To all No Man's Sky Haters


Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no multiplayer!" and "Sean Murray lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don't feel awkward or anxious playing No Man's Sky around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us - and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We No Man's Sky fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you. I pity you.

I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that No Man's Sky is such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of your first planet, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.


>apparently patch 1.2 came out today
Does it finally add challenging gameplay?

It's a good game chill user

>Perma death

>You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
What does this even mean

a mediocre survival game
nah thanks i'm good

what is the point when there is a single enemy, and a single way to kill them

Does it finally add a gameplay?

>We are hundreds, thousands. Millions.
...of people who bought the game and aren't playing it?

I'm one of the 833 thousand people who bought into the hype. The game is incredibly mediocre. It isn't the bane of anyone's existence, but it was a bag of undelivered promises. Current games do every individual element of NMS better, and in this case the sum of lackluster parts is only greater disappointment. The only significant thing about the game is the PR shitstorm surrounding it.

He's saying youre black


This pasta is only a few months old and you've already forgotten it and replying like it's a serious post

I bet the same stupid fucks who thought Brink was going to be good thought this was going to be good

>Uninstall Call of Duty, start up No Man's Sky


>serious post
>on Sup Forums

My bad. I suppose I'll come to Sup Forums more often so I stay up on the current dank copypastas.

enjoy your lonely and boring wallpaper simulator

Is this new pasta? Or is it purely for the sake of baiting?


Well if you want to get technical about it.

OHAI Steve Murry



>that spike of activity thanks to the patch
>all those players who are so in denial of how bad the game is still trying to fruitlessly get their entertainment from it

And yet, those numbers are still small as shit. Would be kind of sad if it weren't so hilarious.


what's the source of this pasta

google reveals it's from reddit gaming

It's really interesting to see how deep the rabbit hole reddit is in.

Jesus there are people really thinking this.....

>that massive drop off within a month
>those spikes when the patches came out

>people say Sup Forums and reddit are the same in 2017

I like to believe we are still not like this here

It's like that for a lot of games. I'm surprised the spike is as high as it is, but I guess there are a lot of people who are hopeful it's changed.

Most singleplayer-only games experience a significant drop after a month, since once someone finishes a game or sees all there is to see, they stop playing.

>someone actually types this and desperately tries to justify his purchase while rest of the world is disappointed at the game and its false promises

This pasta is from reddit, despicable

You must be new here. You always assume a long worded post is pasta my boy

>we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow explorers
>brought us all together
>join our ranks
But there is no multiplayer...

yes there is

Actually, minority means white now

Currently hanging around 1-1 in SMB1 for the NES. Anyone wanna come join?

I don't see you anywhere, but sure.

haha epic xd

go fuck yourselves haters