Nintendo Switch subreddit is in full damage control. CrowbCat video is nowhere to be found on the front pages. Dug around and found it with only 5 updoots and over 70 comments.
Don't the Nintenbros want other Nintenbros to be aware of faulty consoles? Oh, why yes they do, just read the comments.. EVERY CONSOLE HAS PROBLEMS AT LAUNCH ROARRRR!!!
Gabriel Thompson
hello crowbcat
yes switch is shitty
nobody cares about your stolen content compilations
Kayden White
>It's okay when Sony has system problems
Luis Clark
i didn't even post a direct link to the video you dumb shit
Camden Myers
you linked to reddit so kill yourself regardless
Grayson Cook
XDD reddit bad!!! it's teh rulez of 4chin gaiiz!!
Andrew Russell
Don't be jealous because you can't afford one or was too lazy to stand in line. All new consoles have a percentage of faults.
Brayden Campbell
CrowbCat literally started with ps4 failure compilations you dumb fuck
Noah Cooper
>le ""ironic"" text >defending leddit links Just fucking go back and stay there, retard. No one gives a flying fuck what is happening on another goddamn website, especially that cancer.
Benjamin Stewart
I can afford one but there's literally zero games I want till Odyssey.
Lucas Cox
What does that have to do with anything?
John Lewis
Yeah, I, not crowbcat, want people to see my uh his video too! NIGGERS AM I RIGHT?
Nolan Lee
Congrats on your third year on Sup Forums!
Zachary Gonzalez
>ecelebs >reddit
Double kill yourself
Tyler Jackson
>Linking directly to reddit Fucking murder yourself newfag
Matthew Lee
literally caring this much about evil reddit
how new are you
Mason Sanders
Fuck off newfag retard, and take your eceleb bullshit with you.
Anthony Gonzalez
>tfw you hate the nintendo Switch, but you hate reddit just as much
Such a conundrum.
Sebastian Smith
Aiden Wood
A literal meta-reddit community thread. Top tier cancer
Who the fuck are you quoting?
Adrian Phillips
did you read a book on how to Sup Forums
Gavin Cooper
>all the salt over the Switch and BotW >shit posters threads getting deleted left and right for spamming some shitty video >the tears of those who call themselves fans of other companies as others enjoy something they're bitter towards
Even if I only have 1 game on my Switch, it's been worth it for the amount of ass hurt that's been displayed on Sup Forums alone.
Grayson Reyes
i hope you feel the same when your switch bricks after having no reason to turn it on for 6 months
Ryder Richardson
>no reason to turn it on for 6 months Says who?
Henry Turner
Don't project, you literal fucking redditer. Fuck off with this shit
Cooper Ross
says nintendo
zelda nothing odyssey
Dominic Bell
Thats because his video is shit The other guy did it 2 days ago and better
Colton Diaz
It's not reddit. It's the people on reddit.
Jaxon Sanders
That's actually surprising because someone linked it here a few days ago and there were actual comments with more self-awareness about the Switch being a letdown and maybe waiting to buy one as well as it being unfair that people were downvoting any comment that wasn't blindly praising it
When the fucking Nintendo reddit board is more logical and reasonable than Sup Forums you know there's a problem and these fucking toddlers need to start being culled
Ryder Jenkins
>we should not progress even a fucking millimeter in 15+ years and even regress in some ways in terms of quality control, product value, build quality, bug-testing, etc B-B-BECAUSE SONY!!!!!!!!!!1
Nathaniel Kelly
Thinking about buying D5 Complete, since the JP version has English subs/menus. There's a lot of indie titles and games like Master Blaster Zero. Arms. Definitive version of MK8 and Splatoon 2.
Don't think I'll have a reason to not use it for 6 months, but thanks for your concern.
Sebastian Perez
It's both you fucktard. This is meta bullshit and not even trying to pretend to be vidya. Report it.
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door, reddit is two blocks down.
Daniel Richardson
>Definitive version of MK8 >literally just another Wii U port sold a few years later at full price >he already bought at least one copy of it My fucking sides
Leo Barnes
OP's a cool guy just chomping at the bit to consolewar shitpost.
Man I love this board.
Jacob Walker
Go away, CrowbCat
James Hall
Do you know if D5 supports jp voices and eng subs? I would assume it's there but I can see Ninty fucking it up for no reason.
Hudson Bailey
>ports and multiplats don't count on Nintendo systems >everyone bought a Wii U and MK8
KEK, you have no argument at all. Keep being salty, while I enjoy playing video games.
Ryder Roberts
>it's not the garbage, it's the smell
Easton Rivera
>linking to reddit
Gee I wonder where did OP came from
Grayson Wright
I don't know first hand, but most sources say it only has Japanese voices and Japanese/English subs/menus.
Joseph Rogers
Lincoln Evans
>everyone bought a Wii U and MK8 Considering it's one of the top selling games on the system I'd say you're wrong and stupid
>Keep being salty He's not the one wasting 300 for a faulty system
Michael Rivera
Yes please keep enjoying buying the exact same game over ad nauseum on the newest Nintendo toy lol
MK8 was the highest selling fucking game on the Wii U, don't try to pretend you didn't buy it you dumbass drone.