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Call me when the PS4 gets a real Gran Turismo with a proper career mode, not some sports championship spinoff shit.
Forza surpassed GT years ago my man
Rev up them photo mode bullshots and developer released trailers which look nothing like the crappy actual gameplay graphics!
also i bet PD STILL fucks the sounds up even with the stolen Forza sound guy. Also expect the classic shit A.I. and old tire sounds
Oh boy, Gran Turismo 4 build 4!
Question :
Will we get the same skybox as in FH3 ?
wait, it's not going to have a career mode?
dropped. Guess i'm gonna have to buy an xbone for a decent racing game this gen.
or just dual boot win10 and wait for forza 7 later this year
Wish Gran Turismo never left it's car enthusiast roots and went into sports supercar shit. Gran Turismo's car lists were always full of oddities and niche cars cars that made my car geek rejoice, but from 5 onwards all they have done is add the latest supercars that kids use in NFS and remake the most normie classics.
Gran Turismo was better when it was an autist kind of game, rather than fading onto normie racing, regardless the realistic physics.
Still the same bland as fuck gameplay with maybe only half the car list gaving premium quality cockpit views
Enjoy your shit console then I guess?
this. GT2 is still the best because of the great variety of used cars and race modifications
any in game preview showing how slow it is other than some highly polished idgaf 3dcgized crap?
this thread is not about that, please refrain.
dude premium cars lmao
Nice car and music
dont bring it up then if you dont want to get triggered
you don't deserve any more (You)'s
Damn that looks fucking neat.
doesnt change the fact you're a retard
>Already made obsolete by Project CARS 2
GT has been a shitty Simcade for years anyway. Nothing of value was lost.
Those times where Gran Turismo meant the best physics and car list in the market, now such titles belong to PC sims and Forza respectively...
reminder that PC's are for work and consoles are for play
How the mighty have fallen
Project CARS sucks as well
GT Sport
>Baked lighting and weather LMAO
>140 cars
>Framerate drops
>VR mode cut down to a mazda miata experience
>Shitty reality show where they make a bunch of virgins re-learn everything about driving after GT's simcade physics throws them off then claim the game taught them like the last few years.
>Dynamic lighting and weather across a 24 hour period
>Conditions change depending on Season
>170+ Cars confirmed including Ferrari and Porsche
>PC version for guaranteed perfection and where real racing drivers will play it
>Fully playable from start to finish in VR
Is Sony even trying any more?
>Baked lighting and weather LMAO
How do you know that
Because Kaz said it last year, Some tracks have baked TOD settings and some have baked rain. No dynamic lighting or time of day.
>dropped. Guess i'm gonna have to buy an xbone for a decent racing game this gen.
A forza machine only costs $200.
Fuck that sux.
I thought it wanted to be the concurrent of FH3?
Nah. It's gonna be shit mate. The real talent left Polyphony years ago and it turns out Kaz is a hack who even managed to lose the Nissan deal.
GT has been so badly dethroned by Forza
Poor man's Forza.
If that's even slightly true then the "real talent " you claim to have left most likely did so around or after the development of GT5.
And Forza has been dethroned by PCARS
Kinda sad, really.
forza=fake physics masquerading as real physics
you're fake physics.