How can anyone hate this game?!

>Great music (including a fantastic remix of Dragon Roost Island)
>The most engaging combat in the series, without all the fluff that Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess had
>Great dungeon design that feels like it was made by Pete Hines himself
>A timeless story
>Lovable characters like Revali and King Rhoam
>A vast, realistic world without any if the unnecessary bells or whistles of other, less good Zelda games
How can this masterpiece ever be topped?

Pro tip: It can't

Other urls found in this thread:

So basically every video game series needs to just turn into some kind of lazy offshoot of Witcher 3 and you guys will never again be displeased with a video game. Got it.

>(including a fantastic remix of Dragon Roost Island)

Where?! I've played for 15-20 hours or so but I haven't stumbled upon this yet (I have only beaten the Zora dungeon)

It has literally the best incarnation of Ganon, too.

Ugly graphics, Bland dulled colors, empty sprawling lands with nothing to do. Generic enemies. It sells itself!

Oh man, how could I forget to mention the bosses! They're all so unique and challenging! It's gonna take me ages to beat that final boss (Gonna put the name of the final boss in spoilers in case people that haven't played the game are reading this thread)

The final boss is Ganon!

We get it, user. You don't like the game.

No, user, you don't understand. OP clearly loves the game, like anyone that's actually played it.

Lol some posters didn't play the game

lol I don't think you've actually played the game and are just blinding defending nintendo.

>doing the gaining access to water temple mission
>didn't know what the fuck to do to hit the ice
>threw all my fucking weapons at the ice after running out of arrows
>find out you can just do THAT
>started water temple with no weapon

wow im retarded

Okay, I haven't played the game yet but anyone that's actually played it or even watched gameplay of the game likes it.

People that shitpost against the game clearly have done neither, but I urge them to!

Very much agreed, OP.

This is the best open world game since Skyrim.

>probably the worst in the series alongside oblivion


HEY! Don't insult Skyrim! It's second place in terms of "Most epic games of all time" right behind Breath of the Wild

Okay willing to give you half of these except, music, combat, dungeon design.

The music feels like it is literally just there and nothing else it isn't moving and is only reinforcing of the mood sometimes. Considering the only track you could bring to mind was a nostalgia boner one doesn't help, even if it is a great track I've heard it before in it's proper setting.

Dungeon design is dense and there but too short especially for the small amount of dungeons in the game, unless you are counting shrines in which case I'm gonna assume you haven't done many as they get grating later on.

But your most egregious sin was mentioning the combat as engaging this is just objectively wrong. The games combat works in three's in every function, and isn't engaging at all it's simplistic at best.
>See group of enemies one of three choices Melee battle them, Arrow them, Use Environment (Explosive Barrell's, Boulder's, etc.)
>I choose melee three options in combat use my stupid basic 1,2,3 combo that is literally all my light attacks consist of. Throw my nearly broken weapon at them for minimal damage to steal their's then 1,2,3 them. Use the special or leap attacks use stupid 1,2,3 basic combo to finish them.

Higher level combat doesn't even get better in fact it slows to a molasses crawl as you circle the stronger enemies waiting to bait an attack for an opening so that you can leap attack/1,2,3 them, this even worse when there are no environmental options for you to try and make things faster with and your go to weapon is at low durability.

The game is good stop acting like's it's perfect or you'll drown in mediocrity when Nintendo just releases 6 dlc packs instead of a new Zelda. The 10/10 meme should die if you can find a single flaw the game isn't 10/10 perfect.

I've played them all. This is easily the best. The shitposters have no fucking clue what their taking about.

Lol somebody clearly didn't actually play the game. Just go watch some gameplay footage and you'll see that you're wrong.

I only saw a bit of the stream, but kakariko village doesn't have the kakariko village theme.


I miss the old theme but the new music is amazing too! I think you should give the game a try! :D

The game has some huge flaws and its hardly a Zelda game. You're an apologist

How is it bait? It's like that one episode of SpongeBob. The only people that don't like Breath of the Wild are those that haven't played it yet!

I'm disappointed.

>Only four dungeons, each can be completed in 20 minutes, they took me 35 minutes each.
>Dungeons have no unique design or enemies, aside from the boss at the end. All bosses have similar design.
>Dungeons consist of a few rooms haphazardly stuck together, all have the same gimmick, rotation.
>Only four tools to beat shrines, you come to understand how to solve them after doing a few, most use very similar puzzles, very few exceptions.
>Only 15 enemy types, all others are recolors with, maybe, one extra move.
>Of those fifteen, 80% of the enemies you are going to be fighting are Bokoblins, Lizalfos, and Moblins.
>Another 10 percent are Keese and Chu Chu that die in one hit and the occasional Wizrobe.
>Damage sponge enemies, particularly the highest tier recolors and Lynels, which have more HP than Guardians.
>No directional input attacks, just one standard combo for each weapon type.
>No unique weapon movesets, weapons are just reskins of other weapon types.
>There's no incentive to fight enemies after you have decent or good weapons, you break your weapons for worse weapons.
>Any difficulty the game could have had is removed by a heal system that can instantly heal all of your HP from the pause menu.
>Half of the side quests are fetch quests. One in particular asks for a total of 100 pieces of wood along with talking to a few NPCs.
>Story told through flashbacks, very little going on in the world you are in, little incentive narrative wise to keep playing. Compare to past Zelda's.
>Not so great English voices, no option to change voice language and keep English text.
>Music is absent most of the game, when it's present, it's worse than the other Zelda's. Listen to
>There is nothing in the world but Shrines, enemy camps, mandatory towns, and a few minor secrets that give you korok seeds. Lots of empty space and "dead air" with nothing happening.

It's a 6/10 for me.

Play the game and you'll see that you're wrong.

Best part about the game is its cost: $0.00

Alright I'll give you a chance. Refute anything I've said, I own the game and am playing it and like it I can just see past the circle jerk and tell you it isn't perfect, combat especially is not where the game shines.

It's not 5/10 like shit posters would have you think but it isn't a 10/10 either and those that spew it are just as bad as the shit posters. it's a solid 8.5 right now and if I like the ending it'll be a 9.

I never said I don't like the game in my post I just said it isn't perfect. Which of course to anyone lacking in critical thinking skills immediately means it's shit.

Why would you even want longer dungeons? Some people have lives and can't afford to spend a long time focusing on something like that. Shorter dungeons are what's best for the series, and the game does them exceptionally well.

I'm not sure why you'd want more enemy types. If they focused on making more, tougher enemies/, then the world that they made probably wouldn't be as big or fun!

>There's no incentive to fight enemies after you have decent or good weapons, you break your weapons for worse weapons.
So you can get more weapons and because combat is fun!

>Story told through flashbacks, very little going on in the world you are in, little incentive narrative wise to keep playing. Compare to past Zelda's.
Yeah, but there's a majority of fans that don't like the story in Zelda games because they don't feel like it's necessary or that it impedes the gameplay. BoTW is great for this!

>Everything else
If you just play the game, you'd see that most of what you've listed is blatantly false.

I don't need to refute shitposters that clearly haven't played the game

Fucking criminal. I hope you go to jail and get a life sentence. Actual people worked very hard to make this masterpiece and you're taking money away from them.

This is one of those games that would be considered mediocre at best if not attached to a popular series. Skyrim, modern Final Fantasy, Halo past 3, the list goes on.

I don't know how popular it would be if it wasn't Zelda, but it would still be a fantastic game because it already is. The fact that it's Zelda is just icing on the cake!

Oh I see what you are doing, carry on then. Have a free bump I guess.

I know. THe fact that Nintendo worked hard on this and I get to play it without giving them a fucking cent makes it better. Usually I buy my Nintendo products used for that. Thanks to the freeshop I can download their games from their own servers. They waste bandwidth on me. It's fantastic.

You're going to h*ll for that, you know.

>720 or 900p
>AWFUL ps3 era graphics
>4 dungeons
>all dungeons look same
>can beat the game in 12 minutes
>bosses are 50% reskins
>even worse combat than twilight princess
>weapon durability
>5 magic spells (all shown at E3)
>terrible voice acting
>walking simulator thanks to big empty world
>few "towns" with 4 buildings each
>menus every 5 seconds
>no enemy diversity
>stamina bar
>hard mode is paid DLC
>literal fucking ubisoft towers
>poor soundtrack
>final boss doesn't even move
>amiibo exclusive items including fierce deity set

Where do I get repair powder for my weapons?

what is this shit I'm reading

Have you fought the colosseum guy?

Nigger its different yes but definitely zelda alot of call backs to the other games and implementations of previous mechanics expanded upon. Execution may not be perfect to everyone but its still a zelda game.

I feel like this thread is bait, but still:
>Great music (including a fantastic remix of Dragon Roost Island)
Music is mixed at best. Some parts are great others are just random piano keys being played
>The most engaging combat in the series, without all the fluff that Skyward Sword or Twilight Princess had
Combat is way too simple I feel. It's about either rushing enemies down before they ever get to do anything or about timing dodges for the slow-mo flurry rush
>Great dungeon design that feels like it was made by Pete Hines himself
While they are great in concept, they are also way too small and I feel like it's almost a missed opportunity to not make beast's actions a bit more varried than just turning.
>A timeless story
Literally an ancient evil is back again, blabla, go kill. There might as well not be a story. The only real storytelling past the opening are the flashbacks.
>Lovable characters like Revali and King Rhoam
The only lovable character is the fish-waifu. None of them have really any sort of character development or a real personality to them beyond being a generic king/ princess/ warrior/ etc.
>A vast, realistic world without any if the unnecessary bells or whistles of other, less good Zelda games
Despite what your cuck fantasies might tell you bigger isn't always better.

He is just shitposting to see if the hivemind of Nintendo zombies goes along with it.

>20 fps

Maybe if you'd play the game, you'd see that everything you just posted is false

I don't hate it, but I do NOT think this thing deserves a ten out of ten by an, any, any means.

>Great music (including a fantastic remix of Dragon Roost Island)


Why invalidate your own opinion by pooling Oblivion with Skyrim?

I dont hate it. There are just some really obtuse design decisions.

>Don't do the 4 temples
>Have to do a boss rush, and fight Ganon wtih full health
>Do the 4 temples
>avoid the boss rush
>also Ganon loses HALF of his health

>Get the master sword
>everything in Hyrule Castle falls to its power
>don't need to worry about weapons ever again

>boss fights are easier than standard enemies
>guardians and enemies can OHKO you
>bosses can't on nearly the same level

Its like they equated "hard" with taking damage. THen realized that Zelda is a casual as fuck game, so they let you be able to stockpile an absolute shitload of healing items.

Not an issue

I agree. I think it deserves 11/10 at the least!

Try playing the game sometime and you'll see how false those points are

>Mediocre music
>Generic, uninteresting combat
>Bland, predictable dungeons
>Same old story as every other Zelda game with more "2deep4u" timeline shit that only spergs care about
>Two dimensional, basic characters
>boring giant empty world without anything more than random roaming enemies, the occasional enemy camp, and wildlife
>Ugly graphics
>Frequent framerate issues

I know you're probably just false flagging, but this game is just pathetic. If it wasn't a Zelda game, literally nobody would talk about it after the first couple days.

I mean it's not Morrowind but Oblivion isn't bad in any regard??


>>Mediocre music
Subjective, but also shit taste. This track is great:
>>Generic, uninteresting combat
The combat is the best the series has ever had. It's even better than Zelda 1 and Skyrim
>>Bland, predictable dungeons
The dungeons are finally perfect. Basically confirmed that you've never played the game.
>>Same old story as every other Zelda game with more "2deep4u" timeline shit that only spergs care about
The story is timeless, like Star Wars and Hamlet
>>Two dimensional, basic characters
I haven't found any in the 200 hours I've watched of the game so far
>>boring giant empty world without anything more than random roaming enemies, the occasional enemy camp, and wildlife
The game is full of stuff to do and explore. Play the game.
>>Ugly graphics
Subjective, but also wrong
>>Frequent framerate issues
Literally not an issue.

>This track is great
>It's literally a remix of a track from Wind Waker, a better game.

Yeah, but the rest of the soundtrack is just as good, if not better. That track is like the low bar for the OST, so if it's THAT good then you know the rest of the soundtrack is just phenomenal!

Haven't played BotW but Wind Waker sucks

No Zelda game sucks, but BoTW is definitely the best! :D

Consider suicide.

Muh framerate!

In general I'm not a stickler for perfect FPS as long as its fairly steady I don't care.

Breath of the Wild constantly drops. I've gotten 0 fps at least 5 times.

Framerate is literally not an issue and even if it was, you're clearly exaggerating because you're jealous that you can't play the game

60 dollar physics tech demo.

I'm >

>VLC media player
Okay kiddo

It's honestly worth twice, maybe even triple that price.

The music is either decent remixes of music from other games, or uninspired, generic shit that barely stands out.

The combat may be the best the series has ever had, but that doesn't make it good.
>B-But it's better than a 30+ year old game and one of the most overrated games ever made!
Not an argument.

>The dungeons are finally perfect
They're nothing special. Not inherently bad, but nothing impressive.

>The story is timeless
Not an argument. Just because they constantly re-use the basic "hero saves princess from dragon" story over and over doesn't mean it's good.

>the game is full of stuff to do
I was talking more about the "open world" aspect; it's open world solely for adding fluff to the game, IE travel time, random enemies, etc.

Even if you do like this weird overly-glowy artstyle, it's still mediocre compared to any other modern game. Not that this is a huge flaw, mind you, but the point still stands that the art style isn't great.

>This issue that you've brought up isn't an issue
Saying that an issue with the game simply doesn't exist because it doesn't personally annoy you is the weakest possible argument you could make.

>30 fps

Sony didn't make it

enjoy your tech demo bro

>I'm a mindless drone who buys anything with Zelda, please steal all of my money Nintendo I love you!!!
You're beyond saving, I'm so sorry.

Doesn't matter

Have you actually played the game or are you just shitposting for the sake of it?

>Duhh, you don't like the game I like, that means you're shitposting
Not. An. Argument.

If this is a tech demo, then I WISH all tech demos could be as good as this. Heck, I wish all GAMES could be as good as this!

>I hate video games and will get angry at people that enjoy them
I hope you learn how to have fun sometime

Serious question because I'm a little stumped on this Shrine Quest.

It's in the Rito Village and it's called "The Ancient Rito Song" Has anyone figured it out and if so could you tell me how to get that Shrine to rise from the ground?

I'm not sure. You should probably start a thread on Reddit and ask for help! They're very good at video games over there and I'm sure they'd know what to do!

>resolution and framerate doesn't matter
say that again when this is running in 4k at 60 fps on cemu in a couple months

>Directing me to Reddit.
I guess I'll try, I'm just really fucking stumped on it.

Your underage nostalgia must be playing with your head, go try playing Oblivion again to refresh your memory.

>People who don't mindlessly adore a video game and ignore all of its flaws HATE VIDEO GAMES
You're not even trying anymore, are you?

Burn in hell pirate scum

Not an argument

I can't believe people actually believe OP is serious. Can't you people tell when someone's being sarcastic?

I see flaws in the game, they just don't bother me or take away my enjoyment of it. I really like this game so far and it's a lot of fun.

Not sure what flaws you're seeing. As far as I can tell, the game is downright perfect! I'm glad you're having fun though!

This. You guys seriously fucking believed me?

Well, framerate does drop but it's not significant enough to cause trouble, but other than that it's really good.

>that combat lol
>no reason to ever fight weaker enemies as you progress, you just break stronger weapons for worse ones
>zelda looks fucking retarded
>zelda is a tea nigger
>4 tiny dungeons
>big empty world (gee, didn't see that one coming)
>infinite bombs, they're just a cd now
>people are talking
>old people with clearly young voices

This shit is not LoZ. Now please, put the fucking name of this cancer in your OP so my filter hides it. Not responding to the troll OP, just putting this up here.

I don't like self insert crap
I dont like shitty framerate
and I don't care about zelda at all

Why is there ALWAYS that one stupid motherfucker that takes joke troll posts seriously? Every damn time.

Has anyone found a way to always get 300 Rupees from the chest game in Lurelin Village without reloading?

OP here. This entire thread was a ruse. I wish all of you guys would have gone along with it. I mean, didn't the mention of that shitty rendition of Dragon Roost and that faggot Pete Hines give it away?

Because niether of my friends who have it can play it

Their switch's cant run it for some unfathomable reason

Where the fuck is the music? I hear sound effects but absolutely nothing except in cities in a series known for fantastic world music. Pretty lame.