Everybody is talking about Zelda and Switch

Everybody forgot about this game and nobody I know bought it. Sony completely fucked up this game launch releasing it so close to BOTW and a brand new console. Why is a hack like Yoshida still in charge of Playstation?

Rip in peace Guerrilla, you will follow Guerrilla Cambridge's fate soon.

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Mess with the best die like the rest

I've read the Zero Dawn actually outsold Zelda, but I'm not sure is the article is a viable source.

I don't have any interest in this game and don't plan on buying it. But if it outsells Zelda I plan on shitposting with it in every Zelda thread I find.

Those were the sales for the week ending on March 4th, so that's day one Zelda sales and 4 or 5 day sales for Zero Dawn. Also it was UK sales, Sony has always dominated there.

HZD is literally one of Sony's best selling new IPs and has so far outsold BotW.

>it's another nintentoddler shit posting instead of playing his $360 purchase thread
It's really telling how you autistic fucks spend all day shit posting while the other side is actually playing the game.

>and nobody I know bought it.

Don't act like all your friends aren't worthless faggots anyway

> Everybody is talking about Switch

Yeah, about how it's a gigantic piece of shit.


>bought Horizon
>bought BotW

I returned horizon, and I'm still playing BotW

BotW has its issues, like fuck stamina bars in open world games and fuck that slow mo qte bullshit. but at the end of the day it makes running around in its open world fun, which most open world games don't do for me anymore, Horizon just didn't. The story was trying to hard, the characters were boring, and the open world was generic as fuck. The robo dinos were cool the first time you see them. I'm sure if someone owned a pro they could get some enjoyment out of the games eye candy but I didn't pay Sony 2 times for the privilege of having their functional Playstation so the game also looked and performed like shit for me.

Horizon is to Zelda as Battleborn is to Overwatch.

Werent they even released within days?

The switch is trash but BotW is leagues ahead of Horizon, that game is trash user, deal with it.

>Mfw it gets crushed in sales even though it's on two separate consoles in sales reports next week
What fag excuse you gonna use then?

I'm sure it's a great game, but only you autists will buy it since everyone else is done with Nintendo's bullshit. The only people who buy this shit is the built in autistic fan base.

>He thinks you have to spend $360 to play BotW
Man who ripped you off and do you want some cloud insurance?

>New IP vs Well establisbed IP only nostalgia fags care about


>I didn't pay Sony two times for a full criminal system
So you paid Nintendo three times for the same system just with some different gimmick shit attached and it's still sub par? Lmao.

>The land fo cucks and numales

>He bought a wiiu

>implying I bought a switch
Nice try sport but no.

>bought a Wii U used for $75 off craigslist
Oh how I suffer user.

I'm really fucking tempted to pick this up but I just got a PS4 at Christmas and have so much on my backlog.

>not buying the only 8th gen console worth having

It fucking outsold BoTW you dumb toddler. Shut up and go back and cry in the corner.

Don't bother unless you have a ps4 pro user, it has shit performance on the Playstation: obsolete.

Uh... It's currently the best new IP that Sony have right now and beaten one of the biggest well established franchise in gaming history. Also majority of the devs Guerilla Cambridge just returned back their main xDev team or to SIE Manchester and now making new games for VR.

When Sup Forums doesn't talk about a game that means it's good

That's the ps4.

You can finish it in 35 hours playing main story and all sidequests.

Have a regular ps4 here, looks fine and runs great. Went and watched a friend play it in 4k, was barely a difference.

How do they define "beat" if beat means "has a week worth of sales under its belt already" then yeah....


And a month from now it will hit a brick wall and be swiftly forgotten once the hype dissipates while BotW will go on to become one of the most successful video games of all time.

>uk sales chart

More consoles sold through by Sony. Of course it outsold out Zelda, no one bought a wii u and Switch is sold out in the US. Zelda will sell more over time, but when sonybros havent had an average exclusive since bloodborne, of course theyll buy the shitty robot skyrim with awful twist ending

>BotW will go on to become one of the most successful video games of all time.

Not too sure about.

>I'm so used to playing shit, I can't even tell it's shit anymore
Man fuck 4k I'd love a solid 60 fps at 1080, I'd live with that, if you think you're getting that on your pspleb your lying to yourself user, the game is stuttery as shit, the game is pretty if you have a pro, but on the normal ps4 it's pretty generic looking. The game is just generic overall, and I was hoping for WAY more put of the story.

Sales don't count if I say so!

Let's not get ahead of ourselves there user, BotW is cool man, and it beats horizon for sure but being better then shit isn't hard to do.

Review scores don't count if i say so!

This comparison doesn't work when HZD sold more.

Should be reversed if anything.

Whatever you say pally.

review scores don't count for shit though user. For any game, ever. Only simps and fanboys act like they do.


>Ever caring about user scores where fanboys spam 10s and trolls spam 0s

>Horizon's is going up
>Zelda's is going down

>meta critic
Oh user, now your just doing it on purpose

>ever caring about professional reviews when paid reviews are a known occurance

I've played the game for about twenty hours and enjoyed it a lot.

It is rough on the edges but it is enjoyable even in the current state.

I already have a wishlist for possible (likely) sequel. Mainly more melee weapons the game showcases axes, warhammers stun batons and fucking explosive lances but only for enemies.

The heavy weapons also should get a bigger role, there are several manmade heavy weapons like firework launchers and dart cannons as well as Dark Souls style great bow that needs to be anchored to the ground (but that is only for enemies)

In general they should just focus more on combat because it is the best part of the game along with world building. I also can't see how Aloy could be the protagonist for sequel unless the Mongols attack from California.

In its first week, you mean.
Might want to re-read the post you replied to. Battleborn also sold well upon release, but we all know which game is still being talked about and shifting units a year into its existence.

>dont even have to verify you own the game

Most people are playing it rather than shit posting about it 24/7 like nintenbros.


Pretty sure that only applies to western games, of which BotW is not one of.

>while BotW will go on to become one of the most overly hyped games of all time just like Skyward Sword
Ftfy nintenigger

At least i know they played the fucking game

Plus really, user? Nintendo bribed the worldwide press?

>trying this hard
Yeah okay user.


Off topic but where are all of these girls from in your picture

>Be game reviewer
>do honest in depth review
>give realistic scores
>scores lower then extremely over the top high end scores
>game devs stop sending me review copies early
>No longer a game reviewer

I mean how hard is this to understand, on top of that it's really not hard to pay any major outlet that does reviews, I mean Jesus, I love BotW, but you can't be this autistic about how reviews work.


Review scores and long-term sales do tend to be directly correlated, you know.

You need at least 100 IQ to understand structural corruption.

Tell me, which companies get more advertising on western video game websites: western ones or Japanese ones?

Congrats! You proved all user scores aren't reliable, like we already said!

You come up with the conspiracy theories and I'M the autist? Was Gamestop (or was it IGN?) blacklisted by Nintendo for that infamous 8.8 back then?

Sales has nothing to do with quality, though.


It really is SJW trash (in the side-quests at least).

Band of (white) mercenaries called, I shit you not, Kikuk's Killers want to kill an """"innocent"""" black man and you have to stop them!

Good thing we weren't talking about quality, then.

I was gonna respond but your post sort of sums up how retarded you are for me

>user reviews don't matter at all because fanboys and trolls
>when specific people tell me a game is good they are honest and right for sure.

Look up authority affirmation kid, now not only do you look retarded, but you also look like a tool.

Basically metacritic is useless. It's been proven the games media are corrupt as fuck and are fucking friends with the devs who make the games they review. Then users can just slap any score they want.

Form your own opinions, watch some gameplay. We have the tools ourselves, we don't need actual paid shills to tell us if a game is 10/10 or not.

>trying to compare ZELDA, a household name in any country in the west with a huge fan following and decades of relevance within western gaming culture to some obscure niche weeb crap that didn't get a front page story on IGN or game informer.

Okay you got me user, good bait.

>dating what I already said

it sold like hotcakes where I live

I don't blindly follow reviewers. I agree with them if what i see from the actual game aligns with what i read in them. Good job moving them goalposts tho

I'm gonna get it after I finish Breath of the Wild

No one is talking about Horizon anymore because the day it got released everyone played 1 hour of it, rushed to the internet to start the "WOW 10/10 MASTERPIECE HOW DID THEY DO IT!?" shit then they played the rest of the game and realized that there's fuck all else to talk about.

Switch is being talked about because there's a huge divide of opinions and actually substance to the topic.

A Well established franchise can't even beat a new IP on launch week. that funny part it is all Nintendo's fault

Does Aloy get a Barefoot Outfit?? Please tell me she does

Child Aloy doesnt count

Even if haters downvoted it, 4438 seems like a pretty safe number of voters to assume that it isn't as great as paid reviewers make it out to be.

>Switch is being talked about because there's a huge divide of opinions and actually substance to the topic.


>It's only ok if Nintendo has terrible quality control.

That's pretty good considering I just really enjoyed Until Dawn and Doom and only took about 10-15 each to plat.

I'm not taking a side, just saying that there's a huge difference of opinions which will naturally generate far more conversation and attention.

Horizon came out, was instantly praised as a perfect 10/10 then people played it and realized there's fuck all substance to the game so conversation died out instantly.

More like Horizon got a fair score, while BotW is the most shilled game of this generation. 98 Metacritic score, jesus christ.

>Literally "reviews count only if they support my company alliance"

Really? None of the Walmarts around me have it in Stock, and when I tried to buy it off amazon yesterday it said they were temporarily out of stock.

Horizon and Zelda are both being shilled from what I can see, having only played Horizon however I can't really offer a decent opinion on Zelda but Horizon is a 5-6/10 at best.

Still, doesn't change the fact that the Switch is going to get more attention because there's a controversy around it.

I think Horizon is the better game, but its metacritic score is right. BotW score is the most blatant example of how corrupt the games media is.

Shpw me signs of this corruption, please

I swear, it's like I'm on Sup Forums with idiots arguing Disney bribed the planet to shit on BvS

Nobody would have cared about Horizon to begin with if it had not been compared to Zelda.
It would have instead been compared to FarCry and Assassin's Creed and there's been like 30 of those in the past 10 years.

horizon is the kind of game your younger brother or your father plays: they know some video games, but all very entry-level, they buy the game, play it, sometimes finish it, don't bother doing 100%, put it on their shelves and forget about it
zelda is for enthusiasts besides all the other possible targets so it's gonna be discussed for long after its release

>Shpw me signs of this corruption, please

You serious?

Nintendo is coming off the failure of WiiU and needs a game to sell its new console. Suddenly they make the second best game of all time, a mere point behind Ocarina of Time?

OoT which had been developed by Nintendo during its golden era.

Open your eyes nintendcuck.


>in the UK
>in the UK
>in the UK
>in the UK
>in the UK
This is how desperate Sony niggers are.

PS4 has sold over 50 million units. It would just take 5% of those to have bought Horizons to outsell Zelda. Are you this fucking daft?

>Still sells higher than Zelda



Horizon will still get goty because it's actually an innovative title and the first 4k console title. There's a reason Kojima demanded to use Decima after seeing Horizon trailer. Zelda is literally muh nostalgia on muh broken tablet: the game.

Yes keep posting 98. Keep doing it. I'm sure it will make Zelda somehow sell more than Horizon.

Please tell me more about your paid reviews. I'm sure there's a good excuse for why it's #2 there somewhere.

So again all you have is a conspiracy theory

I mean, fuck, you could like others do, accuse the press of rating the game too high either because it's Zelda or because they're casuals that love "Ubisoft towers" so much

But no, you prefer to assume Nintendo somehow bribed every single outlet out there or bullied them into submission, without a single crack, without a single dissonant voice slipping

Get the fuck outta here

Dude, an 8.8 is fucking insane for an abomination of western video game design like Boreizon: Zero Fun. Hell even a 67 is generous as fuck.

>one of the worst video games of all time
>gets a fucking 91 meta score


88 is pretty good for a brand new IP with a market flooded with sequels and fucking reboots.