Literally why would anyone buy an entire console just to play a single game?

Literally why would anyone buy an entire console just to play a single game?

Like honestly, how do you justify spending the money on a Switch to play one game, then let it collect dust until Spla2oon or whatever comes out?


It's really none of your fucking business.

I agree, but still.

No one's buying the console for a single game. More games will come later. If I want to play Zelda now and I know I'll want to play Switch games coming later, why wouldn't I buy it now if I can? It's not like I'll beat Zelda and then just stare at the fucking wall until Mario comes out. There's other shit to do.

Wojak posting should result in a perma ban

I would have bought it except the cartridges don't taste good.

why dont you ask sony fags? they did the same thing, its all about the promise it will bring

i bought a ps4 to play ff15

>taking a Shitpost seriously

What games are on the way?

I wonder about this with people in the PS4 and Bloodborne

Anyone else feel like this is similar to the whole Bloodborne months?
Where's that image with a bookcase that have only Bloodborne standing in it.

I bought a Wii U just so I could play Shantae Half-Genie Hero.
It was worth every penny.

You're missing out on the GoaT if you don't buy a Switch and don't have a Wii U.

Also, why buy an inferior version when you can buy the better one?

Zelda is so massive and packed with stuff that I know it's going to have my attention for a very long time. Anyone who disagrees obviously hasn't played the game.




Stop being a lazy fuck and look it up yourself, bucko.

>Nintendo announces Breath of the Wild for the Wii-U
>Nintentards rush to the store and buy Nintendo's worst home console to date
>Months pass, no Zelda
>Wii-U is recognized as a joke in the industry
>Nintentards hold out hope - Zelda is coming!
>Years pass, Nintendo has realized the Wii-U is a failed console
>Start investing in a successor that is more about cleaning up their mess than advancing anything technical.
>Releases Breath of the Wild for the Switch
>Nintentards look at their console that they bought expecting Breath of the Wild to release on 5 years ago.
>They buy a $300 machine instead and give Nintendo even more of their money.
>If Nintendo released a new console tomorrow they would buy that too.
>They bought two consoles just for one game and beat in a weekend.
>They bought two consoles just for one game and beat in a weekend.
>They bought two consoles just for one game and beat in a weekend.
>They bought two consoles just for one game and beat in a weekend.
>They bought two consoles just for one game and beat in a weekend.

I did too. Then I returned it after 100 hours of gameplay.

Good answer.

I try, user.

The best part of all the game got heavily gimped in the process

Because I'm not poor. Buying the Switch and Zelda didn't hurt me at all and I don't regret it one bit.
Mario Kart, Arms, Zelda and Splatoon will keep me cozy til Mario, then next year who knows what will come out.

Unlike the last guardian Zelda is on both consoles.

And what's the "best part" that you're subjectively speaking of?

>beat in a weekend
How? Seriously. I have been playing for days and I don't think I'm anywhere near done with it.

or Nioh

uh, the gamepad UI?

This is the first time any console has launched with a game I even wanted.

Two things;

1) It's on both consoles, but it had to be hindered to the point where there isn't even a justified comparison between the Wii-U version and the Switch rendition. Playing Breath of the Wild on Wii-U is like watching an old friend breathing through tubes on life support.

2.) The Last Guardian was created by a third party studio and meant to be published by Sony, when it ran into delays and employee walk-outs none of that blame could really fall onto Sony - they're just the publisher. But for Nintendo? It was their internal staff making the game, they should be aware of their production and they didn't have people leaving the project en-masse.

I had a mate who bought a ps4 just for bloodborne. Sold it after finishing it.

Ask any other person who owns the other consoles

a promise of games they'll enjoy.

But half genie hero is like on every platform


The best version will be emulated. So really the Wii U version is better than the Switch version until the Switch gets an emulator.

I bought an xbox just for Fable, a 360 just for Oblivion and a PS3 just for Valkyrie Chronicles.

git gud

>360 for Oblivion

>PS3 for Valkyrie Chronicles

I bought it for Zelda and Hollow Knight

Other games are coming too

I can take it with me (aka its a handheld)

Theres nothing wrong with buying one

>Mfw sitting with my friends when everyone brought their switch

I am sure most people who buy the Switch are assuming that developers will make good useage of the hardware and many unique games will come out in about 6 months or so.

I have a 3ds for the duel screen.

But it isn't better, it's already been confirmed, user.

Do you enjoy talking out your ass?

Is taht MEGA MILK? Aka: breasts of the wild?

Bump the internal resolution up to 1080p on the emulator once they've got it running smoothly and it will look better than both consoles and run better.

List of my "for one game" purchases

> N64 for Perfect Dark
> Playstation for FF VIII (then got VII because I liked it)
> PS2 for Red Faction
> Xbox for Halo:CE
> Xbox 360 for Halo 3
> Your mom for Naked Twister

That was my pattern up until this most recent generation. I built my first PC in '13, so my console motivation has been flagging in the last few years.

>PS1 for RE1
>N64 for Mario 64
>Dreamcast for Sonic Adventure
>PS2 for Metal Gear Solid 2
>Xbox for Halo CE
>Gamecube for REmake
>Xbox 360 for Halo 3
>PS3 for Metal Gear Solid 4
>Wii for Twilight Princess

I have about 10 PS4 games. none are BloodBorne.

>Literally why would anyone buy an entire console just to play a single game?

literally what i did with ps4 and bloodborne

the only thing im worried about is animal crossing might not be coming till late 2018

although mario odyssey looks good, and this would be a good time to get into splatoon

>Not waiting for a price drop and/or revised model later on down the line
Enjoy your overpriced, broken nogaems machine

The two versions are near identical retard

I don't have a Wii U and I really, really want to play this Zeruda. If it wasn't $450 after tip and there were actually any in stock, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

How often does a person need to play a platform in order for it to be justified? Shouldn't it be the owners decision whether or not it was worth it? Are people allowed to have different opinions?

And what, I'll play splatoon when that comes out to, whats the deal?