Does anyone here play this game? Matchmaking is super active but I never see anyone post about it on here. What's your season level? Are you collecting wasteland skins? I can't get anything good to come out of my loot matrices.
Does anyone here play this game? Matchmaking is super active but I never see anyone post about it on here...
You might want to mention what game you're even fucking talking about the next time you decide to make this place shittier by starting a new thread.
Never heard of it.
I think that's Atlas Reactor.
What game?
who is this semen demon?
Katy Perry, obviously
>front page is a wall of nothing but switch and nioh
>make a thread about a rarely discussed game
It's okay if you're steamed about not being able to reverse image search, I'm sure you didn't get your nap today
Anybody get the new champ Khita? I really like her but all her cooldowns need to go down by one to actually make her useful
You seem to think this shit is worth the time of reverse image searching. It's not popular enough to be recognizable by 99% of the people here. Put the name of the video game you want to talk about in the threads you start on the video game board.
But why would I do that when I can use you to bump my thread for free?
Still insisting you're not making this place shittier when a few minutes later you're bragging about how effective your shitposts are.
And you're certainly raising our value with your awesome posts.
I don't start threads.
Not even him, but did you seriously answer him and not sage? How new are you? I don't even care what this game is. I came here to laugh at you.
I don't know what game this is but I'll bet that girl thinks the wage gap is real
I've been here all summer. Besides it doesn't matter if I sage or not; he's one of those compulsive posters that will respond to anything that mentions him; especially if he's the OP.
>I don't start threads, I just piss and moan if they're not about PS4s or boipucci
Make the content you want to see, bro. It's free and it doesn't shit up other people's threads :)
Sounds familiar. Like I've seen it in some other thread. Nope, nevermind it was this one:
I told you what you need to do to make a better thread. Include the name of the game somewhere in the OP. It's real simple. You're the one getting ego defensive. If you want to talk about the game, name it. If you just want to shitpost all fucking day long then by all means continue acting like a little girl who doesn't need to do what anybody tells her. You fucking putz.
>OP still hasn't mentioned the game
How much of a failure can you be
Tips on getting good with this semen support?
Faggotry aside, I played Grey almost exclusively for 120 hours and I have a 60% winrate with her, I think I'm doing pretty good. New character looks fun to play too, although her design, voice and lines are boring as shit.
Is that the OP? Let me check. Oh, no. It's not. Shame. All you get are shitposts now because that's all you actually want to do.
I've tried to play Grey but I just wasn't super interested. I mostly play Nix and Tidus, I'm level seven with each of them
I love this game, but I have a feeling it won't last long. I used to play lots of Grey, but I switched to Elle.
Also fuck Khita she's way too good of a support.
I don't know man, I see active players talking about the game in question. Seems like you're the only one who came to shitpost.
Looks like shit. 6 months, tops.
>this game
Nigga what game
Do you think switching to fully free to play was a last ditch effort or a wise business move? Pre-flip I almost bought it during the sale, but so far all I've spent was five bucks on three completely underwhelming loot crates
>I love this game, but I have a feeling it won't last long.
Apparently the company has an abysmal reputation. I've seen players who claimed they'd do the same to AR as they did to their previous game, in that they're gonna try to push p2w catalysts or something.
They should've kept this game free to play in the first place, going f2p > paid > f2p again doesn't really bode well. But hey, it's fun enough right now.
The only two big gripes I have about this game is that it takes way too much resources for graphics like that and that the porn is practically non-existent.
All I want is some Grey cameltoe pics, is that too much to ask ?
>everybody dashes two squares away
Well the biggest problem for their reputation is probably that they mostly publish Korean mmos that are already p2w
Phaedra is best girl
Phaedra is patrician, good taste user.
Yeah quite enjoy it. Although I don't think it implements it amazingly, I always like the idea of simultaneous turns.
I saved up a bunch of xp with the black dude in the mech suit (bastion?). I did pretty damn well each game with a fairly consistent approach.
When I saved up enough I got the sword guy and my contribution plummeted. Maybe I just can't position him right but the 2 seem so similar in damage potential I don't get why I'm so much shitter with the shouting sword man. That said, his shout mods are all pretty sweet.
>tfw had more fun in the alpha then the full game
Its a great game but I ruined it for myself
Pup is the best
There's kind of a point where gameplay clicks and you can pick up whomever. In terms of playing thicksword, I usually stick him right in the middle of everything and use the yell to heal. Turtle Tech catalyst is awesome too
Shield catalyst is overpowered. It's excellent on everyone, I don't see what characters would benefit more from might or unstoppable rather than just shields.
might is probably good for a key AoE play or particular ult finisher