Which video game has the best dog?

Which video game has the best dog?

Other urls found in this thread:


dogs life


I really liked the dog in Shadow Dancer.


Dogs of war.

Do you even need to ask?

Secret of Evermore

Not even a contest.

Okami followed by Ghost Trick.

Came here to post th-


Music is nice too


Rule of Rose

dead to rights perhaps.
It blew my mind at the time you could play as a dog as well even though I played Dungeon Keeper before and you could be anything there.

You clearly mistyped and meant to say Haunting Ground.

It's okay, we forgive you.

Either Haunting Ground or Rule of Rose has the best dog and the other one has the second best.

Dragon Age: Origins

is dog code for god or something

hi doggo


/thread. No more need to post.


Bladewolf, obviously.

Resident Evil 4

only came here to post this, glad someone beat me to it


I don't understand. What am I supposed to reply to this image with? What will happen to me if I do or don't?


I miss the cheeseburger edit of this one.

You don't need to do or say anything, user. It's just a nice thing that happened to you.


Hey, it's that Dog!



and me fucking up posting


i like to touch little boy's dicks

i want to fuck that dog





>feed meat
>Dog likes me
>does nothing

Am I missing something?

Or any given Harvest Moon game. This one just has your dog play the most prominent role.

Otherwise one of the weaker entries in the series.

fallout 4

>owning a dog

Silent Hill 2

yeah you missed buying the amiibo to unlock the wolf

u wot m8

But what if I like cats?



Senran Kagura



omg me too

report this weird homosexual predator

That's a bitch user.


Steins;Gate 0

Look at this newfag and laugh.

I know you chuckled

don't lie

Op said dog, not wolf

That's not a dog that's a human. Use your eyes shit-for-brains.

I liked the Annoying Dog. I thought it was cute and it gave me a good smile. And then the guards, with petting them.

>not the cardboard cutout

aint nothing like owning a collie
collies are the fluffiest doges



Black Desert Online has doggos, but they're all locked behind a cash shop.

What games feature beagles?

It brought me cake. On PC I don't even have to sacrifice a party member to have him with me.

gross what an ugly dog!


Always wanted one until I lived a block away from a house with two. Holy shit do they have a set of lungs on them.

Very ugly dog.

Yeah, mine are like little alarm clocks.

Is the pupper more your speed?


Guys there's something wrong with my dog

How about 102 dogs.


Was it in anywhere in Delaware by any chance?

yeah the problem with your dog is he's too cute

tis a snek!
so cute!

dogs a shit



>Rush X

The fuck?

SO DEEP. Oh wait, it's a fucking animal. I forgot.

Lovecraft is just a jelly butthurt catfag

More like VA, I'm surprised the neighbors haven't complained yet

t. Earliest documented neckbear shutin fedora

he (bitch)

>assmad dogfags
loving every laugh

Wow, whoever wrote this must have done a shit job training their dog.

Cats make you gay

Lovecraft was a tiny cuck who was afraid of water and woman.

Cats sure are great.


Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition has the best (voiced) dog ever (if you have the pet pal talent).

still the best 2016

Gamergrill had it coming, harassing the cat like that