This is undeniably a masterpiece

This is undeniably a masterpiece.

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no, it's really not

it easily could've been though

It's pretty good

did anyone notice this game took a lot from Mortuary the movie? And the ending of king of thorns?

Ehh, I wouldn't call it a masterpiece but it's pretty good, I would say it's a solid 8.5/10.

This is undeniably a shill.

First half is a masterpiece, second half is not great but still good 9/10

Jack thread?

If only they could have kept the inertia of his character. It would have been truly an amazing game instead of just a really good game.

I liked Marguerite but she felt really underutilized compared to Jack. The trap house was fine with me actually. The ship just didn't flow well I think, needed the girl fucking with you more. She could have been a good stalker character there.

Who's aunt Rhody? What was it that we're supposed to tell her? Why's it important that we tell her that?

Why didn't Ethan bring with him a phone, like one of those all-glass pdas/smartphones seen in RE6?

let me elaborate

It's been awhile since I saw the movie. Looking online it came out in 2005.

But yeah there's black goop that turns people into zombies. There's a scene where a possessed mother is trying to feed this perfectly normal boy and girl black goop in a bowl. They refuse to eat it and she gets pissed off.

and with king of thorns they had that medusa virus that turned people into stone. But in actuality it was developed to tap into someone's psyche so they could create anything they wanted. At the end of the anime she turns into this giant tentacle monster that erupts out of the mansion. Think she gets stopped by an injection.

he did bring a phone, you see it in the ending cutscene. looks like an iphone type thing

just a song my dude. Loosely based on eveline. "raised in a deep dark hole, locked me up and took my soul".

the original song has "the old grey goose is dead" instead of "that everyone is dead"
they just made it spooky for the game

2/3 of the game are


enemy variaty
salt mine and "evil girl" plot twist
no blood splatters when shooting someone

>salt mine and "evil girl" plot twist
I liked the salt mine. what was wrong with it?

By "evil girl twist" you mean the fact that it was the old lady the whole time? What was wrong with that?

>no blood splatters when shooting someone
There are though....? Not only is there bloodplatters, but your bullets and knives leave wound marks on enemies and pools of blood on the gorund when they die...

What are you talking about man

I want Mia to fist her anus with my severed hand

He knew shit was awry in that house, he works for umbrella


you gotta give me your gun

>I liked the salt mine. what was wrong with it?
It was boring and full of the uninteresting enemies we've already had enough of and that goddamn ship too.


It is the most fun I've had in a Resident Evil game in years but considered the last two RE games were 5 & 6 that isn't exactly saying much.

I hope they continue the first personal survival horror aspect in RE8.

lmao. its not even the best game in its series.

>This is undeniably a masterpiece.
Yes and?

It was way too easy imo

Didn't feel as tense as the old games as resources are so plentiful.

there are no blood splatters when you shoot the enemy. i mean blood splats on the floor and wall behind a creature. u see blood spraying and wounds but no blood splatters.

about the mine:
salt mine was just showing off how few different enemies are there and mashing them all together to be the ultimate challenge..why not a riddle or two in between.
also the girl took away all the mystery and horror..i was feeling replaying "the ring" or something

I deny it.

It really isn't. RE7 won't be remember. It won't have a legacy like REmake and RE4. It's just a solid game and that's it. It's another RE3. Nothing special but still a good game with a memorable Antagonist that carries the game.

It blew out RE6 cucks and that's all I wanted.

>It's another RE3. what now? RE3 is praised everywhere, and BTFO of 7.

By normies. Most RE fans know RE3 wasn't amazing. It's pretty much RE2 2.0 but with a random(that's not really random.)Mr X gimmick.

good that means we won't get a shitty remaster of this masterpiece.

>By normies.
What kind of magnificent wonderland do you live where "normies" love RE3??

>Most RE fans know RE3 wasn't amazing
I consider myself the most typical oldfag RE-fan, and RE3 was superb. Even better than 2 in many ways.

That's pretty much same as saying RE2 would be RE1 v2.0. Not to mention RE3 had borderline Roguelike feel with its alt. routes, randomized enemy packs and puzzle solutions. Hell, I only last year learned that there's another ending.

>What kind of magnificent wonderland do you live where "normies" love RE3??
Normies love RE3 mainly because of Nemesis are you crazy? He's the Broly of RE. Even people that don't play RE like RE3 because of him.

Why are you trying to argue with reddit?


Nah, not quite. It has flaws. My biggest gripe is the dlc clearly should have been part of the retail game. It's a very good game and the best RE since 4, but it's no masterpiece.

I messed up =(

lets just hope that the rumored 3rd dlc and not a hero is good enough for me to consider it a 10/10. I do admit that is it good but as it stands the game is really only 1 8/10 right now. It would be a 8.5 if one of the dlc scenarios wasn't fucken blackjack.

but the blackjack game is fun desu

>What was it that we're supposed to tell her?

You didn't even listen to the words did you?

>Loosely based on eveline

I hope you realize the song is over 100 years old.

But who is aunt Rhody?

Evil little girl thrown in at the last second ruined the greatness along with whatever the fuck they are doing with Redfield the 3rd. Lack of enemies and length is also an issue. But whatever, another game normies will love.

I would rather have another scenario like the birthday party instead of blackjack.

>Normies love RE3 mainly because of Nemesis are you crazy?
No, you're the crazy one or have crazy superb country / planet. "Normies" don't even want to touch RE1-3 with a ten foot pole nowadays, and the ones that still know about RE3 tend to shun it because "2spooky".

Hell, if 7 was even half of what RE3 was, it'd be a magnificent game. But alas, it's a Outlast-Amnesia-GoneHomo smashup.

Is that bedroom where we get the arm eveline's bedroom?

hi marketer-kun

it is still not an RE game.