What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Ubisoft has forgotten that Tom Clancy games should offer some complex tactical options to be fun.

The games from the 90s put the modern titles to shame.

At least six siege is half decent, must have been a fluke.

Ubisoft. It's simple.

The division with more brown people

Game is okay. 7-8/10
>ai is finicky, which leads to a tactical mess.
>vehicle control and physics is comically unrealistic
>objective variety and enjoyment depend on playstyle.
>the true, open-world freedom forces an underwhelming narrative.
>performance issues for some users make the multiplayer frustrating (PC)

pretty much what everyone is saying
Steam and metacritic is sitting at 80%, not bad

At least you get to shoot the brown people in this one. :D

should have been far cry 5 if they want a casual gameplay so badly.

not making GRAW 3

Did you play the Division? You kill swathes of black people in hoodies.

I did and thought it was better than expected.
But I also had to kill white goys just trying to make the city stable.

if the peformance wasnt so dogshit it would actually be decent.

There's nothing really wrong with the game, some bugs aside. It just isn't like the earlier entries in the series and purists are throwing a shitfit over that.

>half decent
>Has gay fucking cowadoody gun skins

It's quite buggy, but if you have a group of friends who will play it with you on the hardest difficulty, it is actually pretty fun and provides a lot of challenge.

We actually got stuck on a mission just now where you had to go find some guy in a mansion. There were too many people to take out one by one, so we ended up sniping the people on the roof, distracting the others with drones, and then I flew a helicopter super high up and let a friend parachute onto the roof.

It was a good time.

It's the same as every other Ubisoft game

>if you have a group of friends who will play it with you


Play it on Extreme and with most HUD elements turned off (Personally I leave the weapon info on because it can be a bit of a hassle to choose explosives and items when you can't see which item you have selected)

I guarantee you will be challenged, not least because you no longer get indicators for being spotted (only the sound) nor can you mark enemies.

>Attach a range finder onto a sniper rifle, thinking it will display range in the scoped view, like with the binoculars
>Nope, just increases the range stat

Mitchell is 2old right now, most of the original GR 2 squad is ded, and the squad from FS hasn't got more continuation than Ghost leader is retired, 30k and pepper were shot but alive and Kozak hasn't got the curse yet of being promoted to squad leader

it's already a challenge even with the HUD on.
I feel I'm too impatient for stealthy waiting.

>most of the original GR 2 squad is ded
I wondered about this. weren't they the guys who died in the first few moments of FS

I just want a frank simulator where i can plan and execute attacks on organized crime alone.

>It's fun with friends

who cares, the problem is the shitty servers

The only real issue is that LMGs and shotguns are completely useless on Extreme, as engaging in open combat is a death sentence.

>he doesn't stick a suppressor on his shotgun and clear camps like a wraith
Are you even trying to operate?

>Suppressing shotguns

Come on man, that's like putting a muzzle on an attack dog.

Sad truth about this is the majority has no patience to play like this and end up calling the game bad.

They die a couple of times and stop playing.

well.. the problem is that when you compare this game to something like gta5 (it's primary competitor imo since this is basically like a stand alone heists game), gta5 is just a fucking jillion tims better with vehicle control/physics, guns/gunplay, writing, and just general gameplay.. wildlands is just bad compared to gta5's multiplayer, while gta5 is still a good gta game WITHOUT the multiplayer... there's no reason in the world to buy or play this over gta5

What about weapon variety, the tacticool gadgets, attachments and call-ins?

Making missions easy to fuck up and expecting a level of general competence from the playerbase that can not and will never exist.

it all just looks really flat and lame compared to gta :/ which sucks because gta5 isn't really that great, it just has a lot going for it and there is a lot of content.. i really wanted wildlands to be great but it's just not there for me

Just need to turn the HUD off and turn up the difficulty and the game is amazing and very challenging. True vehicle handling is terrible and servers are sooo bad.
Also, no knife kills? WTF! WHY?

If you think the game is hard on max difficulty with hud off you truly are a fucking casual. AI is still brain dead and deaf.

Ubisoft trying to make an ARMA game for dummies.