Why is this shit still 400 buck? The switch just came out and its cheaper.
Why is this shit still 400 buck? The switch just came out and its cheaper
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Because that's the console with the good BotW version.
You can get a refurbished one from nintendo for $200.
It plays BotW better and it's not as shit quality wise.
What is this meme? BOTW runs like ass on Wii U and at worse resolution
why would I buy a broken console?
It has framedrops, but they are less common, it actually has better details and draw distance then the Switch version.
Also, it does not fucking break while playing it.
>they are less common, it actually has better details and draw distance then the Switch version.
butthurt you sold your wii u and bought a switch with dead pixels?
That's still way too much. I'd never buy refurbished anyway.
Shit,you serious?
You, the one who clearly doesn't own a switch, seems to be the only person bitching about a switch.
Oh yeah! That's because Sonyqueers are intimidated by the Nintendo Switch, that's why you shit over every thread.
Grow up, bitch.
Clearly, you don't own a Wii u.
No he's not. Switch version runs better than Wii U. Probably butthurt he couldn't get a preorder.
Kek, "sonyqueers" actually I'm waiting for Cemu.
Supply and demand
But no one wants a Wii U
Pic with timestamp of Wii U and Switch both on one picture and running BotW.
Else, fuck off shill.
My local Walmarts and Targets don't even carry the Wii U anymore from what I can tell.
Prove it faggot.
>this Pii U buyer's remorse trying to justify their shitty purchase
>not emulating the 5 good games it has
How? I might be a Nintendo shill, my opinion does not count.
>WiiU plays Zelda BoTW at 60 frames 1080p
>Switch plays it at 720p 20fps in docked mode
>>WiiU plays Zelda BoTW at 13 frames 720p
Why would you resort to lying?
According to DF the WiiU version is much more tolerable compared the version of the Switch when docked also the WiiU version is less prone to the crash to home menu error
If I buy their refurbished, will it be updated enough that homebrew won't work?
kek, pretty much doesn't matter which one plays it smoother if one can't even play it without crashing
>the WiiU version is much more tolerable compared the version of the Switch when docked
Except the Switch handheld plays at the same resolution as Wii U.
So you either
>play on Wii U at 720p with heavy drops
>play on Switch docked at 900p with drops
>play on Switch handheld at 720p with stable 30 fps
Any way you look at it, Switch is the definitive version. Sorry you're still butthurt about buying a dead console with no games
Homebrew works on the latest firmware. There hasn't been Wii U system update in a year and a half
>play 720p on a tiny screen instead of TV
no tnx
Who the fuck has a 900p screen?
900p w/ drops is better than 720p w/ drops
Not if you have a 720p TV, does not look like ass at least like 900p scaled to 1080p does.
Who the fuck has a 720p TV?
>dropping prices
>not having a separate proper 720p TV for your 720p console
poor much?
you use a 4:3 CRT, so the game does not look like ass
That would imply that I would buy a 720p console.
Don't you have a Switch?
because it actually works
I'm not dumb enough to pay $400 for a Zelda machine. I'll just emulate that in a month.
I'll buy one if it actually gets some decent exclusives. As it stands pretty much everything for it is either a port or multiplat.
>the WiiU version is less prone to the crash to home menu error
I've had several crashes while playing BOTW on Wii U. One time I was re-watching a memory from the menu and it just froze.
Also the sound files on one memory are completely fucked. Its the one where Zelda gets butthurt that she can't open the shrine with the slate. After she taps the slate against the table the sound just turns to static and stays like that until the cutscene ends.
because the switch is so broken people started buying the wiiu to play zelda instead
No it's true, I had the same drops in the same areas, and then one while fighting some ..moblins or w/e once, aside from that it's perfect.
U version really is the best.
Stop lying
I really am convinced that it doesn't matter shit all which version you have. I have a Wii U_ there's no fucking way I am purchasing another console any time soon. Nintendo heuuuuuhhhh!!!
>But no one wants a Wii U
The relative costs of a Wii U and Switch say otherwise.
The only reason Wii U is expensive is because it's out of production, Nintendo recalled its stock from retailers, and very few people actually bought one
Because nintenbro is always expensive like holy shit. I just checked the prices for Switch games today (both US and JPs) and holy hell, they are just as expensive as Wii/WiiUshit and far ore expensive than Vita and PS4 crap. 3DS ones are the only ones """cheap"""
>The only reason Wii U is expensive is because it's out of production
That's not how economics works.
>1-2 Switch is 50 dollars
It is when you're dealing with autistic video game collectors, i.e. the only people interested in buying a Wii U at this point
Fuck that. I meant to type NintenS-H-I-T. What is this? is this like anti-k-e-k? Testing. Nintenbro
BoTW also runs like shit on the Switch, only the Wii U version is consistently slightly less shitty.
I know you guys are paid to try and push people towards the Switch, but for fuck sake be a little less arrogant about the whole thing.
>only the Wii U version is consistently slightly less shitty.
How? 720p with drops is worse than 900p with drops, or 720p with stable 30 fps. So either way Switch is better
No, you dishonest piece of shit. 720 NATIVE with LESS framedrops is better thatn 900 UNSCALED with consistently more framedrops, WORSE draw distance and LESS particle effects.
You're going to have to actually earn your $0.01, Pajeet.
Prove the Wii U has less framedrops and better draw distance
All the evidence is out there, you cancerous fucking marketer. We have been bombarded by it. It's your job to show otherwise. Something you've failed to do.
Frame drops are cinematic and I personally enjoy them, makes everything seem more epic.
>All the evidence is out there
Then it shouldn't be too hard for you to find it, burden of proof is on you since you made the claim
To guarantee that people buy the new thing instead of buying the thing they're dropping support for.
>burden of proof is on you
No it's not, retard.
My job isn't on the line.
Your job as a shitposter is
nintendo increased the price so people would buy the switch
Nintendo doesn't sell it anymore dummy, they recalled the stock from stores
Work on your material Pajeet; I'm not the one being paid to represent a console which is currently facing a wave of criticism from all over the world due to hardware faults and shoddy game performance.
You're the moron doing damage control here, not I.
>shoddy game performance.
It performs better than Wii U.
Japs. They see less scan lines.
That's the thing: it doesn't and people have been complaining about it. We can go in circles all day but the fact remains is that people are now fully aware of the poor performance of the Switch version and it is making headlines in gaming and tech websites.
Your damage control really needs to be better because as of current standings, everything goes against your claims and people are not happy about it.
How do we know you don't work for Sony?
How many times have you raped Ke$ha?
Like I said post proof that the Wii U version runs better. I pirated it on the day it leaked and I can tell you it runs like fucking garbage.
The console has to be more expensive because you can get all of its games for free.
When you make a claim you back it up with facts or else no one is inclined to believe you. That's why the burden of proof is on you.