Scientists using brain scans and psychological questionnaires discovered that the levels of aggression and capacity for...

>Scientists using brain scans and psychological questionnaires discovered that the levels of aggression and capacity for empathy in people who never play violent games were the same as in those who game for hours each day.

So, will politicians finally shut up now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>So, will politicians finally shut up now?
I haven't heard anyone complain about video games causing violence in fucking years. What are you talking about?


yeah this. it has been a non-issue for almost a decade

>2008 was 9 years ago


Scientists have proven the gods don't exist but we still have religion. Science is irrelevant.

No sooner was Jack disbarred, fagnita cunteesian started whining about male power fantasies. You see, everything males like is literally rape.

>So, will politicians finally shut up now?

>proven the gods don't exist

Link me the paper.

>he thinks politicians pay attention to scientific studies

Remember during the SOPA congressional hearings when one of the Congress people says "somebody get the nerds in here about this" or some shit? Those fuckers don't know shit about ahit, they're too busy paying off campaign donates with favorable legislation.

Nigger you can't prove something doesn't exist

>fagnita cunteesian

Did you make that one up all by yourself?


Technically, you can prove something doesn't exist: you just have to show that it is never true in any case, which is generally infeasible.

not a politician.

Video games are still the newest media on the block and the least understood.

This makes it the easiest target, but let's not forget music also suffer these attacks as well as books. Just less frequently.

Nothing worse in this world than religious retards.

Why the passive aggressive ":)"?

Do you think just because I don't worship Trump like reddit means I'm a leftist cuck Hillary supporter? Fucking kill yourself.

Why exactly are you falseflagging in this thread of all places?

You realize every major scientist recognises the chance of there being a god right? Even Hawking puts it as a possibility

But he's the President of the United States, and he's run for president on and off since the late 1980s or so.

literally triggered

Trump wins agAIN!!! XDDD hilshils BTFO lol joosss XDDdd lol Sup Forums God emberor amirite

Go ahead and warn me again you fuckin do it for free mods, i have a dynamic IP.

No, because "Violent video games are creating murderers!" is what their electorate believes and wants to hear.

Le wheelchair scientist man is no better than le black scientist man

the SJWs are the problem now, not the politicians

You're obviously on the wrong website.


That's only true in axiomatic systems. The universe itself is only axiomatic in the fever dreams of mathematical realists.

No, if it ever enters the agenda, they'll just brand this as fake news and continue on like always

>in years

Isn't this 4changaf?




That's why I said "theoretically", senpai.

This face looks like Bioware modeled.

Fun fact: over thirty posts in and nobody yet actually sourced that bloody study. I guess sources are not necessary as long as people say something we want to agree now?

This story about "being impossible" to prove a negative is complete bullshit.

If I say I don't have a dildo in my pocket, I can easily prove that statement by simply showing you what is inside my pocket.

it was never about aggression. they always wanted to simply tell everyone what they are and are not allowed to do to stroke their own over-inflated egos.

they don't care if it's aggression inducing or not, that's just a tool to increase governmental surveillance and control over the masses.

It's too skinny, very unrealistic portrayal of a woman xD . Make the cheeks fatter and put a stupid grin on it and I agree.

It seems that the priest's dick hit the back of your head too many times and now you're spouting nonsense.

Here you go, brohan.

>Trump continues to fuck up
>memers continue to answer with "b-b-but Shillary!"

They stopped a while ago dude, it's the libcucks that have been crying about them causing sexism and hatred of women most recently

>trump re elected

You misunderstand. He specifically said "it is impossible to prove something doesn't exist", not "it is impossible to disprove a statement". Saying that a bug with exactly 14 legs and nipples doesn't exist is a very different claim from saying there isn't one in a particular place at a particular time.

>capacity for empathy

useless trait

The only time in history I can remember even hearing about this was right after the columbine shootings. RE2 was big and kept seeing in-game footage of it on the news with reporters deeming it the reason kids get these ideas to be violent. Goldeneye was another one I would always see in these news stories too. Then Y2K came along and everyone stopped giving a shit almost over night lmfao


facts only matter when they support your viewpoint. otherwise you dismiss it because it was too white and male

But that tweet is an opinion and not a matter of fact at all.

>Scientists have proven the gods don't exist
How many bananas have you shoved up your ass?


Who much hot oil do you pour on your micropenis?0

you sound deeply upset

try not to let posts on message boards on the internet get to you, you'll live longer

>Will politicians give up a perfectly good scapegoat that idiots will buy to distract them from real problems?

Good one.

Two years ago I was at a family thing for Christmas and I met some "family" that I hadn't seen since I was like 2 and could not remember them at all. The husband literally made a speech about how "you could fix every problem with kids, and maybe the world, if you just banned video games."

I'm not changing that quote at all. Most people are stupid. Politicians will continue to pander to them for easy votes.

>So, will politicians finally shut up now?
They generally keep quiet until after school shootings.

look at all the mental illness that surrounds video games.

Maybe they aren't wrong.

i wish it was legal to shoot journalists

I understood that reference.
But I wish I didn't.

Are you attributing the mental illness to exposure to games or suggesting people with mental illness gravitate towards games?

Regardless, suggesting major societal shift could occur from banning something is ridiculously reductive.

I think they enable their mental illnesses. Instead of having to go out in the world, they can stay inside their bubble.

Wrong correlation nigga, videogames like any kind of media is a way to escape the real world so it does attract people with problems.

You could put the same argument onto alcohol, drugs, movies or novels to an extent. It's just a boogeyman.

I don't think videogames are particularly beneficial or detrimental to mental health unless abused but that goes for just about every thing on Earth.

It doesn't matter. Trump just says shit. Who knows what he believes or doesn't believe. Like the recent allegations that he was being wiretapped under Obama's orders. If anyone else made the claim, it would be a serious concern. Since it's Trump, people forget about it the next day.

There's just an absurd amount of trannies involved in video games. Something isn't right.

>So, will politicians finally shut up now?

You haven't seen the amount of them into doctor Who

>Leader of the free world
>Not a politician

What mate?

He wasn't the president in 2012. Has he brought up video games since?

No because politicians don't believe in science

I can easily prove there isn't a bigfoot in my refrigerator.

good lord ...
that's how they made doom great again

Trump is also an antivaxxer

Surely this tweet is real, you wouldn't just post fakes, right user?

because they gave his son autism

>video games are for mentally well-adjusted mature adults

That's not what he's saying. Don't pretend you know science if you don't. Science has not, technically, disproven the existence of God, that isn't how science operates. It's also not impervious to error or correction as new methods of observation and control are invented.


He probably realized it would have lost him votes. Better simply not to talk about it. What it does suggest is that he just parrots opinions, like many politicians, and is therefore untrustworthy, incompetent, or both. One has to wonder what kind of person would ever say that in the first place.

>one of the richest people on earth
>doesn't get his son the autism - free vaccines

Holy shit, what is he doing?

or no one cares about violent video games anymore.

complaining about diversity and sexism is more profitable.


>So, will politicians finally shut up now?
People who grew up with violent video games are now the main voter audience.
Nobody is going to tell workforce people in their 30s and 40s that they are going to destroy their hobby and still expect to get voted into office.
The Overton window just moved.

Is that guy cosplaying as chris-chan?

Playing video games doesn't make you violent, being someone that mostly plays video games does.

>all these answers defending Trump

>someone asking for definite, conclusive proof of a statement is a religious retard
What world exactly is it that you speak of, because it sure is not this one.

he's false flagging.

>the levels of aggression and capacity for empathy in people who never play violent games were the same as in those who game for hours each day.
Dont believe that one bit.
One who never has his empathy and limits for deviance tested is always potentially capable of being a psycho.

does not matter, he is an idiot either way, and I derive pleasure from pointing that out.

I fucking hate "new study shows" articles because a study means jack shit unless replicated by other labs with the same results which 90% of these studies that you see in headlines aren't

It is impossible to disprove that I saw a dildo in your pocket at one time, even though there might be no dildo in your pocket, now.
Disprove that I saw one, protip: you canĀ“t.

>So, will politicians finally shut up now?
Please show me one (1) example of all politicians shutting up when science proves them wrong within the last 15 years.


>doing replication studies when you could go out and get funding for more crazy studies that make headlines

Scientists did a study that showed the congressmen are grossly underpaid*. As soon as the study was publushed, an emergency session of Congress was called to approve a raise for themselves. Vote was unanimous. If you don't think that's our politicians basing legislation on solid scientific principles, I'm note sure what to tell you.

*study commisioned and funded by congress, billed expenses to taxpayer*

What's up with Redditors using asterisks instead of greentexting?

get out hitler