Breath of the Wild: The next Sonic 06?

Anyone else get this feeling after having played the game now?

>World is empty and devoid of anything but some generic mmo-tier quests, half-assed, 5 minute-long shrines that all use the same assets and aesthetics (one of these shrines literally amounted to killing single enemy that posed zero threat to me whatsoever, I shit you not Sup Forums)

>Weapons break within 10-20 or so swings, even if they're made of fucking METAL, which can result in you using up all your weapons on the damage-sponge mobs/bosses before you've even killed them (just hitting a wall can damage your weapon), and you can't even repair them, thus discouraging you from even fighting anything at all that

>Dungeons are all the same aesthetic as the shrines, only a different color scheme, are barren of any mobs or obstacles, with only a single boss, and are so short they can hardly even be considered dungeons at all

And that's just off the top of my head. This game is not a 10/10, let alone the "Best Zelda Game EVER", it's a travesty. A rushed, half-functional pile of shit that the devs clearly just shoved out the door long-before they were actually done, and if all of that wasn't fucking enough, they cut out content (including a DUNGEON) to put into a paid DLC.

I don't know Sup Forums, but after having played about 20 hours now, I feel like this game is border-line Sonic 06-tier bad. Not AS bad, obviously, but boy does it remind me of that game in all the wrong ways.

for those who played it, is there cool random shit to find? I'm talking GTA tier hidden little things

Sorry Neogaf, you'll never achieve anything.

yeah and the only good 3d zelda game are the one for 64, this cash grab with almost zero story with waifu pandering bullshit in the wrong ways i mean is too anime,somehow nintendo did a way to make this chore a good looking chore but not what i was hoping


last of us is an alright game and so is zelda but it's not a 95 game just like zelda is not a 98 game

oh and the image to make sense of the comment

GTA IV confirmed for best game ever.

And yet I am having fun with it just like I did with Dragon's Dogma. Because despite what spergs like you think the world is not empty because there is shit to do.

It's one of the few Open world games where It feels like exporing is the main focus of the game.

>stay off of Sup Forums for a few weeks
>finally get back on
>people still say incomprehensibly stupid things

Things never change I guess.

GTA 4 did a lot of little things (attention to details, various types of humors, large cast in a connected world) right and the expansions help clean things up.

GTA 5, in comparison, has neither of those things going for it.

Oh and the online was better.

I think it's more the GTA IV of this gen. People and critics fall for the hype train and in a few years they'll realize it was just an OK game

You have to admit though that so far this is the best open world game ever.

>The next Sonic 06?
You showed your hand too early. I might have even debated you on most of your points but you revealed yourself as a baiting shitposter in the title line.

If you honestly think the two are comparable, you've never played Sonic 2006. But then, I have the feeling you've never actually played either game.

You are absolutely retarded for making that comparison.

Actually yes. A lot of the sidequests are like this. The game doesn't tell you anything except "go activate the four beasts and fuck up ganon" so a lot of the gameplay is focused on exploration.

OP's retarded.

So, this is what Sup Forums's crippling autism looks like. It's so much worse than I expected.

GTA IV was trying something new
GTA V was pandering to the whims of the first 3D GTA audiences only to discover tastes change.

The point? GTA IV was a masterpiece and GTA V was absolute shit.

Fucking this. You can't even compare the two.

Even if you don't like BotW's design, at least it's implemented with some degree of competence.

Sonic 06 was a broken mess.

>mfw that Silver stage where you have to navigate bottomless pits using giant balls

GTAIV is a huge steaming pile of shit. I even rate GTA2 higher than this turd.

>trying something new
lel, fuck off.

Why are poorfags on Sup Forums so desperate for others not to play a game that they go as far as to outright lie to try to trick people?

I don't get it. How does it affect you of others play the game you shitpost about? None of it will affect me or anyone else playing it from enjoying it, because we've actually played it. We know the truth.

This is just desperate and sad.I

The next Sonic '06 is coming in December.

Is this the most blatant paid review ever in gaming history?
98 is close to perfection but this game have huge flaw in visual performance, music and design alone.

I kind of get where you're coming from. I don't dislike it as much as you, and saying that it's like Sonic 06 seems way too extreme, but sadly, I think this is the only Zelda game besides Skyward Sword that I can't see myself ever replaying. This game just doesn't do much for me (I'll admit that I don't like modern open world and/or survival/crafting games too much). I'm one "dungeon" away from fighting Ganon, and at this point, I just want to get it over with. This game is just way too tedious and repetitive, and it doesn't have enough memorable moments or dungeons compared to the other games. Unless the last parts of the game ends up blowing me away, I'd probably give it a 7.5 our of 10 desu.

>GTAIV is a huge steaming pile of shit. I even rate GTA2 higher than this turd.
And that's why your opinion is regarded as shit.

>borderline sonic 06 tier bad

You're borderline retarded for saying that

>BotW reviews extremely well
>Switch reviews like shit
>paid reviews


>He actually compares BotW with Sonic 06

Yeah I've been wondering this too. Why does anyone care what another person spends their money on. Makes no sense.

nah it's just the bandwagon mentality

You guys heating up those CPUs that sweet sweet 4k emulation soon?


got some bad news for you

you know how meaningless your opinion is without arguments?

you may convince trump voters with this shit but regular intelligent people wont make it that easy

do you think last of us is a 95?

No matter how hard you push, no one is going to sell their copy of Zelda and buy Horizon instead.

How is you not looking at the rest of the screen shot bad news for me?

Because it's our duty to inform the Normies that they are wasting money, "if you don't like it, don't buy it " is a stupid argument

What does that even mean, really

the point being that metacritic is fucking bullshit

It's one of the worst games ever, Nintendo hasn't made a single good game since the late 90s.
Switch is doa and Zelda is finally killing the Nintendo brand


the argument being that if you think that zelda should be treated as it's objectively a 98 game, then last of use should be treated as a 95 game

otherwise you'd be a hypocritical piece of shit

now I think both of those scores are inflated as shit and that metacritic is retarded

Yeah, great point, me!

>our duty
Gas yourself, sperglord.

>the point being that metacritic is fucking bullshit when its a game I dont like

Fixed it for you

>lel fuck off
Are you kidding? Should all games just follow the same worn down recipe.

That's right; the traditional GTA recipe is worn down af. Fuck GTA V.

>if a game I like get's a good score then everyone has to treat it as such

>The Next Sonic 06

Not even worth telling you why you're wrong, being retarded isn't something you can change.

Will you guys ever post these pictures without using multi-plats that are far superior on PC?

Never played a Zelda game. BOTW hasn't done anything to get me interesting in exploring this game franchise. I was considering buying a switch. But with the technical issues and bad games i have no planes buying a Switch any time soon.

>generic mmo-tier quests
Name a game with good side quests