Just picked up a wii u

Just picked up a wii u

Get Bayonetta 2 my good man


get zelda dude

Just picked up a PS4

You shouldn't steal from children.

This. Get botw and wwhd

>hand not above the game case in that position
Someone please shoop it there

Wow, your hands are gigantic bro

get a white gf

"""""picked up"""""

How is RE4 on ps4? I've been wanting to play it but the PC version keeps crashing on me

>black hand
It's all good. Sup Forums approved

what is it with apes and nintendo ;)


>trying to b8 racist replies


>tfw bought a switch


Just picked up a PS2

It's pretty good, my man.

jesus christ use soap or something

user that's his skin


Don't listen to this guy,he just finished working in a coal mine.

>picked up
>black hand
you dont need to lie, you stole it


hello my swedish friend.

Now build your library.


LMAO!!! I laughed for like 2 minutes at this pic and then another 2 minutes when looking at the replies I knew would be there.

Played through it, runs great. 60 FPS, gameplay is the same as you remember, probably cheap as fuck now.


>you will never be black
>you will never shitpost about it on Sup Forums
>you bought PS4 games for nothing