Which 1080 should I buy, Sup Forums?

Which 1080 should I buy, Sup Forums?

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amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-2400MHz-PC4-19200-Memory/dp/B00S51XHUQ/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1488910057&sr=1-2&keywords=corsair vengeance 2400

None of them. Not even a 1080ti.

Get an rx480 or gtx1070, and wait to see what happens next year.

I was going to get a 1070, but a 1080's only like $60 more

wow that's pretty good

do it then

1080 is like $400 more where I am

Wait for 1080ti

Otherwise ROG

just throw your money away instead

are you asking which manufacturer?
I've always liked asus, msi and gigabyte.
i've had bad experiences with palit and evga.
my 1080 is a zotac, which I bought at launch, it's been fine so far.

Which manufacturer & model, yeah. There's shitloads, and some seem to be specific to different markets.

If your case if very constrained on space (mITX) or you plan on SLI then blower-style card.
If you have a decent amount of space around the card, get something with dual or triple fans, like an MSI Gaming X
If you have a lot of room in your case and don't mind a huge card, get a 2.5-slot card like the Palit Gamerock/Jetstream, assuming you can buy one where you live.

usually the various models are just different cooler styles and different amounts of memory. as in to say you can pay a bit more for a tiny amount more ram if you want.

Asus STRIX ROG and MSI Gaming X, and Zotac are good. I hear EVGA came out with new lines to fix their hosefire problems.


Literally no reason to buy anything beyond a 1060.

>Which 1080 should I buy, Sup Forums?
The most expensive one you can find.
And buy two of them!

Newegg has the Gaming X at about $150 more than the regular Gaming... is the only difference the factory overclock?

Ignore 1060, get the much cheaper and more powerful RX480.

>more powerful RX480

barely - but you're right about the price gap - the 1060 just isn't worth it

>Getting low-tier NVIDIA card
You're better off with a 480 famalam. If go NVIDIA at least get a 1070.

if you absolutely must have the 1080, wait until the new ones are released. They will have faster memory bandwidth, benefitting from the 1080ti improvements

RX480 is more expensive than GTX 1060.

on what planet

Just avoid evga and you should be fine.

hah, good deal

EVGA but check if it was made recently or not, early ones could blow up
Asus, all rounder, overpriced though
MSI will either work forever or break in a year
Gigabyte no idea

>spending that much money to play poorly optimized console ports and shovelware

Wew lad

i think you're referring to the GTX1060 3gb

Well shit I usually always get EVGA because of their warranty and shit. I was personally thinking of getting a 1080SC, but I'm unsure now.


Make sure it has Samsung memory, not Micron. If you do that and get a non-blower card you can push it way past any of the tiny differences between the different brand variations.

>all this poorfag butthurt
Holy shit these days most people can afford at the very least either a 1440p monitor or a 144hz monitor. If you use either one you can easily justify a 1070 at the least and if you stepped up to 4k a 1080.

EVGA Hybrid.

It's pretty fantastic.

>shilling asus garbage

somebody hasn't had to deal with their customer support yet LOL

Now I remember Elpida being shit, and Hynix being the best. But that was two years ago.

Why is Micron bad? Can you present any evidence? In my experience, the only reason Elpida was bad was because it was the main propegator in the 3.5gate issues that the 970 had. Any 970 with Elpida memory had issues, but every samsung and hynix unit did not (in my observations and research, that is)

Gigabyte windforce is great famalam, 3 fans runs cool.

never pay more than 200 bucks for a video card

t. 1080p 60fps peasant

Where the fuck is it 60$ more

>op asks for advice
>user gives advice

The Nvidia GTX one.

>somebody hasn't had to deal with their customer support yet LOL

Maybe because I've never had an issue with their ROG hardware LOL.

Depends on your PC. Size, wattage, airflow all come into play.

Post a partpicker of it.

It's a really cute idea, for sure. Eventually you'll learn the same lesson I did. I was a huge advocate of ASUS products.

Until they started failing. And ASUS deliberately ran me around until my GPU was out of warranty thus alleviating them of responsibility, claiming I wasn't "Responding" to e-mails while they had it, and then they simply sent it back as it was, and when I tried to open a new claim, they told me it was out of warranty now and to fuck off.

And I'll never forget the time they had a laptop of mine for 2 fucking months because they couldn't get a replacement board for it and it took me calling 4-6 times a day for a week to get them to replace it.

So yeah, keep on trucking forward thinking you're some kind of smart person for buying "Superior" hardware. You better fucking hope it never fails though, because let me tell you son, that ASUS garbage practically has no warranty.

Don't believe me? Just google it. Hundreds of people with the same issues as me.

ASUS fucking sucks.

I'm not an advocate of any corporation, they just make the best 1080s hands down.

Newegg, and it's $80 not $60, sorry, numbers are difficult to remember.

It's stale Sup Forums pasta

If I'm aiming for 1440p@144hz should I go with a 1070 or a 1080?

The cheapest 1070 on newegg right now is $360, while the cheapest 1080 is $500. That's a $140 difference.

1070 is the 144hz 1080p card



see pic

MSI. Asus 1080 are shit

tfw msi 980

>Asus 1080 are shit


whatever suits your needs

gtx1070 is overkill for the average consumer and is dropping below $400 so i recommend that

Unlucky you, been a long-time user of ASUS products and the one issue mobo I had was already in the mail to me before I had even sent mine back.

Sorry to hijack the thread but I need some information
And for the record, I'm a retarded mongoloid spastic who knows nothing.

I've been thinking about doing my first PC build and I've checked out a couple of videos on youtube but there's something I don't understand.
The basic components, I think, are
>Power Supply
>CPU Cooler
>RAM sticks
>Hard Drive

Now I want to play at 60fps 1080p.
What components affect those? Which part makes....more frames? And which part makes the resolution go up?

Going to pirate everything because I already paid for it on console

i only buy msi never had a problem with em there also the coolest ones from benchmarks avoid evga they dropped the ball hard

why don't you pirate those parts then too

I just got the GTX 1080 FTW. I agree with most that there's probably no reason to go further than 1070 or 1060, but I got it anyway, because fuck you, that's why.

I know this is bait but...

>I know the parts to a computer
>Graphics processing unit

>I wonder what part does the graphics

You're forgetting fans and thermal paste.

Comfy card

>implying 1080 is enough for 4k

Alright, alright, I take your point
What about fps?

>Frames per second

>I wonder if the GRAPHICS card where the MONITOR is attached has anything to do with this.

It's the monitor, buy a 4K monitor and you'll run any game at 4K guaranteed. The GPU is only there for special effects.

looks nice but doesn't the shit cooling fuck it all up?

Seriously just think for a second.

Buy a cheap case and a cheap 1 TB hard drive.
Buy 700 Bronze PSU
Find a motherboard less than $200 with good reviews. Match it with an Intel i5 whatever k you can afford. Buy 16GB ram (4*4) to fill all ram slots at highest clock speed you can afford.

If you can afford it, get a 1070 and an SSD for your OS. Don't spend more than $30 on CPU cooler unless you are going to overclock (you're not going to)

>1050 Ti
>getting hot to begin with


no because the 1050 uses such low power that heat is a literal non-issue

>implying a single 1080 can even handle 4K

It's got nothing to do with being a poorfag you moron. It's the fact the 1080 just isn't worth the money as it's barely a 20% performance increase from the 1070.

>"People" actually buy anything other than an rx 470


Uhhhhhh. Fuck.
>Buy a cheap case and a cheap 1 TB hard drive.
Okay, I know what those are
>Buy 700 Bronze PSU
Nope, no idea what that is
>Find a motherboard less than $200 with good reviews
Ah, I know what that is
>Match it with an Intel i5 whatever k you can afford
Nope, lost again
> Buy 16GB ram (4*4) to fill all ram slots at highest clock speed you can afford.
Sort of know? They're the things you slide into the motherboard but the clock speed thing's lost on me
>If you can afford it, get a 1070 and an SSD for your OS
Okay, I know what an OS and an SSD is but what's the 1070 about?

it's literally the same price as the 480 4gb here in canada

Anyone here have any experience with zotac?

Just google it, jesus.

nigger tier brand like powercolor

Wow you really need to be spoonfed huh?

Uhhhhhh. Fuck.
>Buy a cheap case and a cheap 1 TB hard drive.
Okay, I know what those are
>Buy 700 Bronze PSU
Nope, no idea what that is

PSU is power supply. 700 W. Some have advertised rating of bronze, silver, or gold- just refers to longevity/durability
>Find a motherboard less than $200 with good reviews
Ah, I know what that is

When picking the motherboard you need to look at 2 things. One will be the socket, e.g. LAG 1155. That will tell you what kind of CPU you can get. Make sure you get an intel i5 that matches that socket

the second thing you need is the RAM clock speed. It will say something like DDR4/1333/1600/2100/2900(OC) which means you can go up to 2900 is you overclock. You don't want to do that. For the example I used, you can get RAM that is 1333 or 1600 or 2100 which is obv the fastest.

This is why you pick the MB first.

1070 is the GTX 1070 GPU, the most expensive and important part of your build if you want GRAFFIX

Still lost?

>Match it with an Intel i5 whatever k you can afford
Nope, lost again
> Buy 16GB ram (4*4) to fill all ram slots at highest clock speed you can afford.
Sort of know? They're the things you slide into the motherboard but the clock speed thing's lost on me
>If you can afford it, get a 1070 and an SSD for your OS
Okay, I know what an OS and an SSD is but what's the 1070 about?

you don't want to quad channel your ram. much easier to deal with 2X 8gb

What are you even talking about?

Get an Xbox.

Use one for like 3 years, never had a problem with it.

planet Europe

>Nope, no idea what that is
Power supply unit, look for a brand/series that has a good rating (80 PLUS bronze, silver, gold, etc)
Do NOT cheap out on this as it's like running your car on home-made ethanol. It WILL crap out eventually and it will leave you and your parts possibly broken.

>Nope, lost again
The k-series chips are unlocked and overclockable. They boast a higher base-speed than the locked ones, and have generally longer lifetimes. The i5-2500k from 5 years ago is still a generally useable chip when clocked high enough.

>the clock speed thing's lost on me
Faster clock speed = faster ram
If you're buying a z170 or z270 series Motherboard, it uses DDR4. This starts at about 2133mhz, going all the way up to something like 4000mhz,, possibly more. Just go for the fastest speed at the best price you can find. 16GB of 3200mhz is usually only something like $20 more than 16GB of 2133 or 2400.

NVIDIA's 2nd (soon to be 3rd) highest grade card, below the 1080 currently.

I did tell you I was retarded mongoloid spastic who knows nothing.

>PSU is power supply. 700 W. Some have advertised rating of bronze, silver, or gold- just refers to longevity/durability
Okay, so why would you want the bronze instead of the gold? Is that just a price thing? Like return to investment based on efficiency
>Make sure you get an intel i5 that matches that socket
Yeah, cause otherwise the CPU won't be compatible with the motherboard right?
Lots of people have been telling me to avoid....AMD I think it is? Or AMU or something like that. Apparently intel is the way to go.
>the second thing you need is the RAM clock speed. It will say something like DDR4/1333/1600/2100/2900(OC) which means you can go up to 2900 is you overclock. You don't want to do that. For the example I used, you can get RAM that is 1333 or 1600 or 2100 which is obv the fastest. This is why you pick the MB first.
Okay, so the more of them you use them more RAM you'll have. Those are the long things you insert into the slots into the motherboard right? More is obviously better. I have absolutely no idea why but apparently more is better.
>1070 is the GTX 1070 GPU, the most expensive and important part of your build if you want GRAFFIX
I just want 1080p on my old tv. It's 50 inches so I'm not gonna waste it.

>Okay, so why would you want the bronze instead of the gold? Is that just a price thing? Like return to investment based on efficiency


>Yeah, cause otherwise the CPU won't be compatible with the motherboard right?
Lots of people have been telling me to avoid....AMD I think it is? Or AMU or something like that. Apparently intel is the way to go.

yes, AMD never.

>Okay, so the more of them you use them more RAM you'll have. Those are the long things you insert into the slots into the motherboard right? More is obviously better. I have absolutely no idea why but apparently more is better.

Are you being intentionally dense? Like, why is this not clear to you. If you know that 1 RAM chip helps your computer IN ANY WAY how do you not understand that more is better and faster speeds are better?????

You should get 4 RAM chips because that allows your computer to process more things simultaneously. I'm oversimplifying it because you apparently really need it.

If you are planning on spending enough for all of this you should futureproof by getting a 1070

Fuck, this is like being back in computer science and I'm just as lost now as I was then

>The k-series chips are unlocked and overclockable. They boast a higher base-speed than the locked ones, and have generally longer lifetimes. The i5-2500k from 5 years ago is still a generally useable chip when clocked high enough.
Okay but what exactly is it? What component? How do you clock it? Do you need hardware to do it or it through the BIOS or the OS?
God I'm such a moron
>If you're buying a z170 or z270 series Motherboard, it uses DDR4. This starts at about 2133mhz, going all the way up to something like 4000mhz,, possibly more. Just go for the fastest speed at the best price you can find. 16GB of 3200mhz is usually only something like $20 more than 16GB of 2133 or 2400.
I don't know what DDR is. Fastest at best price, that I get
>NVIDIA's 2nd (soon to be 3rd) highest grade card, below the 1080 currently.
Okay, I think I've got that

I already told you forget about overclocking. You clearly don't have the mental capacity.

Just buy an intel CPU with the k on the end because those are better. Thant's all you need to do.

DDR is dual data rate. DDR4 is better than DDR3.

I would definitely recommend a Z170 MB as that's what I have.

>Okay but what exactly is it? What component?
It's the CPU. The little square thing that sits on the motherboard. Usually it's done through the BIOS but it's tricky for newcomers. I haven't bothered to overclock my 6600k yet since I don't like to fiddle with things once they work. Just make sure you buy the correct MOBO for the CPU series you get.
6XXX set like the 6600k uses z170.
7XXX set like the 7600k uses z270.

>I don't know what DDR is. Fastest at best price, that I get
DDR is just the term for the RAM. Don't worry about it. Just know that if you're buying a newer motherboard (z170, z270) you need DDR4, not DDR3, which is used for older MOBO's.

Think of RAM like a box your computer uses to carry things around, and pull things out when it needs it. More RAM = more compartments for it to store things in. Videogames, lots of browser tabs, and other involved processes like playing high-quality video, streaming, or rendering video needs just as much ram as it does CPU power. Faster RAM speeds also give it a bit of a boost as well.

>You should get 4 RAM chips because that allows your computer to process more things simultaneously.
Okay, so in the example you listed, if I had one RAM chip then I'd have 1333 processing speed, 2 chips, 1600, 3 chips 2100, 4 chips 2900 which would be overclocking which I should forget about


EACH RAM CHIP has 1300 or 1600 or whatever. You must get 4 of the SAME KIND because you are TOO DENSE to understand anything apparently.

Also, watch some goddamn videos before you start, man. I did a lot of research when buying my parts and still struggled with putting it together, like being afraid of clamping down the CPU lever too tight, or getting the graphics card into the PCI-E slot well enough. Always take your time and look up how things are supposed to go in before fucking around too much.

They say it's like legos but if it's your first time you'll probably flail around in frustration not knowing where to start.

Another tip is always keep the boxes of shit you buy. Having the manual and serial no. on hand always helps in case the part shits itself and you need to send it in for replacement.

Think of RAM like a box your computer uses to carry things around, and pull things out when it needs it. More RAM = more compartments for it to store things in. Videogames, lots of browser tabs, and other involved processes like playing high-quality video, streaming, or rendering video needs just as much ram as it does CPU power. Faster RAM speeds also give it a bit of a boost as well.
Okay. I think I'm starting to get this now. Think being the operative word.
So how do you work out what specs you need? Like, how do I figure out that I'm not paying for parts that give me way more memory or speed that I'd ever need

Just buy a 6600K, a z170 MB, 4*4 GB of DDR4 and the 1070. That will play anything for a few years.

You aren't smart enough to research further or you already would have.

I'm sorry if I'm being rude but I want you to prove me wrong.

16GB would have you set for the next 2-3 years. 8GB is enough if you're only planning to do 1080p for now.

AAA games are getting more demanding for RAM though due to laziness, by 2020 I'm sure 16GB will be the new entry-level.

But the pricing is just stupid. Take a look at -
16GB 3200 amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-3200MHz-PC4-25600-Memory/dp/B0143UM4TC
16GB 2400 amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-2400MHz-PC4-19200-Memory/dp/B00S51XHUQ/ref=sr_1_2?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1488910057&sr=1-2&keywords=corsair vengeance 2400

It's honestly preferable to get 3000/3200 since the price gaps are so negligible.

It's a shitty time to be upgrading RAM what with the DDR4 supply jewery

140 = 60 + 80

Really gets the noggin joggin.

can i get some sauce for that? i just bought a 1070 for vidya only but i considered paying 300 more and getting a 1080 (yuropoor it's all expensive here)

>i considered paying 300 more and getting a 1080
Dodged a fucking bullet there my muslim friend

a single 1080 can't game in 4K. a 1070 can barely do 2k and the 1080 is not very much stronger. What else do you need?

You can find benchmarks for all the 1080s on tom's hardware and similar sites and check that they average 35~50fps on max settings, 4k.
A 1070 can get easily get 100fps+ on 1080p though.

General recommendation is to wait for the next series/gen, their mid-range will probably do 4k just as fine as the current 1080 and their high end should get 60fps+

ok I have to leave but if you're still lost I guess you can email me

iamtheveryfinal at g mail