Beat this near the end of last year

>Beat this near the end of last year
>Amazing writing; best story I've experienced in a game in at least years
>Spent over 100 hours on it and didn't even do anything
>quality voice acting, somehow better than
>Handcrafted and completely free
>more engaging and fun than the base game it supports
>Not a single thread on Sup Forums about it, ever

Please tell me I'm not the only one lurking who's experienced this gem


*and didn't even do everything

about 20 fps

>Amazing writing; best story I've experienced in a game in at least years
>literally fantasy mass effect

>he only gets 20 fps on Skyrim

buddy I hate to be the one to tell you but it's not the mod; it's your toaster

Is there anyway to play it with German voices and English subs?

>not knowing redux mods like this are always unoptimized

>literally fantasy mass effect

There's literally ONE similarity, the Star City has a is similar history to the Citadel from Mass Effect.

Of course if you bothered to play the game you'd know that the story plays out completely differently

>played through over 100 hours at 60 fps

keep being in denial friendo

pretty sure you could download both versions and replace the voices.bsa file from the English version with the one from the German one

>star city is the citadel
>higher beings or whatever they are called are reapers right down to using THE PEOPLE THEY HARVEST TO MAKE A NEW ONE
>reaper indoctrination in the form of red madness
>your visions give you insight that move you along your quest (beacon information)
>ultimate weapon is built using older technology (though they didnt use the star city for it, that was a plus)
>Pyreans = protheans
>you were brought back from the dead though technically still dead
I'm sure there were more similarities but I'll grant you at least the ending wasnt 3 colors.

I did enjoy the mod however.

enderal was shit the voice acting was cringy and the story was retarded

I've been wanting to play this since it came out, but I can't be arsed to uninstall the 150+ mods I have for the base game.

Enderal is great. Sadly only the main story is really interesting, as every side location is hugely lacking in content compared to skyrim.

Also the main city is loading-screens galore

Nope. The only similarities are the ones between the Star City and the Citadel. You're stretching everything else out of your ass

>comparing the High Ones to the Reaper's in any way
>comparing the extensive dream sequences to the incredibly brief beacon interactions
>literally finding every comparison from the trilogy you can just to shit post

>I don't know what I'm talking about
Enderal has some weird bug where looking in a certain direction (north east, I think) causes the framerate to dive pretty hard. I don't know if the devs has fixed it yet, but it was present when I played through it last year.

there are a few decent side quests that stick out, not to mention lots of interesting shit to find just from exploring, but yeah, the side quests aren't quite as good as Skyrim

I don't know what to tell you bro, I've played the mod through at 60 fps months ago and I know I'm not the only one. Maybe you should reinstall the mod or something.

>Maybe you should reinstall the mod or something.
Did you not finish reading my post? I already played through the game. I was just reestablishing an issue that was present for a large number of people when the mod first released.

misread my b, sorry senpai

>Spent over 100 hours on it and didn't even do anything

This is probably why you didn't notice the flaws.

The game railroads you when it comes to the main quests. You essentially have to do them they way they want you to do them, even if there's an obvious alternative solution. It feels like a long sequences of scripted sequences and it gets dull very quickly.

well that's true, but it's true for most games of the genre desu.


b-but that's not what I typed

>Did, I tell you that god is totally not real, m'lady?
Reapers and High Ones reproduce in the same way

>literally fantasy mass effect

And that is a bad thing?

Are you new?

Reaper's reproduce? is that in the third game because I'll be honest, I stopped playing that shitty series 2 games in; maybe that's why I don't see the similarity?

no just embarrassed

Never said it was, OP seems to think so though for some reason.

>OP seems to think so though for some reason.

you got me

Human reaper is in ME2

>human reaper

oh holy shit no wonder I don't remember, everything about that series is so forgettable.

thank god Enderal isn't dragged on through a trilogy.

>do 10 steps
>listen to some NPC monologue that can't be skipped
>blackout and spawn somewhere else
>do 10 steps
>listen to some NPC monologue that can't be skipped
>blackout and spawn somewhere else

Maybe if it was based on TES lore, I would play it some more and look for some redeeming aspect, but the way it was, it felt just so uninteresting.

Is Enderal connected to their earlier mod for Oblivion? I think it was the same team. Don't remember the mod, either. It started with you getting locked in a cave full of trolls and shit. I didn't play much of it.

>but it's true for most games of the genre

No it isn't. Multiple solutions is one of the primary appeals of the genre.

i dont know man..bored out of skyrim years ago...i gave it a chance but it didnt get me.

also witcher 3 "best story"

You might as well ask why are there no Fallout 1.5 threads. They're mods, user. They get mentioned in their respective games' threads sometimes.

felt like amateur hour shit

way too much story

any time a game forces me to immediately listen to their high-school-essay story, that's an instant -5 points, so I end up playing a lot of 5/10 games, this one was more like a 2/10

>Handcrafted and completely free

No, you need Skyrim. If you want to make a game, make your own game and stop supporting big companies with your job.

fucking Witcher shills, man.

Who's talking about the witcher here? fuck off.

And yet they didnt improve the gameplay at all.

You seriously don't have the attention span to get past the tutorial?

There's been several threads about it but when I look at videos of it just looks like a waste of fucking time.
It's got less choice in terms of dialogue than Skyrim, you're basically railroaded into this retarded and badly (not good, unless you have low standards) written story that makes no fucking sense whatsoever. Gameplay is also shit.

>crashes to desktop every 5 minutes
>huge fps drops
>automatic backup often erases all your mods instead of saving them
>tunnel world design
>99% of the time you fight generic bandits and wolves
>amateur voice acting

Enderal is good as a mod. It sucks really bad as a standalone game.

I wanted to get into it, but the skyrim gameplay felt so jarring

You mean Nehrim.
Answer's yes, they are somewhat connected, though there's a sequence when you start Enderal that sums everything up.