I have a big porblem in OVERWATCH: i'm mainly Play healers and i'm going down in ranked because I often have very bad...

I have a big porblem in OVERWATCH: i'm mainly Play healers and i'm going down in ranked because I often have very bad team mates. Is there Any way not to lose so often. I know I could play something else than healer but often there is only one or no healer. I hope you understand what I mean notwithstanding my bad English

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Play zenyatta and carry.
Can't carry with zenyatta?
You're shit and belong in your rank.

Zen doesn't do enough healing that's why I'm playing mercy or ana

Zenyatta has it all.
Constant heals that don't require your attention, increased damage against a target for all of your team members, and literal invincibility. Let's not even talk about his damage output and ROF.

Not the point. He does enough healing to be ok at it, would be best with a 2nd healer but good enough. He also does a fuck ton of damage and you can kill literally anyone. With keeping your team alive and the damage, you should be able to roll if you truly deserve to be at a higher rank.

Yeah you're right but if zen is the only healer your team die nearly instand I don't know why buy I have the luck to come in lobby that don't give a fuck about good team setting and pick dmg dealer

BTW I'm gold with around 2100 points

Post your rank

Sry im not at home will post it when I'm home

But that's my battle tack so you can look it by yourself FA777#2185

You should be able to carry with Ana or Zen because they both have crazy damage in addition to healing

You're gold? That's at the level where you can pretty much steam roll by yourself if you're mechanically decent and have decent positioning.



Well carry as a ana isn't that easy I'm good but I'm not that good. I think the dmg isn't the problem at all the problem is staying together an at the point and not running around by yourself and die like it doing sadly a lot of people

I don't mean to be rude but people climb out of gold solo all the time. You literally have to become more skilled and have better understanding of how to play the game. You don't need to have a good team. You won't win every game but if you actually belong at a higher rank you will climb.

Listen mate, what you gotta do is find yourself a Tank and stay around them. Keep some distance and keep shooting Zen's balls into people, and that's all you need to get 5 medals.

Heck, can you hit two people in the head? Congrats, you're better than your team and Blizzard gives you PotG

the game's matchmaking is designed so you continually win and lose. you have to carry your team, no matter how shit they are, if you want to win. this is how you rank up in this wacky system of theirs, by being an exceptional solo player in a team game.

First rule of team work, my l4d... don't trust your team.

are you communicating?
you'll never rank up unless you just bite the bullet and get your autistic ass on mic and start calling the shots

If lower rank, then Fill;
If higher, then Priority;

But there is still a thing that I don't get why are people playing ranked if thy don't even care about winning if they would take the chars so that all roles are fulfilled and stay together as a team they would win most of the games in the lower raks like gold

Only essential in diamond in above


>I don't get why people
People aren't logical.

That's really really hard for me because I very shy if it come to speak and if it isn't my mother language it is even worse

It can't be that hard to think logically and play like you shout

Get your accented ass a mic. Lots of people think its cute. You just need simple call outs anyway. "Hog left" "nano now" "let's all go left okay?"etc.

For me only saying hello to people that I don't know is fucking hard and even if I know the people I don't talk a lot

Just drink a bit. That's what I do.

Don't play on North America servers, they're full of retards.

>european intellectuals

I'm in the USA. The NA servers for this game are full of kids, spics and toothless rednecks.


EU is full of russians

I used to do it but there two problems first I'm 16 and my parents won't let my trink in the middle of the day on schooldays second one is that us that I'm not allowed to drink atm because of some serious health problems

Yeah that's right

Get one of your doctors to prescribe some xanax or something

Hold on a minute, what's up with that ear? Hmmmm...

I'm German so I play on EU servers