Redpill me on why you haven't preordered yet?

Redpill me on why you haven't preordered yet?

Bioware hasn't made a good game since ME2 and even then it was a plot cul-de-sac.

mass effect is a shitty series I didn't even like the first game let alone the trash that was 2 and 3

>Buying a bioware game

This. I've fallen decidedly out of love with Bioware games.


Also expensive. I'd pay 5 bucks for it. No more.

Trying way too hard to fit in marketer

Also, it looks like fucking garbage.

The enemy AI looks about ME1 caliber, which it's stayed the entire series.

>super deluxe
Can't wait for the extra super deluxe edition that gives you 5 more weapons and a shity jacket


I gave up on Bioware after Dragon Age 2

>preordering in general

I'm not even sure I'm going to pirate it you know

How fucking new are you?..

Why would I pay 80$ for a video game that may or may not be shit when I can wait a year or two for it to drop to 15-20$ and I'll know for sure what the feedback, negatives and positives are?

Because it's for the gamers

För i helvete

That sentence genuinely doesn't mean anything.

You remember how some years back "gamers" were nearly considered as disabled by wide public? It all makes sense now actually

I'll pirate it if the crack will come in a reasonable timeframe. If not I will buy account access from some Russians for $1.

What is that in non monopoly money?

told you , pulled my stock after there last forgotten game.

57 or 58 eur

I forgot ME3 and Andromeda even existed, it just seems like those two games only pop up after the game actually come out.

Because I won't even play it for free

Because I'm still mad at ME3.

Because it's neither a Mass Effect title nor is it developed by the Bioware I once knew.

if the super deluxe edition is preorder only, does that mean the extra super deluxe edition is a preproduction only edition

Because I have working eyes.

Because I'll be playing South Park the Fractured But Whole when it comes out on my PC.

Because I plan on pirating it instead.

Electronic Arts.

Blatte och feminist spel? Nej tack.

Because the gameplay videos (which should show the game at its best to promote it) look like ass.


>may or may not

it's bioware

they have made nothing but shit for almost a decade now

What is the exact use of pre ordering.

preload, get bonus shit, feel superior to my friends on Sup Forums

why pre-order a digital download?
your pic is the first time i'm seeing -10% on Andromed

fuck i might end up pre ordering it too

Because I played Mass Effect 3, and, due to the lies told about the first 3 games, I am unwilling to play any EA games anymore.

I've been tempted more than once throughout the past 4 or 5 years, but I always resisted the temptation, and have NEVER regretted it.

>your pic is the first time i'm seeing -10% on Andromed

you get a 10% discount on games if you have origin access

How about this redpill you dumb fuck

I didn't fall for the Mass Effect meme and never played a single one of these games and I will never play Andromeda either

I did, but on a CD Key site.

Did you play ME2 and ME3?

Decent characters, but streamlined and formulaic as fuck.
ME2 was muh-evil-corporation, space assassin ninja and a really darn stupid ending.
ME3 writing made ME2 look like Citizen Kane.

Also ME2 and 3 have the dumbest fucking DLC model ever. See this "Lair of the Shadow Broker" DLC with actual progression for characters in your team? See this Protean DLC with an actual living Protean party member and vital lore?
Well fuck you - buy Bioware points that never go on sale and buy the DLC individually for full price, or you will never be allowed to experience the full version of our lackluster games.

So you unironically liked Bioshit in the first place?
Reddit is that way.


ME3 is not a bad game and I would feel sorry for you people that claim you don't enjoy it if it weren't for the retarded or petty reasons you have for not liking it.

I have no interest in Andromeda because its not a continuation of the first games, squad members look like garbage, the Asari is already terrible and based on Inquisition and the animation we have seen so far, they are going to be lazy and horrible looking outside of combat.

So, like all of them?

It comes out within a week of Automata and Dark Souls 3's new DLC and I have too little time for all of it.

>Baldur's Gate
>Knights of the Old Republic

>Not god tier

>ME3 is not a bad game
The director/dev team made a LOT of promises, and fulfilled almost none of them. Whether it is a bad game or not isn't really relevant (though I thought it was mediocre - both in gameplay and in story). I don't make a habit of giving money to people that lie to me, let alone ones that do so repeatedly, over and over again. The level of lying was on par with No Man's Sky.


Why the hell would you pre order any video game period??

>b-b-but pre-order extra level
all of that garbage gets added for free later

>b-b-but pre-order items
garbage that's worthless 20 minutes into the game

What the hell is wrong with you people?

That's why I've pirated all of ME games with all of DLCs, and that was like full experience but still shit-tier Babylon 5 fanfic.
Also ME is like the only space-themed game with minaml amount of actual space. Like yu see Normandy flying in space 2 or 3 times in a game and that's it. This is hillarious.

targeting the wrong age group

They are going to sell a fuckload.

>origin access
Having to have origin on my computer is enough for me not to buy this game.


EA expects the game will sell about 25% as many copies as FO4.

It's Mass Effect, it's an automatic success.
Probably around 5 million.

This. I played about 3 hours of 3 and couldn't even be bothered getting through the first level on 2. Boring as shit.

Because that kind of game is not interesting to me.

Wow that was hard

>post DA2 market
>Post ME3 market
>people still pre-ordering EA games


>Why the hell would you pre order any video game period??
Preordered warcraft 3 back in the day. Got a warcraft 3 book for free with it. It was the story of Thrall. Made the campaign more enjoyable.

But in today's day and age, there is no reason to preorder.

I'll by it in 6 months for 30$ with all the DLC (I know they are gonna just hold the real ending until the last DLC so fuck em)

Shills, this is not the only Bioware thread with "redpill" in the OP.

EA is the least of Bioware's problems.

Most AAA games are pretty shit desu. Most other games are too actually. I guess AAA games are just more visibly shit.

Name ONE bad thing EA has done in the last 3 years.

Why did you preorder it? Which part of the shown footage made you think you should buy it? I'm genuinely curious.

I have self esteem.

Because it looks atrocious, not unlike every Bioware release since 2009.

I don't want to play it

Are they still shitting out Madden every year, with little to no difference in the way the game is presented? How about Fifa? When was Dead Space 3 released (legitimately don't remember). What about that fantasy game that played like an MMORPG, for whatever reason? When did that release?

Brave american spacemarines in ****open**** space.
>american spacemarines will be white in next 800 years.

Actually ME3 was more in the lines of Poor little white boy.

What have happened in 2009?

>When was Dead Space 3 released (legitimately don't remember). What about that fantasy game that played like an MMORPG
...A really long time ago, user. 5 and 6 years ago respectively.

I don't play bad games.

Which translates to:
"I don't play Mass Effect

Family drama plays an important role throughout the game. (Could be indication that your twin and father probably don't die in the opening act?)
Much more control over shaping the player character's personality
Genophage is not magically cured
Other story threads from the OT may come into play
Squad conversations can be dependent on other conversations had with different squadmates
Larger than expected explorable area, with densely-populated encounters on the way to the story objective
AI factions battle each other

+ Multiplayer

+ everybody who has had their hands on it has said it has gotten rid of Inquisition's fetch quests and actually implemented side quests

Enjoy the pill.

I have preordered it though. I'm pretty confident it's going to be a big disappointment but I don't care. I'm bored out of my mind and I did have great time before the ending of 3.

They havn't closed biowaste for those shitty animations. It should be illegal to make AAA title with such animations.

>Name ONE bad thing EA has done in the last 3 years.
Give funding to Bioware

>Post-Jade Empire Bioware
No thanks.

>new styx coming out
>nier automata on pc and ps4
>nioh on ps4
And instead you choose to support videogame cancer because you're bored.

>Redpill me on why you haven't preordered yet?
because i dont play bioshit or use origin

>or use origin
bet you use steam though

You're assuming that guy likes stealth, weeb and/or console games. I sure don't.

Seriously, what's with the beard? It puzzles me every fucking time.

Dragon Age: Origins came out. It was alright.

>wah buy weebshit

Can you show me something that would actually make me want to play Nier? I'm sorry but just from watching the trailer I have zero desire to play it.

They demanded Titanfall 2 be released a week after Battlefield 1, and a week before Advanced Warfare.

Poor bastard never stood a chance.

>Bioware hasn't made a good game since the beginning of time


>please read my mind and tell me what I want to hear
Literally nothing wrong with weebshit either

>Biodrones think they're above weeb shit
That's good stuff

No i'm assuming he likes good games. You could also play horizon if you fancy some sjw.
Botw is weebshit? Styx is weebshit? Nioh might be considered weebshit, but it's basically a soulsclone.
And in regards to nier, the gameplay looks interesting.

Kotor and Dragon Age Origins were great

7 planets and quests sounds alright for me

Go and play some actual good games before you broadcast your shit opinions in public.

>buying a game in the year 2017 when there's literally no shortage of stock and the preferred way to purchase it is digital

because i don't know if it's good or not and fuck buying into things on day 1

1 *flashback of dragon age 2 family drama.
2 I'm sure the dialogue wheel will be so much better this time.
3,4 I don't see what that has to do with quality.
5 There's only 6 companions, making conversations a bit more in-depth is nothing out of the ordinary.
6,7,8 can be said for many games, doing those things well is another matter.
9 apparently they've improved on a huge issue, marvelous.

There is literally nothing wrong with disliking weebshit either.