Elf has invaded your favourite tree and throwing annoying banter at you. The last videogame character you played as will help you to get rid of the elf.
Will you succeed in this dauting task?
Elf has invaded your favourite tree and throwing annoying banter at you. The last videogame character you played as will help you to get rid of the elf.
Will you succeed in this dauting task?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kazakus will easily potion away the puny elf girl.
Aloy will put a fire arrow between her eyes.
>Hero of Kvatch with Pelinal's armor
What an unexpected turn of event
>Implying Sup Forums needs help to drive off a grill.
>your favourite tree
am i an elf now?
Trips tell truth
Velvet knows how to put smug elves into their place.
>my robot character from new vegas
She's gonna get CLANKED
>Elf has invaded your favourite tree and throwing annoying banter at you
I revel in the sensation of a pretty girl talking to me. I sit under the tree and relax.
>The last videogame character
who would it be for Master of Orion? President of the Republic? I guess he'll try to establish formal, friendly and mutually beneficial diplomatic relations with the elvenkind.
Why would I want to get rid of her? /tg/ please go, your shit is trite and tired. This is also not video games.
I'd say it's pretty well taken care of, but if I had a choice I'd have him murderize it because fuck Witcher elves
You better take responsibility
I don't have a favourite tree because I'm not a fucking hippie.
I dont get it, there's an arcane lightning orb in her pants? Or is it being shot from there? Wtf
Someone made this pic on another board, which got ignored. So he made an off-topic thread on Sup Forums instead for it.
No, failure is the only road ahead for me.
That escalated quickly.
Well assuming it is actually my responsibility I proceed to ask elfs hand in marriage, invite her to live in my household and make ready to provide our half-elf child(ren) with love, care, education and hearth to return to.
Link will just seduce her, I guess.
I think I'm safe from the filthy elf.
>your favourite tree
Nigga pls, i'm not autistic, i only favour
holy jesus how utterly and totally supportive and caring of you. im sure you would make a good father to those half elf children user
Elf has invaded your favourite grocery store and throwing annoying banter at you. The last videogame character you played as will help you to get rid of the elf.
Will you succeed in this dauting task?
>fat "elves"
>anime "elves" in general
>this thread still staying up
thanks for the vote of confidence user.
But elv is of my likenings
>nothing on saucenao
>nothing on goog
>nothing on ex
>fat "elves"
it's the human food
>space elf from Tenchi Muyo
All you gotta do is throw a mushroom at her, they're sluts for fungi
It's a shitty gimmicky fetish manga.
>your favourite tree
If anyone here has a favorite tree of all things then I'm going to steal their fucking lunch money.
Dumb nerds.
source ples. i need it.
>his favorite tree isn't birch
What are you, gay?
my character in Kingdoms of Amalur
who is an elf too
maybe we can double team her
Pharah, overwatch
why did the elf prefer the anthropomorphic mushroom man over user-kun?
cause he's a fungi
Drink bleach.
Well she could blow up the tree but shes too nice for that
more like bitch really, go chestnut or go home
It'll be convoluted and make no sense, buy it'll get done.
>kysses u gently
you first faggot
Is it safe to say that DF players are technically playing as Armok?
>Metroid 2 Samus
None of this is video games. But none of this is porn.
Summon minions to knock the tree over to allow me to torture and put rape babies into her.
... Nigga it's literally right there.
try /tg/ first then /trash/
How different could an elf be from a dryad?
wow rude and racist much?
just one word: splinters
I'm okay with this
>none of this is porn
Tell that OP.
But your wallet isn't safe from you.
Can't I just throw annoying banter back at them?
izi pisi
you could, but that's not going to get rid of them
Time to make her into a fluid factory and sell them in ebay
This is badly spoilered porn.
Who could have thought than an OP with an anime elf will result in someone posting porn?
>Strength-oriented Hunter wielding a Whirligig
I'll ask him to use the mace only, hopefully the elf's body will remain in one piece so I can fuck it.
I wouldn't want to get rid of them. Having fun banter battles is fun
>this is badly spoilered porn
Well gee aint you a bright little padawan.
I will give you sauce, but only if you tell me why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch.
I hope it will be at least three days.
Can you please give me the name?
True. Gotta practice the bantz on this relatively unskilled elf so you can defend your tree from the dwarven bantz that are soon to come.
First thing I did was make a beeline for the desert just for that outfit.
Artist is makari tohru. There is a series of those in Ex
>dwarven bantz that are soon to come.
All the more reason to invite more elves to places I go to. You got to bring your A game for the dwarfs.
>not joining the dwarves in banting the elf into an early grave
>I don't know what you're talking about. I don't agree with what you're saying. You're talking bullshit. And you're trying to wind me up. But I'm very, very angry, and I want this conversation to stop right away.
> Joining manlets
never gonna make it brah
>twice the muscle mass of your bitch ass
>not a race of useless "magic french" people
>can fight
>thicc women
your bloodline is weak
One dead elf, hold the mayo.
That goes into the book!
>A tank
Yeah, I don't think that'll be a problem.
Elf girls can be thick too if you feed them enough human food and have the benefit of not being womanlets.
You gonna get befriended.
It is when you think about how said tank will take out your favorite tree with the elf.
ur ded knife ears
so me and doom guy vs a weak elf...? rip and tear
Doesn't happen outside of one fetish manga.
Trick question, only elves have favorite trees.
>you will never be cucked by your brown elf wife
Why live?
elfs man
And head patted.
But it can happen. Just push lots of sweets onto her and you'll have a jelly belly elf waifu before you know it.
no they cant retard
>wanting to be taller when your home is a frigging mountain fortress
nigga what?
it seems you put way too much projection in your insults
its okay though,no one expects much from elf faggots
>But it can happen
Only in this one fetish manga. I know of no other fate elves, aside from parodies. That manga is a parody is as well.