*intelligent design*
*intelligent design*
Other urls found in this thread:
*best nintendo console ever*
>Being this careless with a $300 device.
That is scratched by the dock
>I cant put it in a fucking dock
Based Nintendo filtering out the stupid people
>Regardless how you put it in, it will scratch over time
no, it's from a scratch test retard.
Correction, that is scratched by a literal retard who can't put something in a dock without throwing it at it.
I donĀ“t own a switch but that is impressive.
>in the middle of the screen??
I just watched this video too!
never change Sup Forums
>d-pad above the face buttons
2 nukes wasn't enough
>calling that abomination a d-pad
everything about the control scheme is shit, just so they could force that two player joycon trash they want normies to buy the console for
Don't worry nintenbros! The New Switch for the low price of $500 will fix this!
Street Fighter is coming out how the fuck are you supposed to do a Shoryu on that tiny ass D-PAD
you are the cancer killing Sup Forums
Sup Forums has been dead for 6 years
They'll patch it.
member when apple said they would fix hardware issues with a software update back when the 4 came out
My screen has a dead pixel on it that I can only see when the screen is totally black but other than that I haven't had any trouble with mine. Not even this left joycon thing people are reporting.
How did someone manage that? Did he put a metal fork into the docking station thing together with the screen?
Maybe he filled the dock with razor blades first.
your joycon problem exists, just gotta stand further away from the television and hold the joycon behind your back for it to be noticeable
Nintendo didn't even put it in the owner's manual not to do this
so...it doesn't exist.
>Dock corners are rounded and nowhere near the scratch on his screen.
Yeah, I'd be upset if I was such a fuckup I couldn't lift something straight up too OP. I can see why he's mad.
>The same video explains that the switch is extremely durable and the decision to use plastic was a smart one as it won't shatter.
Good one OP
He literally was testing it using hardness test pencils
You shitposter really need to stop.
You can stop now picking up screen out of context trying to steer shit.
Fucking retard.
>put in dock
>gets scratched
>Decide to be retarded and put a ps4 disk in the ps4 front-side down
>Doesn't work
>Scratches it up
Is a lie.
Never forget
>Anonymous 03/06/17(Mon)15:37:22 No.3696
Is this on the fucking official site?