Welcome to Sup Forums, how contrarian are you?

Welcome to Sup Forums, how contrarian are you?

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I think Quest 64 is a fun game, despite it's flaws. And have played it as recently as last year.

I still post here despite not playing anything other than idles since 2013

Super Mario Sunshine was a bad game

that's true though

I really like Deadly Premonition

I genuinely enjoy Sonic 06, though I acknowledge it's a broken fucking game

Digimon is better than Pokemon

Breath of the Wild is overrated

Breath of the Wild and Skyrim are two of the worst games I've ever played

The switch is now my main system despite having a decent gaming rig in the same room

Dark Souls 2 is the best.

I play and enjoy video games.

i enjoyed borderlands 2 very much
and i think its one of the best shoot&loot games

I like Phantom Hourglass and I think it's a good game

I actually enjoy video games.
I think falseflagging and obsessive trolling is the cancer killing the internet and I wish it would die.
I hope you have a nice day.

You're not a contrarian you fucking retard.
You're a subhuman normie casual shitstain.

I bought the Collectors Edition of Sonic Mania then talk shit about pre-ordering the same day

I played Skyrim today.

Without any mods

i know you don't play video games but whatever makes you feel superior

Confirmed for not having played many games.

Even though I agree with English dubs not being high quality in most cases I cannot stand japanese dubs and I wish weebs would stop shilling them all the time.

Only the two.

Fuck Sup Forums

Now that's not contrarian, that's just retarded

Superman 64 is Kino

Well, go on google, type "free games", play the first thing you find.

How is a 64 game be the German word for cinema?

I have a new least favorite game

Sonic 06 is like the vidya version of the prequels. Objectively it's mediocre and full of problems, but I managed to get more enjoyment out of its existence over most good games.

Sonic 06 is great because literally every single thing about it is in some way broken. At its best it briefly starts feeling like Sonic Adventure, when you start going fast, but it's impossible to play continuously for 10 minutes without finding a game-breaking glitch even if you're not looking for one.

If not for the ridiculous load times, I probably would have finished all 3 campaigns, but the only thing worse than a bad game is a bad game you can't play half the time.


Who the fuck still plays DSII when SOTFS still exists

The Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy were amazing games and I've played them all at least 4 times already

I think Shadow is a really cool character.

I think Overwatch is only worth playing with friends and full coordination, quickplay and soloque is cancer garbage

FF4,5,6,7,9,10,12 and Tactics are the best in the series. The rest suck

Demon's Souls is the best Souls game, and BB is the only thing that comes close to being fresh and new after it, the rest are just knock offs of DeS with DaS being the best knockoff

Nioh is repetitive with fun combat

Ueda's trilogy (ico/sotc/tlg) are pure art and landmark achievements in interactive media and video games in general

Metroid and F-Zero are Nintendp's only good IPs

Sadly, I think this is at least a little true for everyone.

my steam reviews are always extremely disliked, my record being: Doom (2016) 7 of 42 people found this review helpful (17%)

I'm dead serious, my reviews aren't bait/trolling

>ueda praise


yes, too bad you can never talk about it on Sup Forums without being called pretentious or shitting on framerates

DmC: Devil May Cry is the poster child for "a good game but not a good (series) game."

I don't think Todd Howard is bad, and Bethesda makes fine enough games that appeal to my tastes as a gamer.

windwaker is utter dogshit

Shadow The Hedgehog was a good game that had interesting concepts attached to it.

Not even meme-ing here, I honestly don't see the appeal of nintendo's games. I grew up gaming on PC and I think people hold nintendo to different standards.
The new Zelda game is being praised for doing things that other games have been doing for years.

Sonic 06's glitches are features

Good job user. Proud of you and your pornographic tastes.

I shit post and make negative reviews for every game that's popular despite never playing a single video game in my entire life.

Same with asp. I have never watched wrestling.

Stalker CoP modded with Misery 2.1 is the only way that game should be experienced. similar to L.U.R.K with SoC.

Project Reality > Squad

Cry of Fear is a better horror game than almost any horror title I can think of that has been released in recent years.

Arma 3 Exile > DayZ

Killing Floor > Killing Floor 2

Insurgency > Counter-Strike (any)

No More Room in Hell > any zombie game

Diablo/Diablo II > Diablo III

the only browser game i ever had fun playing was Dead Frontier, before the 3D update

Perfect Dark > 007

>Diablo/Diablo II > Diablo III

That's not contrarian, that's correct

ESO is the greatest MMO ever made, and WiC is the greatest RTS ever made.

How is this contrarian? Everyone shat on Mario Sunshine for not being Super Mario 128

How many levels of contrarian u on rn?

well popular belief says otherwise

rip blizzard north

I deeply and thoroughly despise the mass games like lol, dota2, overwatch etc.

I grew fond of the steam way of downloading and playing games using steam, I think it's practical. BUT the dlc way and the early access way together with the recent marketing methods are something I personally would never have even started.

In fact I only bought the half-life games on steam. In fact those games were the only ones I bought since 2004 approximately. I am very proud of this and think more people should have acted my way.

Thank you for listening to my unworthy opinion. I wish you all the best, kind reader.

Don't let some jaded fucks on here ruin your opinion on Ueda, I fully agree with you two