I think it's now obviously apparent ever since the Switch launch that people only come here to sprout nothing but chaos

I think it's now obviously apparent ever since the Switch launch that people only come here to sprout nothing but chaos

many people behind the keyboard and screen on the other side have either major depression, or they are so isolated from the world and reality, they have nothing else to live for.

Coming to somewhere like here, and just shitposting and trolling to an absolute autistically high level is the only exciting thing left in their life.

Humans crave excitement and pleasure from things, even if it is something as simple as extremely shitposting on a board like Sup Forums even if they are wrong, just to upset people or cause absolute chaos for their own fulfillment.

Because when they turn off the computer and have to go lie down to sleep, the numbing pain of reality returns.

What if I TOLD YOU that you are EVIl. What If I TOLD you NO ONE cares.


ENJOY IT tonight

Yeah that's pretty much the average Sup Forums user now. I mean, it always was, but they just got more autistic.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious. I rarely see genuine conversation on Sup Forums

I live for moments like these where Nintendo isn't completely inept for once, but apparently others can only gain happiness if Nintendo is on the verge of failure. Even """if""" the Switch sells does it have a chance of beating PS4? I don't think so but everyone acts like Sony will fall down if Nintendo has even a iota of Success.

I don't get it.

Let's all love Lain instead.

Jokes on you cause i own a switch and shitpost constantly for the #automaticreplies

why does it fucking matter which company is "winning"? I just want to play some good fucking games. If there was only one gaming platform period and all games came out on it, it would be the best shit ever for me. Who the fuck cares about how the companies perform relative to each other except shareholders?

Let's all love Lain。



Miku is gonna beat you up for shitposting with his waifus name, user

He's going to beat me up for mentioning him too





Nice post, OP. It is pretty true








Lain was shit




>many people behind the keyboard and screen
it's phoneposters though

why are you posting the untranslated version?


Why do you care about EOPs?

>he thinks anyone on Sup Forums can read moonrunes

Stop projecting; we aren't all as pathetic as you are.

that's why this thread is dead right?

I already saved it user, No need make a new thread

What's even the point of this thread? Everyone knows that, it's not gonna change anything whining about it, just ignore the shitposters.

No comment on the thread

just here to love Lain