What are some games where I can read books?

What are some games where I can read books?

minecraft, the elder scrolls

>not reading Paradise Lost
doesn't he want to have interracial sex?

how does he think a communist manifesto will get him white booty?

>when you get lost at the publisher details

leftist pussy

What's wrong with reading about communism?

Also does true communism work

Arx Fatalis

there´s also a cute snek in the royal library

Cause it's pointless


Well I think it's very noble of him to read even if he looks like an edgy kid while doing it.

>What are some games where I can consume the worst type of modern media?
I don't know, ask the folks at

Skyrim, metal gear solid 2

look what he's reading retard

imagine how bad detroit would become if they went communist

>the worst type of modern media?
You can't just say this while posting on a video games board

Global wealth is somewhere around what? 250 trillion? Divide that by the number of individuals on the planet, 7.5 billion. About $33,000 USD per person. So much for communism.

You don't need to agree with something to read about it, if that were true everyone would be limited only to their worldview.

do you really think that ape is reading the communist manifesto to "expand his worldview"?

>true communism

I don't know him well enough to make that judgement.

>occupying 2 seats
>putting his boot on top of the seat, dirtying it.
I cringe so hard when I see this. Don't know if because i use multiple public transports every day or if it's common sense.

he's right, true communism has never been tested

You bet your ass I can, at least videogames have gameplay


He's American, a hatred for his fellow countrymen is what it means to be nationalistic over there.

>Blaming the rich for your problems
>Not know what the real problem is

Is that carpet? On a train car? Where do the hobos pee then?


>communism work

history proven that Marx’s vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies

Wheres that quote from reagan about communism?

>How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.

Stop it nigga don't fall for the communism meme

also sage because this isn't vidya

>what are some games where I can xyz
should be insta permarange bannable

Why insult his race? Why be an asshole like that.

Is that someone in particular or is the joke just that it's a black guy dressed like a hipster reading about communism

correct the jews but try talking about it and people brand you a nazi

hmm makes you think

Naturally what matters is the population size of developed countries, not third world clusterfucks where people reproduce like cockroaches and shit on the street. Also we could not possibly predict the actual value of 33k USD in such a world. Global communism under extreme wealth inequality is not going to work? No shit. I've seen high schoolers come up with better arguments against communism.

No it really doesn't. It just makes me think you are a polfag.

Federal reserve bank is a private bank that prints money and loans to everyone. Banks and US government alike. Federal reserve is the only one who can print money from the US Mint.

And for added fun look up Executive order 1110.You'll know who really killed JFK.

>Here just let me expose the cover so everyone can clearly see I'm reading the Communist Manifesto look at me I am so smart and free thinking!

i had to read communist manifesto and animal farm for my freshmen year of high school

animal farm was fine to read but manifesto just seemed like gibberish


Kind of weird coming from Reagan, i agree communism doesn't work. But Reagan also gave us that trickle down bullshit that doesn't work either.

I recently started playing Skyrim with the unread books glow mod, and even just picking them all up without reading them would take hours, there are hundreds. Its more impressive than the core game.

and, as the saying goes, pol is always right

get out, jew

Looks like the floor from the T in Boston.
That thing is hard and soulless.

>Brand you as a nazi
I tell them I'm not a socialist and therefore cannot be a nazi. I always get confused looks. Also I tell them that not liking Jews isn't the same as being a Nazi. Around that time almost no one liked Jews

>the older whitey gets the more criminally inclined he gets
>the older blackey gets the less criminally inclined he gets

really makes you think

That just means find other ways of fucking over the bougies rather than just accepting things. Fuck the wealthy, those who worship wealth, and those who seek to maintain the system that empowers both.

I agree, we do need to purge the third world.

There is nothing wrong with educating yourself

Also no.

It would unironically be an improvement

So the conspiracy theorist have arrived. We already have commies, antisemites, and racist in the thread. So the conspiracy theorists might just the cherry on top of this shit sundae.

Oh man, I enjoy rubbing my cock to money just knowing that is pisses you off so much.
Stay poor faggot.

>dude just kill everyone lmao

The Elder Scrolls obviusly

>you lived to see the left join hands with international supercorporations and batshit "progressives" to shit on the working class as much as they possibly can


this looks like manspreading haha

Im not jewish. Why would you even think im jewish. Are you that insecured you think anyone disagreeing with you has to be part of some weird ass conspiracy?

It's more efficient to purge the wasteful, resource hogging developed world.

Those who are intelligent enough to recognize inefficiency and inequity but aren't brave enough to sacrifice luxuries should be the first to go.

three seats

>sign order to mint a new currency
>shot within the week
>next day any distributed notes are rounded and destroyed

You know many big events can actually be explained for financial reasons, you have any idea how much economic data was lost on 9/11?
The value of gold doubled, and several banks suddenly had double the money fro nothing by short selling on the day of.