Do you trash-talk in online games, Sup Forums?

Do you trash-talk in online games, Sup Forums?


What happened to Guile?

they made him more accurate to his roots

>mfw half of these quotes could be in a doujin

Does telling people to shut the fuck up when they wont stop typing/yelling in chat count?

What is the point of this image?

You don't know? I can give you lessons if you would like.


What are you saying all of a sudden, that's way too soon.

>To be fair I've had lots of practice... against my little sister

That's the French guy from jjba 3



All the time in dota. I'm pretty courteous in everything else and against opponents who aren"t fucktards, but you better believe I crank out the racism when SEA fucktards or Kiwi's are playing.

>I'm bored, let's do something else

that's what that kid says when he loses, no when you win

>Drop GGEZ
>enemy players go to reddit to cry and earn pitty points

I'm nice until people shit talk me which is frequently because I play CSGO. Nobody can talk shit anymore it's a lost art. There's guy who just laughs as a response or over you, guy who retorts with "salty" or "mad" and submissive guy who just agrees with whatever you are saying. All three are also prone to saying "nigger" and "faggot". You got to tailor your insults or its just lame.


I don't play online games.

Nah, but I'll shit talk to my teammates in my group chat. It's more fun that way.