm I'm having with the game though and just random killing.
I've read the entire corebook for Numenera a few years ago during the kickstart of this game and from what I remember I really like the setting where the world is 1 billion years into the future. Humanity literally fucked off and have transcended to become one with the universe/gods, abandoning Earth in the process. Earth since then has seen/been through many repeat civilization cycles (If I recall, 9) where either that civilization shatted themselves into extinction, reached the space age and never returned, Earth being colonized by aliens leaving some of their kind behind, species evolve into sentience and reclaiming Earth as theirs, etc. Numenera is now going through a repeat cycle where there is a mass ignorance and civilization is just reigniting where everyone is in a medieval period. But the thing is there is so much fucking tech lying around from all of those civilizations and the current people are so fucking ignorant about all the tech lying, they start regarding ridiculous shit they find as magic. This game could have been an amazing dungeon crawler coming across tech, but we got something else.
Eitherway, it's a fucking phenomenal setting for massive roleplay because you can literally do and make whatever the fuck you want inventing some ridiculous tech beyond comprehension because the civilizations aren't detailed, the players and DM are meant to be ignorant of the world and making sense with limited knowledge. This setting has a load of potential to be fucking great and make fantastic games. Horrible its going to be shelved after this shit (Torment) is done and over.
Tell me!
I still wouldn't trust Dracogen with anything more valuable that Bloom's foreskin.
keep the helmet found in the murden part of the dungeon and use the cortex decipher the data - this involves most of same process that it takes to steal the cortex.
However instead of carrying the cortex out, you tell the captain what you found before the crisis ends.
This desu
Its a heavily flawed game and InXile are a mess of company who I will not be financially supporting again but I had a lot of fun and will definitely be replaying it when the Directors Cut inevitably hits. I signed up for an interactive weird sci-fi visual novel with some rpg elements and that's precisely what I got.
The game is kind of like an essay on the subject of P:T. It has the same themes with new twists (instead of reclaiming your own memories you remember what the changing god did etc), the setting that would've been possible even inside Planescape's planar framework, and a lot of weird characters. The writing is really rough in a few places, but overall it's well-executed, and all the story threads come together in the end. I wish they had more time for the third city though.
the only people who praise the game are those who got scammed by the kickstarter and cannot say that they made a mistake.
Actually I think the most salty and bitter would be drafted from among the backers.
I actually pirated it. Fool me once etc. etc.
>play morally grey Jack
>pick up Rhin and decide to keep her in case she has powers I can use
>she's deadweight
>try to dump her several times, sell her to slavery etc, always back out at the last minute against my better judgement
>send her home
>all I get is this shitty knife I can't use
>regret and annoyed at myself
>then, in the labyrinth, a portal opens
Was pretty fucking satisfied with that quest arc. Well played InXile
I backed it together with Wasteland 2...
sucks to be me
I'm basically right at the end now and I can give it some criticism. Companions are as bad as PoE characters, there are way too many asking for information dialog options on every goddamn NPC, the choice and consequence is better than shitpiles like PoE but still is pretty piss poor, and the biggest issue of all is every skill check is easy as fuck. You might think "This has skill rolls, oldschool! Hardcore! Oldschool hardcore!" but all of the checks are stupidly easy (Similar to Tyranny in that regard, within an hour or two of playing in Tyranny you'll never fail any skill check ever) which saps any joy out of passing them.
To look at it another way, skills are relatively precious and rare in Torment. You can bump one up roughly every 4-5 "Levels". Skills are common in Age of Decadence, you get skillpoints regularly and can bump shit up often. But a skillcheck in Torment is based on a dice roll and is manipulated by spending (Which you don't even have to do once you start edging) stat points, so a skill you have 0 in (Or even a penalty) you can just brute force at no or very little cost. A skill check in AoD has a hardline requirement, except for a few that let you attempt it if you have enough for a shitty result. If a persuasion check requires 5 persuasion and you only have 4, you're shit out of luck and you need to git gud. Torment's method works a lot better for a tabletop game (Though hopefully the goddamn DM isn't making the checks so easy) because if you fail a check at something, you can do anything else you can think of to work past your roadblock. AoD's system works better for a computer game because it rewards specializing your character and being able to pass a check. You feel more like you accomplished something by automatically passing a check in AoD rather than getting a check for something you have 0 skill in and just mashing effort and passing it anyway.
Disappointing but good for a one-off play.
>tfw I though the oddities were so neat I hoarded them all and never sold any
My castoff must have looked like a sentient antiques roadshow with all the odd crap I kept in my inventory
>Companions are as bad as PoE characters, there are way too many asking for information dialog options on every goddamn NPC
You're kidding, right?
There's barely any dialogue with companions in Torment, you exhausted like 80% of it by initially speaking to them when you first recruit them, whereas characters like Eder and Durance had tons of new shit to say at various points of the game. I didn't think PoE's companions were amazing (as a whole), but at least they had a bit of life in them.
Shit, how did I miss that? Oh well, was going to do another play through anyhow. Thanks anons.