How are they so cute?

How are they so cute?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because their love can't exist in real life

Hollow Knight bug waifu is superior

For eons, humans have craved the things they cannot have.
Flight, the stars, ever lasting life, gold from nothing.
And yet the simple man cannot attain these goals. It takes the progress of generations to make these goals possible.
What you are experiencing is the lust for people that do not exist, however with time, these love will become as normal as the plane flying over your house.

They're not. Nothing about that couple feels organic.

This couple gives hope to us manlets.

It's stupid organic, idiot. It's alchemic.

This tbqh family.

not that one

>mfw I can't play Specter of Torment until April necause I don't want to buy a defective console

How about this one?

Depends on how well she cooks

Go and finish Zote story line first.

>That Polar Knight clip from the Specter of Torment ending montage

What does it all mean?

Specter of Torment is fucking rad user.
you can get armor that lets you grind on your scythe like a skateboard anywhere that you want at incredibly high speed

>plague knight got a waifu
>specter knight got stuck with the worst characters dad

it's not fair

wait is specter of torment out already?

For the Switch

Is he a guy or a girl anyway?

only for Nintendo Switch for some fucking gay reason :^)


>using any armor aside from the standard or flashy one with no effect
But yeah, it's great.

He's a dude, body swap mode makes him obviously a woman. I understand the confusion though, for a ghost he has some pretty supple thighs and hips.

He's a guy. The relationship he had with the man from when he was alive isn't romantic.

Specter Knight at least gets to be free from the Enchantress' control thanks to Shovel Knight.

Got plenty of time to be Reize's cool undead uncle. Although, that might just lead Reize down the path of the edgelord...

I wonder what Reize's original creator thinks of this


I don't know much about the guy, to be honest.

On one hand, his original character became a prominent part of the story.

On the other hand, he's technically indirectly the cause of every bad thing that happened across three campaigns by existing.

>>On the other hand, he's technically indirectly the cause of every bad thing that happened across three campaigns by existing.

what, what? how?

Mona's secret dancing hobby was pretty adorable