Witcher 3 body language alone shows more emotion than anything in Mass Effect Andromeda so far

>Witcher 3 body language alone shows more emotion than anything in Mass Effect Andromeda so far
>actually put effort into the Cinematography.

And this is in-game dialogue scene, not cinematic cutscene.

How did Bioware fuck up this bad?
Didn't they learn anything from Witcher 3?

Other urls found in this thread:


BioWare always had shit animations.

Thats not an excuse

It isn't. It just doesn't surprise me that yet another bioware game has shitty animations.

BioWare always made shit games

>you will never play his game ever again

I hope he makes a cameo side quest in Cyberpunk with Ciri's time travel magic and shits.

>It's always been shit and I love shit! You can't make me stop loving eating shit! Please, shove more shit into my mouth!

Bioware has LONG since realized that the actual quality of their product and their success are barely connected. This has been painfully obvious with the absolute ZERO effort they actually put into ME3.
Bioware knows that it has it's own brand names, an army of uncritical fanboys who (since they stuck up with them this far) don't really care what they are doing as long as they are doing something, and finally, major marketing force.

The game is a complete by-product of their own business scheme. Details don't fucking matter at all. Careful craft or putting any heart into their work don't matter at all. As long as the genre and IP markers are there, as long as there is a basic skinner box involved, as long as they maintain an aura of "progressiveness", and as long as they can throw money at marketing, they don't have to worry about anything.

The entire modern video game industry seems to be in dire need of good animators, really. Mocap often looks like shit, and outright cannot be used for some scenes.

The problem is, they're actually getting worse.

I don't know how you got that from what I said. The question OP made was
>How did Bioware fuck up this bad?
The answer is that they were always bad.

cyberpunk would not benefit from witcher
it should be its own thing, based on the boardgame or whatever stupid shit theyre appropriating

That little smirk. FUCK.

Reminder CDPR were so terrified of Bioware they delayed Witcher 3 until 2015, and DA:I and TW3 both won GOTY for their respective years.

He won't. Ciri and the manlet elf mage will.

>puts effort and money into game
>still got BTFO by cheap trash like Fallout 4 in all (((Game Industry))) award shows

I hope CDPR didn't learn a lesson from this.

I think it's mostly a problem with cutscenes ironically, the supposed highlight of their games.

The gameplay animations look normal.

>Fallout 4
I still don't understand how it won any award at all.

literally just a FPS with quest and stat. 0 role-play

The thing is that BioWare has the EA Games ad machine.

>Reminder CDPR were so terrified of Bioware they delayed Witcher 3 until 2015,
Uh, no? They delayed the game because they realized in early 2014 that their plan to avoid generic treasure-chest random content is being poorly recieved by test audiences and spend an entire year filling the map with POI's that weren't originally supposed to be there. Plus the game was buggy as fuck and poorly balanced, and the company was buying all the time they could to polish it up. Even then it was a pretty sore state at release. The delay had fuck all to do with DA:I.

>terrified of big bro Bioware before the release
>laugh at how shitty it is after the release

>the company was buying all the time they could to polish it up


To be fair, the walking animations from female characters like Ciri in TW3 always bugged me.
I can't find a proper Video or gif to show what i mean but i'm sure anybody who played TW3 knows what i'm talking about.
Really stilted. Geralts walking animation was fine tho.

Mostly because it was the "first time" Fallout went mainstream. I could barelly stomach everyone talking about fucking F4. I once commented on how the game was all changed to appeal to people that would forget about the game in 2 months, and was told off by normies for being a "hater".

But, like everything in the nostalgia based media we have today, you can only criticize something after it's no longer on the spotlight.

Same with the new Star Wars.

this breaks my heart.

W3 was such a great experience for me

>delayed Witcher 3 until 2015

Seems like a smart move in hindsight when you compare products of CDPR with those of Bioshit

ME2 at least tried with cinematography, and had some really nice shots at points.

Andromeda has just said FUCK THAT and gone OTS and even disregarded dialogue scenes with NPCs.

I wish there was a webm of that scene from Hearts of Stone where Gaunter O' Dimm meets Geralt and Olgierd in fron of the burning manor and begins to describe the history behind why he had Geralt kill the frog prince.

The camera focuses on Olgierd's face and you can see Gaunter circling him out of focus in the background as Olgierd makes these twisted expressions.

Fucking great cinematography right there,


Can we PLEASE stop with the Polish/polish jokes. They had gotten old around two months after the release of TW1 for fuck sake.

Mass Effect had asses in latex suits, only Overwatch have done it better, 6 years later

Except it was not motivated by fear of DA:I?

Witcher 3 uses a mix of motion capture and very complex autogeneration algorithm based on tone of the audio (it's basically how they achieved nigh-perfect lipsync in all languages).

Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy actually used a very old version of sad algorithm in the past to automatically generate facial movement based on audio tone.

>CDPR were so terrified of Bioware
I think it was rather a business calculation. Or maybe they needed more time to polish up W3. Probably both. The thing is that Dragon Age is a well known and valued brand, especially in the US, while The Witcher was still regarded as a pretender. That, combined with huge EA's ad budget would probably hurt Witcher's sales, no matter how many times better it would be than DA:I. It's not like new AAA RPG games are released every month, so there's no need to make a fratricidal fights between them.

I love Witcher 3 but the characters in conversations are one of it's biggest weakness
>character randomly moves his hands infront of him since that's the only body movement they programmed
>every time Geralt has to do literally anything in a conversation they fade to black since it's too much trouble to animate Geralt lifting a ladder for example

>Jedi academy
That game is the shit, need to play it again

>Reminder CDPR were so terrified of Bioware they delayed Witcher 3 until 2015
That's because they had to downgrade the whole game.
Bioware was really lucky here.

Outcast is better in basically every way as far as both SP and MP go because JA is unfinished and they never fixed a lot of bugs in the lightsaber system.
JA was branched from 1.0 version of JO during development (since it's basically a standalone expansion like Mysteries of the Sith) and as such inherited a lot of the bugs from JO's 1.0 version.

For example things like Poke and Spin are literally bugs and were patched out from JO in 1.02 patch.

uh no. you got that ass backwards.

Bioware were so terrified of tW III they rushed ahead and pushed their janky ass unfinished product out the door and onto shelves a year early to try and 'beat' tW III to release and 'win'.

It didn't work.

But that's wrong. They delayed it because they realized it won't run on PS4 due to Sony greatly overestimating how powerful their shit console is, so they needed extra time to unfortunately downgrade the game.


Haha I get it. Good one.

>muh emotion in muh games


>I think it was rather a business calculation. Or maybe they needed more time to polish up W3.
They explicitly stated it: early 2014 was a frightening year in CDPR when basically everything went south on the production level. Initial responses to first closed betas were highly negative, console-optimization proved far more of a problem than they anticipated (which resulted in necessity of visual downgrading, which in return started causing problems with the community), their open-world design philosophy blew into their face, and the testers reported so many major bugs they were completely overwhelmed.

The game was nowhere NEAR ready to be released, and the studio desperately scrabled to make it even remotely playable in the additional year they gained.

>Not this again
>tfw you want another witcher game with Geralt but you know that won't happen and you know at heart it should not happen.
The story is over and it was awesome.

>yfw never play a witcher game

It's surprising that Witcher 3 came out at all, much less came out as good as it did.

Read the books if you haven't.
Then replay the games and notice how much shit you missed out.

They are going to sell anyways, why would they care.


>cinematography autismos plaguing videogames now
This industry can't crash soon enough.

I demand salsa.

Yeah, I am going to need a sauce on this one.

I am already reading Sword of Destiny, thanks.

>tfw you want another witcher game with Geralt
Why though?
Don't you want a prequel spin-off about the times when humans just arrived in this world and it was full of monsters and witchers were in high demand. Make-your-witcher MH clone.

I sure fucking hope you didn't skip Last Wish cause SoD is the second book.

how I cinematography in a story game a bad thing?

Would you rather play fucking Dragon Age Inquisition, or Andromeda where the cutscenes are boring and stale, or the witcher where subtle nuances, framing, blocking, camera movement etc give away things about characters that would be explained in bioware dialogue?

This is why the RPG genre was a mistake.
Who the fuck cares about body language?
Who the fuck cares about cinematography?
Give me a game that is actually fun to play, something that RPGs are clearly incapable of.

I'm really looking forward to CDPR doing something that isn't Witcher.

>It's surprising that Witcher 3 came out at all, much less came out as good as it did.
Nah, the chances of cancellation were always very slim: the existence of the studio completely depended on it. The risk always was that it will come out broken or unplayble, but CDPR could literally not afford to "cancel and do something else", their entire future was riding on that game. Don't forget that while Sony and Microsoft (and some others) paid for marketing and distribution, CDPR was covering all their development cost from their own money. Nobody could "force them" to cancel it, and canceling it would just mean killing the development house, so...

It's fun

>very complex autogeneration algorithm based on tone of the audio
Can we kill this myth? It's just a baseline system, like story boarding. An animator goes through and hand tweaks every one. You think a computer can autogenerate shit like ?

Isn't Last wish the second book since it came out in 1993 and SoD came out in 1992?

I don't care.
Seriously, I don't give a fuck about le kino.
MEA and DAI are trash because the gameplay is trash, who the hell cares about what place you see cutscenes from.

This is the point we are reaching these days: wanting your games to not look like shit is bad now. Welcome to the post-Halo-generation industry. "Anything that is not exclusively mashing buttons very fast is BAD."

Neither are, both are clunky pieces of shit.

Found it in the time it took to write this reply.
Acquire proficiency.

>being literally retarded

I read in a interview or something that Geralt's VA said he asked the Team if he could own a bar and his name could be Garry and he would have two servants that were named like Yenn and Triss

The books are terrible

Son, they already said in a fucking interview they programmed their own complex system to automatically generate facial movement with 0 involvement from animators for regular/non-important scenes.
You have no idea how complex technology got.

No you retard, Last Wish and Sword of Destiny are both colletions of short stories, and while the short stories features in Last Wish were only collected into a book format in 93, the stories themselves came out in 88-90 as part of a quarterly magazine for up-and-coming writers.

You done goofed you fucking inbred cockmongler.


From what i've seen the graphics are a bit bad, yeah, they could improve that.

>Welcome to the post-Halo-generation industry
Exactly, now go back to rewatch your pretentious turds and to your cinemagrid autism threads in Sup Forums to talk about screenshots.

Excellent argument, yes, you convinced me, devs should waste their time with le kino.

Fuck. You can see Geralt listening and interacting with things said to him with his facial expressions. Why isn't this a thing!?

Instead you still see these NPC's and player characters, staring at each other with dead eyes.

>Son, they already said in a fucking interview they programmed their own complex system to automatically generate facial movement with 0 involvement from animators for regular/non-important scenes

You're parroting a PC gamer article that CDPR literally corrected them on.

"The “algorithm” or “generator” as we call it, was used only as a solid base for further development of the scene. It was a shortcut, a tool, but never a goal. More of a production-related thing. It created a rough first pass through a scene, which was always tweaked and adjusted by hand - in all 1463 dialogues. In many, the algorithm wasn't used at all, as they demanded custom approach from the very beginning.

Every cinematic dialogue was approached with the same care, attention and goal - to create the most compelling and emotional scene for given quest and story. Only this way, the characters could ring true and players would want to invest in them, to understand them, to help or condemn them. When they act like humans, not voiceover-delivery machines. Achieving this is a deliberate, careful process. Procedural doesn't get you this. A designer with empathy does. Because you have to put your heart into something to move someone else's."

-Piotr Tomsinski, Animation Technical Director CDPR

Don't be stupid

I really liked the Scene in ME2 when you first meet Thane and the rising sun is behind him while he was praying

It's extremely weeby but it was pretty

You don't compare Da Vinci to an autistic third grader's drawings, OP.

I guess i will have to buy another book and start reading from there.

I never saw that correction statement from CDPR so I stand corrected, but going by the original article you can't blame me for thinking that.

Who the fuck can take autismal statements like this seriously.

Last Wish is literally how it all began, you're ruining the series for yourself so fucking hard by starting with SoD since it's Last Wish that introduces all the characters, how they met and so on.

>Exactly, now go back to rewatch your pretentious turds and to your cinemagrid autism
And communicating purely in memes, because of course you do. Mashing buttons and screaming phrases that you don't even understand but you sure hope it will make the guy on the other hand mad: The new generation of gamers. I'm so happy I'm going to die soon enough...

>And this is in-game dialogue scene, not cinematic cutscene.
Am I supposed to be impressed? It's just a camera turning around

Let's see
>passion, talent, hard work
>pandering, tokenism, talentless people
Wew lad

Don't suppose I could convince you to read something like Heroes Die instead?

The Witcher books suck, or at least all the english translations suck

Nothing wrong with it gayboy

say it to my face irl see what happens

The Witcher 3 was seriously kino. I wish I could post some screens now, but I'm at work.

Please KYS

These are videogames, they are about gameplay, gameplay is all that matters.

>I'm so happy I'm going to die soon enough...
Good news, the last thing the industry needs is more trash pretending games are movies and bringing their cancer.

1:23 on is kino as fuck

Oh boy, the fa/tv/irgin trash with their le epic kino of le epicness is here.

I always fucking wondered why did it throw you right in to the action without introduction.
>starting franchises from sequels
>story of my life
The autism in website gave me is unbearable.

Acts of Caine is so much better tho. Not like I said, "hurr witcher sucks pls read sanderson instead"

>Mfw even Fallout 4 had better animation than Mass Effect Andromeda

>These are videogames, they are about gameplay, gameplay is all that matters.
There is so much wrong with this I'm not sure where to even begin, but I'll try something slightly different.
What are your thoughts on Factorio?


>wew lad

When did Sup Forums become Reddit?

Let's calm down now

We are saying things we don't mean and will regret next morning

Witcher books can honestly only be truly appreciated if you're Polish due to the very clever use of vocabulary on Sapkowski's part that can't really be translated as far as I'm concerned.
There's also references to Polish history and literature that again will be lost on most people unless they're somehow interested in that subject.

No need to begin anything, it's a fact, no, your cancerous le kino is a waste of everyone's time.

I don't play indie ''games'', I can't bring myself to pay for something that 10 years ago would be free in flash sites.

I'm actually serious though, Piper is far more expressive and her animations are so much more better than Ryder and her statue like CIA talking scene, disarming scene and that air punch scene.

Don't get me wrong, Bethesda games have shit animation but what Bethesda did with Pipe absolutely destroys Mass Effect Andromeda's shitty animations.

>saving plebbit pics in your hd
>calling others pleddit