Its a "wtf why isn't everyone in voicechat" episode

>its a "wtf why isn't everyone in voicechat" episode

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's a dude symmetra is really good on defense no matter what map or teamcomp episode
>It's a dude I'll play genji/hanzo/widow i'm really good trust me episode
>It's a Zarya not building up any charge but he heard the character was good so he doesn't switch episode

>play vidya to escape people
>people expect me to communicate in vidya

>it's a "main DPS bitches about carrying his team and ragequits 2 seconds before the enemy wins despite the healer having 5 golds" match

>hey dude if you're gonna heal you need to be in voicechat, it's the most important role for strategy
>"that's okay i can dps or tank, up to you"
>well yeah but basically any role is super important to strategy why the fuck don't you just join voicechat

>join voice chat group of close-knit community
>"h-hey guys"
>everyone says hi back and go back to conversing
>too shy to break off anyone
>15 minutes passes before you say something again
>"wait, who was that?"

>Zarya not building up any charge but he heard the character was good so he doesn't switch
This is the worst fucking thing that never gets any recognition. People NEVER bitch about a Zarya no matter how awful they are, but because of fucking memes, Hanzos and Widows gets bitched out the second they pick half the time.

>everyone is in voice chat
>nobody says a word minus the obligatory "hey"s

>they start talking to each other about the new guy and why he doesn't talk
>don't make any effort to start a conversation with him or at least make it less awkward to join in

>It's a "hay guize im a grrl gamer XD, wtf why are we losing XD" episode

>join voice chat
>make calls
>track enemy team members and ultimates
>engage and use ultimates properly
>suck off each other's dicks when someone gets a pick
>coordinate well and win easily due to superior teamwork and communication

>It's a Zarya not building up any charge but he heard the character was good so he doesn't switch episode
What if the Zarya holds back the bubble to save your ass from instagib.gif

I was about to type how I've never come across these types of girls who people always mention that cause drama and break-up guilds but then I remembered I lost a online friend of 4 years when we met this girl, they dated, broke up and then claimed I was jealous of him the whole time... oh well

>don't join voicechat
>only communicate absolute necessities through text
>dominate through skill
>win easily without the crutch of communication
plus i don't have to listen to autistic 20-somethings shit their pants over random and insignificant bullshit

>friend has [annoying, ugly] girlfriend
>even if she was hot and not annoying I still don't care
>won't shut the fuck up about her
>tell him I don't care and to fuck off
This is why I don't associate with normies

like fuck off I don't wanna

>be Grandmasters
>everyone uses voice chat

That's how I know you guys are Plat shitters :^)

I was nothing but supportive of him even though I knew from the start he'd just fallen in love with this girl right out of the gate upon hearing her voice cause he is a kissless virgin and got his hopes up. His retarded cynical behavior pushed her away and he became really bitter and just started attacking me.

i didn't deserve that desu

Nigga those people you're talking about are some high tier autists, what are you on about.

i think chess is strategy
starcraft 2 has low level tactics

but this. how the fuck you can pretend to be pro in casual ass team fortress rip off with moba elements?
shame on humanity and blizzard for this game ever being a thing

>sometimes play QP with 3 friends
>only 1 of them isn't a complete shitter
>matchmaking takes forever to find a match when we team up because of all the different MMR pools
>finally get a match
>face a team of 6 mid-diamonds and higher anyway
>get steamrolled

people will go to any effort to feel superior, no matter how pitiful they are

case in point is

They happen, not very common they do happen. Like I lost a friend because her girlfriend didn't like me for being way better than both of them at videogames, but not good enough to carry her shitter ass. Years later I got my friend back and we talked about things, yadda yadda, he realized many girls are cancerous beings.

As one of those 20-somethings, I call out things as I see them. When a roadhog gets an awesome hook, I'll call it outs "mercy down, nice hook hog"

Can you not understand why that may be boosting team morale?

You're oversimplifying the concept of strategy.
You can apply the term to any game where you can predefine a plan to achieve your goal, regardless of how deep the game is.

So you can actually use strategy in OW, you can come up with plans to react to every situation that might arise. Does it have the same depth as chess? No. Still appliable.

OW is mostly about "play it by ear" decisions though. Or peoplr play it like that.


>not having fun anyway
Just talk to your bros retard don't focus on the game

>team mate complains that no one is in voice chat
>i am in voice chat i am just not responding to anything he says


>It's a "people expect you to take the game as seriously as they do" episode

>makes no effort to join in
>blames everyone else

i mean, we're both projecting about >that person in our lives, but still

>playing multiplayer games to escape people
Well there's your problem

>join voicechat
>its just people screaming genji is coming from behind

holy shit take your cock out of your mouth, not everyone appreciates your faggot voice

sure as fuck dont boost my morale

when the fuck did this meme start? I see it all the time now and its just annoying, although "hoovies" make for good disguises to get easy kills

Can you rephrase that? I have no idea what you're talking about.


voice chat is mostly full of either autists that can't contain their anger or people that don't talk shit or do much so fuck that

Tf2, I guess I should have specified, considering most posts involve Overwatch. Nowadays people pick the "Heavy" class and just idle around, wasting teamspace on either team and whenever they get killed they have an autistic fit and it usually ends up in getting kicked because you get accused ot cheating or something


It's okay user, some people cope differently to their parents not caring about them :(

Wow, that sounds super autistic. That reminds me of the people who go into enemy territory in OW skirmishes to spam "hello" and emotes and instantly type "rude" in chat if you kill them

you're a loser

>it's an everyone fucking keeps talking and "communicating" episode
>we still lose or get absolutely curbstomped
Sometimes talking isn't the best option.

>someone spends entire match playing music or otherwise being obnoxious in the mic
>nobody knows that there is a mute button
>they all start yelling at him via mic to stop being loud and annoying
>end up having to mute my entire team

>it's a people still play this trash game episode

>projecting this hard
yeah this is gonna convince me to join voice chat right quick

>mfw I've never joined voice chat even once

>tell them my mic is broken
>it isn't

>one guy dishes out orders over voice constantly despite nobody else being in voice
>doesn't get mad, suggests different picks but ends up agreeing with whatever everyone settles with
>gives tips
>will eventually change to whatever he's saying we need regardless of what everyone else is doing and playing
>plays like shit
>congratulates us on our good effort and thanks us for the match when the match ends even though we got fucking stomped

I don't understand these people or why there are so many people like that.

>its a "Dude im good at junkrat, the other dps should switch to hitscan to deal with the pharah" episode

friendly heavy has been a thing for years

>EU, so nobody ever talks
>try it out myself every once in a while just to see if we can strategize a bit
>some guy I was playing with was streaming and apparently his audience (of one) really liked me
>someone else commented that I had a really nice voice at a separate time

My voice is boring and monotone as fuck, though. Dunno why some people like it.

He's trying to build morale and encourage you all to do better.
That's the best kind of player. Trying to stay positive and be helpful, even if he's not very good himself.

Well let's hear it then. Fire up that vocaroo.

>tfw TF2 went to shit and Overwatch is the closest thing left even if it's nowhere as fun
Fuck Valve. At least Quake Champions looks fun.

It's because he bought into the meme that a "team game just needs a good team to win", rather than actually getting good at the game.

This is why mobas are so """""toxic""""", people don't focus on actually playing and being good at the game, they focus on the other players on their team.

>enter match
>Volskaya defense
>no one talks
>lose first point
>one of the guys starts typing complaints in chat
>try to defend point B
>eventually lose the game
>suddenly a voicechat indication pops up at the top-left of the screen
>it's the same guy what was complaining in chat earlier
>[thick Russian accent] "FUAAHKING NOOHBS"
>he leaves the game

>it's a "your teammates can't into English" episode
M-my favorite...

It's the accent my dude. It's quite nice.

>people nagging others to get on teamspeak/whatever
>in some obscure ass alpha mmo
>with like 20 people in peak times
>for no reason whatsoever
Why doesn't people understand that talking about the weather with complete strangers over the internet is awkward as fuck?

Oh, well, thanks!
It's Danish.

>basically same situation
>get shit pushed in so hard so many times the next queue reads
>Finding a More Balanced Match

8/10 voice actually

>play 3v3 solo as Ana
>Dva flies across the map to where I can't see her
>Dva dies
>"wow Ana you fucking suck"

don't get mad
if you tilt they win

>playing a competitive multiplayer game that relies on communication as much as technical skills on most skill levels
>doesn't use mic or at least listen to the voice channel


>He doesn't set voice chat volume to zero to avoid hearing mouth breathers, children, and angry basement dwellers

>My voice is boring and monotone as fuck, though. Dunno why some people like it.
Could you be any more obvious baiting people saying post vocaroo? Just go to /soc/ with that shit please

Even with its flaws, you're ruining whatever efficient realtime you could have with your team. You're gimping yourself hardcore.

>top 500 on pc
>never used voice coms
>main symmetra
>65% win ratio

>main symmetra
Well there you go

>that relies on communication
You don't need that shit in Overwatch, that game is too shallow and dumb for that.
Every single match is the same shit and there's absolutely no need to use voice chat.
If you call out positions and such it does not matter because 0.5sec later that will be irrelevant.

>final person to pick a character
>I have to choose between Reinhardt and a healer
End my life.

>"Yo user get in voice chat"
>ok, sure thing.
>"Thanks man, now we ca-"
>*mute everyone in voicechat*

Hahaha he's LITERALLY bragging about the most unbalanced game in human history next to fucking tic tac toe.

>made the transition from support to DPS last season because I wanted to work on personal skill
>play without voice chat
>enjoy easily hearing important sounds like like footsteps/reload noises
>play well, consistent wins/POTGs
>find a good team with excellent synergy every now and then
>turn on voice chat
>stellar communication, etc
>"Hey, user, you're pretty good"
>talk to my team
>people start complimenting me or tell me my voice is nice
>get hit on in text chat
>outed for having a mic, now I have to work with the team
>too nervous to ask for DPS
>always end up back on support
>can't hear all the sounds because people are constantly talking
>can't mute because they'll know
>play more inconsistently
>lose more
>hear my teammates are getting stressed
>leave at the first possible opportunity
>remove anyone who friend requested me
Every time. I feel like I'd be a better teammate if voice chat didn't add this extra layer of stress.

Just don't join the voice chat?
Please just stop baiting with this "people compliment my voice", just go to /soc/ and post your shitty vocaroo there.

>tell someone to get on voice chat
>user has joined the channel
>hear bong rip

>You're gimping yourself hardcore.
be good at the game then, rather than relying on strangers