Hacked when?

how long before something like the Freeshop hits this thing?

what do you guys figure? a year or two?
maybe less?

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Didn't it take a while for the 3DS to be hacked and easily available to the common user?

at this point why would anyone bother?

its like hacking a VCR.

Soon hopefully because that's the only time I'll be getting one.

this is what i mean though.
wasnt it untill like 2015 when the 3ds became fully hacked?

or is the switch gonna need like one of those flash cards?

switch is already being hacked mate. far faster than 3DS

That's what they said about the 3DS

source of this information?


Freeshop will never be a thing on switch. The eShop titles are bound to your account now, so no more ticket shit. It's all server side.


Why do people always hack Nintendo's shit?
How come the other guys never get this?


Most of their libraries are multiplats, so anyways the superior version tends to be PC's.

Oh fuc-

I guess it's easier. Sony tends to try to stomp out piracy with each update too instead of every now and then like Ninty does.

It actually might be sooner rather than later

>removable eMMC
>in house security yet again
>kernel is just an updated version of the 3DS's
>ALSR isn't properly implemented
>ended up throwing in a 3rd party web browser at the last minute for hotspot login which probably has vulnerabilities and even has a full html5 video player

the fact the Switch uses carts allows for that possibility. it's all gonna depend on how good the security is, how many exploits are easily available. and how much the Chinks learned from the west about browser exploits.

because their security is shit. finding a single exploit on PS3 took years.

I'm thinking it will take a while, Nintendo is gutting hardware and software left and right to eliminate possible exploit entrypoints

No browser
No microphone
No camera

someone who isnt retarded like i am explain what im seeing here and if its actually significant

It's not, stuff like this happened early on in the 3DS era, but they kept patching it or the Exploit cost money outside of a SD card and was unviable for us poor anons


>explain what im seeing here

He's Beginning To Believe


Pluto !

Bad dog !

there is a browser though. plus supposedly, a dump of the NAND. I hear the bootloader is locked so no permanent hack like on the 3DS, but finding exploits becomes that much easier.

plus you can jury rig temporary hacks, like emuNAND, if you find something useful.