I miss Skyward Sword

I miss Skyward Sword

I want to finish it, but fuck those trial things

Oh no you don't, faggot.

Skyward Sword was absolute trash.

>trying to force this

No user, Skyward Sword was shit.

It's an underappreciated gem for sure.

best zelda personality, worst zelda design.
You're talking about getting all the tears, right?those were literally the best part of the game.

The only thing i miss is SS zelda, fuck the waggle and fuck you OP

I liked it but man, there was so much wrong with it that I can totally understand why so many people hate it.
It's crazy how it and BOTW are complete opposites.

>she has the least rule 34 of all zeldas
end me

I miss my cat.

Are you able to emulate this? can someone tell me. I'd like to play it. I don't play any zeldas at all.


thats cause straight across bangs are fugly

It's the worst Zelda game in terms of gameplay, only try it for cutest Zelda personality (and ignore her nose).

>New game is a huge departure for the series.
>Faggots start clinging to the shit last game that caused the departure to begin with.

Literally MGS4/MGSV all over again.

>worst Zelda game in terms of gameplay
>when CD-I Zelda exists

I usually get bored of the puzzles when i played twilight princess or windwaker. It looks fun though, although i hear only bad things.

not him, but take that back


I miss OoT

Gameplay was refined and more deep from N64/GC Zeldas, and the short length and small world made the story more endearing to me tbdesu

>BotW is a departure from Zelda

Only underage retards who started with OoT think this. BotW is Zelda reclaiming its footing by returning to its roots. MGSV faltered because Metal Gear was never about the open world. GZ worked because you were still contained in Camp Omega, so people were expecting tons of those scattered around the world.

people who like skyward sword pretend that the cd-i games count as zelda games so they can say that SS isn't the worst Zelda

Fucking hell, you could probably render that on a Dreamcast.

yup OG zelda and zelda 2 are thematically very similar to BotW.


Yet still, it will never happen

I've never played it, but was considering picking it up cheap. Since I skipped the WiiU, does it look much worse on the old Wii or are we talking minor cosmetic differences like BotW on the WiiU/Switch?

I still have it and have it unfinished,
I believe I was in the desert area? Should I go back?

I'm still there too, with the trial faggotry

nah its the same. And Botw switch is the same as it is on wii u.

How do you play Skyward sword on Dolphin with a controller?
I'm going hard body on this shit.