Kill Them

Kill Them
Raise Them

How do i git gud in Total War: Warhammer

play on normal, higher difficulties are memes

But what if the campaign I want to play is initially set at Hard? i.e. that vamp couple

set battle difficulty to normal
I haven't actually played any of the DLC except Chaos.

How the fuck do you get rid of Wood Elves as Bretonnia? They now formed a confederwacy and those bullshit archers are so OP they can mow down tier 3 knights.


tfw no money for the elf dlc

dont spread out your trops. have neromencers raise zombies behind the enemey trops to flank them. raise undead Always to have fresh troops in the ready. zombies and skeletons are the meat of your army for 50% of the Campaign.

fear is your best friend. keep everyone together and scary the enemies to retreat.

Queen of Darkness!

>Manny comes your way with 5 purple units
The fuck am I even supposed to do against a unit that resurrects its fallen and heals itself?

I'm bad and I don't know anything, but it seems like some really ridiculous shit that AI can use purple units against you when you don't own the DLC that lets you get them.

Reskin of Renown units aren't particularly game-breaking.

still unfair.

Pretty sure with the first major Expac, which would be the other Elves.

Diplomacy. Don't fight the Elves. Their women are manlier than your Knights.

Vlad and Isabella is literal easy mode. Vlad's deployment is fucking hilariously good against AI and Vamp Counts are good anyway.

Fuck me, all this time I thought it was "Kill them risen"

Any good AI mods? I feel like the AI is retarded and Im not even good

They can all be raised instantly on one turn, from what I understand. Combine that with recruiting slots, and half an army spawns in one turn.

I don't have the DLC, as I said, so I can't confirm.

Wait till you fight wood elves. Those fucks keep running away and kiting you and for some reason their archers can slog out with heavy cavalry and not break in seconds.

Stop being a shitter.
This game is literally the most dumbed down and casualised in the series (and the series was always simple) and you fucking people still cant learn to hammer and anvil.

Lead battles with Daddy Vladdy
Ignore Manfred and gib the other vampire factions or confed them
Bait Manfred into a field battle
Take Draken
Research corruption and income then unit boosts

After that it's pretty much up to you what you do
I recommend face fucking the dwarfs before they can confederate it's a good source of income
Or head north to Kiev or whatever that province is called again and take the capital it has a income boasting unique building that makes it perfect for Vampire Crypts and Necromancer towers

After that all you have to do is Prove that Nagash was weak which isn't too hard desu senpai
He was a bitch

This. AI is so easy to outwit and you're getting so drowned in gold I don't even know how you can stand playing this on anything lower than very hard without being bored to death. I'd recommend legendary because there's at least something of a threat then and you actually need to build public order buildings and can't just spam income shit everywhere.

How do I git gud at sieging
>try to build siege shit/hit attrition
>a full stack always shows up to chase me off

>in battle all I can really do is wait for artillery to break gates while under fire or charge infantry to walls
>after winning the wall I let my cavalry in but they can't flank because of tight spaces

>Add in new categories of units like monsters, heroes, and flying units, as well as magic
>Most casual, simplified gameplay in the series

This must be bait. Or you're a nostalgia fag. We all liked Rome and Medieval 2 user, but let's not pretend that they had all that much tactical depth beyond hammer and anvil.


I've tried Grimgor once on release and it was beyond fucking boring. How do people enjoy them? Do you just play as Skarsnik to actually have fun?

Chaos only gets a bad reputation because hordes aren't fun, their actual army is really fun In my opinion

That's funny because TW:W is literally the only game in the TW franchise in which hammer and andvil is pretty much irrelevant.
You can't defend TW difficulty scaling, it's pure trash and has always been (you'd know this if you had played any of the games).

>I've tried Grimgor
>Do you just play as Skarsnik to actually have fun?

Wait you mean there's people who don't play Skarsnik?

Belegar > Skarsnik.

I went inside their forest with 3 full stacks and autoresolved them to death, remember to only move half a bar and encamp to avoid attrition inside the forest

What the fuck is wrong with Elves?

Externinate those filthy knife ears before they form a confederacy.

Actually a good tactic

>Wydrioth wants to confederate with woodelves
>they tell them to fuck off

They are racist towards every other race.

I eliminated the main faction long time ago, just didn't clean up the rest because I expected them to peacefully sit in their shitty mud huts without bothering anyone, now that the angry beastman is dead.
But nope, they still chimped out.

Why do people hate on elves so much? Can't we get along?

You can do absolutely nothing to offend them and they will still wardec you, even if they are already beng raped in the ass by someone

>Brettonians worship an ELF
>Brettonians die for an ELF
>Brettonians hate Elves

>still runs like shit on my pc after all the patches

Fuck I just wanna play some warhammer that runs above 20 fps

What's your pc? I play medium high 1080p on a 7790 and i3 no problem, when choked on Attila.

That particular elven goddess doesn't give a flying fuck about wood niggers, same as majority of their pantheon, except Kurnous. And after the End Times she made based Gilles a god, not some panzy git.

1080p with everything off/low

>mobile 2.20ghz cpu
>mobile x50 gpu
Seriously what did you expect

>Mobile gpu
>blame devs for poor life choices

my 970 is a "shit meme card" but i get 40-90fps on ultra on tww


It's just the pc I have. Will lowering the resolution help?

>There are people who play with Manllet instead of his daddy Vladdy

No they don't. That's just what people theorised, because it made sense, gw gave some clarification saying that the elf Queen wasn't the lady.

Except chaos warriors, for some fucking reason

Chaos and Wood Elves fight for the same thing, so it makes sense.

There is a mod that disables them, I used it myself as I didnt buy the DLC

orks were the must fun to play as. had to keep on killing so they would not end up killing themselves out of boredom


Fuck, finally. Those fuckers were bothering me from the start of the game, but I could never quite diverge enough forces to actually kill them off. After the chaos was killed off and I colonised half the map I just made 2 extra stacks of peasants to back up my Feet Enchantress and autoresolved those hippie fucks to death. Now I just have to clear out Norsca and do the final errantry battle.
Can you even bring reinforcements to it?

Absolutely chivalrous, noble knight.
And no, you can use only one army for the Errantry War.

End times bud
The Lady was Lileath

watching Grimgor kill armies all by himself was hilarious.


Is it me or is chaos unreasonably hard / unfun to play, the attrition between lords when none of the tribes get that or even the chaos gathering post t100 piss me the fuck off.

can never trust those knife ears

Ok, that's fine.

Right. A goddess. I thought user was talking about the common belief that the lady was Ariel.

Hey guys what's going on here

That's end times/age of sigmar lore bud. Bretonnia wasn't even playable anymore in those editions.


Tell me about VH/VH Vampire Cunts campaign, how do you fight anything in the early game?

Fuck off Mannlet
Vlad is King

heal your troops.

They fucking hate everything
>be smelly orc
>smelly beast friend is at war with elves
>i declare war as gesture of friendship
>elfs cross over 4 regions to fuck with my main cave

Focus on building gold production and gold production increasing banshees on you starting area.

Constantly spam zombie armies to fail until you have a huge graveyard right next to your target.

Summon elite units in one turn from that graveyard.

It's cannon that the only difference between the BSDM Cenobite Dark elves in Naggaroth and the others is a matter of style.

Wood elves constantly take manling child slaves and hunt manling peasants for sport, explicitly taking pleasure in the suffering.

Please leave me alone Mr. Tree
I'm just passing through to go stomp chaos because Empire and Vampires hate me

What's a beginner-friendly faction that isn't dwarves?

>stomp chaos
*breaks non-aggression pact and declares war*


Vampires are pretty easy.


Empire has a bit of everything and no special mechanics to take into account




>low tier
Go away man filth
Beastmen literally best faction


Porthole quality to 2D, and shadows low.

Should help during the battles.


>implying Mannfred is not the legitimate and true heir of the Vampire Counts after Vlad
>implying Vlad himself hasn't acknowledged Mannfred as his legitimate son, student, and heir

Pic related.

>Manny literally got his shit slapped in the ET and then again in AoS because he can't stop being a retarded Starcream

>Vlad Posters

Meanwhile every other Vampire Count is literally dead forever.

Mannfred won in the end.

>Meanwhile every other Vampire Count is literally dead forever
So far.

Didn't Mannfred end the world because he was upset?

this game is super cpu intensive and requires the cores to be fast.

Okay... then I guess he is winning, so far?

Still counts as winning in my book.

Yea it was his final "fuck you" to the people who disrespected and looked down on him.


Rather childish thing to do.
Fuck it, I'll roll for my next time playing.

>Not being powerful enough that you can rouse a non-aggression pact between the welves
>Not having enough money to give them gifts so you get the friend responses
I'll be here chilling out with tree hitler getting my chivalrous dick sucked by a dryad

slaanesh faction when

>not the cute Feet Enchantress

Oh, I'm certainly not arguing that. It was definitely a petty/childish move on his part. Just saying that he did get revenge on the people who he felt wronged him, so in the end he did come out on top.

This one is my favorite. I don't think I've seen it before either.

Take me to my men.