Popful Mail
Popful Mail
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I wanna fap to that ass.
What's stopping you?
I hope Falcom never remakes this game, since they will inevitably ruin it with some party gameplay switching character bullcrap.
I still don't get what is wrong with just having one character to control and play. The party bullshit ruined Ys, and Tokyo Xanadu is trash ruining the Xanadu line forever.
Tato is pretty good looking
I remember getting horny from the ads in Gamepro and seeing art of her with that highcut leotard
>I hope Falcom never remakes this game, since they will inevitably ruin it with some party gameplay switching character bullcrap.
But, user, I...
>my dick when this came up
>le party system ruined ys meme
kill yourself my man
He's partly right. Being more like Trails ruined Ys. It's been hit by the Sonic-syndrom of having too many fucking friends. All you need reoccuring is Adol, Dogi, and sometimes Geis if you want a chuckle.
I miss 80's/90's artstyle
>Shinjuku mail: follows the story of a group of high school students who find themselves imbued with magical girl powers in a fight against yakuza gangsters
90's anime > 80's anime > poop > 10's anime > 00's anime
That line is when Falcom changed for the worse, although one would argubly want to include Zwei II or the Brandish remake but they weren't that unique or good to include IMO.
mazinkaiser skl was great, fuck you
What's wrong with 00's? I mean there wasn't much of it but it had some great stuff. Anything post 2010 is genuinely awful with few exceptions.
>mfw just got done rewatching Slayers
First couple episodes are pretty fucking bad but after Shabadadiggityniggerdigdo and the Giga Slave shit kicks off hardcore
I also remember Eric Stuart giving me the broest of bro hugs at a convention for remembering he voiced Gourry
That dub is pretty awful but it's what I grew up with, so it's just natural to me
God doesn't exist.
I highly recommend you to read Ozanari Dungeon, probably closest thing to Slayers' feel I've seen.
Did you offer to take him into a room in the back and let his LIGHT COME FORTH into your boipussy?
No but we did get a beer because I happened to catch him on the last day when he was taking all his shit out to his car
He's really fucking cool and his music isn't half bad
Struggling to find another show like Slayers. Magic Knight Rayearth is kind of there with the setting but the comedy is flat.
So fucking same. I also wish box art with that anime style was still a thing.
For you
You grew up in the 80s we get it.
Shit's getting old.
Das it mane.
why are people so picky about dubs? I though it was great.
Even the inexplicable voice change for Zelgadis made sense.
3 episodes only
enjoy your endless hunger
there is way more manga tho.
asha cuter
Paranoia Agent is the best anime series of all time though.
>virtually no good porn of Mail
You are dismissing some seriously good anime in the first half of 00's
I used to never give a shit but as I got older I realized that 90% of all anime that isn't something super mainstream like Dragon Ball or YuYu Hakusho is just phoned the fuck in like you wouldn't fucking believe. I legitimately can't fucking stand English dubs anymore.
My sister recently got into anime but won't watch what I give her on a hard drive because it's in moon, so I had to show her the different streaming sites.
Listen to this fucking shit, user. It's awful. This is a character who is the whole "5 gorrillion years old dragon who is secretly a child" actually played straight as a fucking child and she still sounds like a middle aged woman.
>First couple episodes are pretty fucking bad
>I watch the dub because of nostalgia
Well that's your problem. Anything would be bad if you watch it with bad voices and altered dialogue.
>why are people so picky about dubs? I though it was great.
anime dubs were a mistake
also if to have actual argument - it's depends from person to person. If you watched anime as a kid, and your voice actors for foreign movies and cartoons doesn't suck major sack of balls - you get used to Eng dub quite fine.
But most of other countries' people weren't as lucky. All we got is really shitty dubs for everything. And for niche thing as anime back then you'd be lucky if someone bothered to get subs on your language, not to mention dubs, which were usually horrifying. So people just switched to original audio for most media and kept just reading subs.
And after getting used to original audio, everything else seems meh at best.
Dunno tho what would native English speaking person say about that point of view tho.
Dubs often come out long after subs are available, so people get used to the Japanese voices and will see any deviation from them as wrong regardless of the actual quality of the dub.
If you notice that stuff that a lot people grew up watching dubbed (e.g. Pokémon) and things where the dub was available early (e.g. Space Dandy) there's not nearly as much hate.
I don't hear anything wrong with it.
sounds fine to me, it's better than Midori Days where the main girl makes me want to rip out my eardrums
>Redhead literally sounds like she's reading off the script in the bathroom and unironically says "slut shaming"
Agreed, but this is Sup Forums.
I hate how Tokyo Xanadu doesn't even play or feel remotely like Xanadu at all.
80's anime was awful in a majority. Even it's best were just unrefined 90's material.
The fact that several animation companies went bankrupt during that era should give you a big hint.
Quality of english voice actors for anime is complete trash most the time. There's no market for it, and no talent.
>You, break up with Lady Toe-Rue
I'm out. The overly American pronounciation of these dubs always has me dry heaving.
>switching goalposts
If God doesn't exist then who graced mankind with high cut leotards?
>Dunno tho what would native English speaking person say about that point of view tho.
I'm a native English speaker and can say that English dubs are some of the worst out there. Other countries, especially Mexico, Brazil, Italy and etc, had decent to even good dubs. Because they have training and competition for voice acting. As well as people making careers out of voicing foreign media.
In America and Britain on the other hand, voice acting is seen as a bottom of the barrel profession. Something actors only do if they can't get a job in live action acting. Dubs are also done as quickly and cheaply as possible 99% of the time. Obviously there's some rare exceptions like a few games. But even then, a game with tons of time and effort put into the voice acting still got horribly cheesy acting quality.
Anime and Japanese games are also known for their overacting. Which works in the Japanese culture, but does not transition well into English culture. You either get extremely hammy over acting, which makes English speakers cringe, or super serious acting in a show that was originally not suppose to be serious.
Been watching anime since the late 80s. There are good shows and bad shows in every decade. And most people like you are cherry picking 10-20 shows from the 90s and comparing them to 2,000 shows made after the 90s, while ignoring all the bad shows from the 90s.
I'm not the biggest fan of 90s artstyle, but at least they didn't censor violence/sex
mail always reminded me of Mink from Dragon Half
That's what I fucking hate about my cunt friends who whine about "moe shit" all the time
The stupid whiny fucks are ignoring legitimately good shit like Konosuba and Gabriel so they can whine about Lucky Star for the five thousandth time
There was that one doujin that /vr/ scanlated.
>Expecting a good dub from a shitty anime
>Implying the jap shit is any better
Maybe it has more to do with the fact that you watch pandering moeshit for manchildren who will watch any trash regardless of the effort.
seems roughly what I expected. Especially after that recent Zelda dub comparison. Old man sounds fucking terrible on English, didn't expect that from title this big.
80s Personalities
90s Eyes and expressions
00s Hair
10s Breasts and bodies
Too bad Slayers R/Evo fucked everything up. They had a real good chance to make Slayers in HD. Instead we got low budget animation and no story.
Look at the market for japanese voice acting in anime before you spill your assburgers everywhere user.
>my dick when watching the entirety of Revolutionary Girl Utena uncensored on cable television when I was 13
The 90's (and early 00's) were truly strange times.
I grew up on 70's anime and I still prefer 00s and 10s compared to any of those. The problem with 90s anime is that the variety was too thin. 80s was even thinner
Back in the day when anime wasn't purely pedobait and has some nudeness with actual sense.