ITT:Operators that only subhumans play

She's the only character I hate with a passion.This is the only character I have a hard time killing. No matter where it is on the map I'm always instantly found by her and downed within a fraction of a second.

>user cant check his corners.

Stop rushing in like a tard and shes pretty ez to beat. Her loadouts ass.

>hur dur stop getting downed in a fraction of a second you need to git gut my friend xDddd
you are a nigger


Literally kill yourself. Use a drone or something. Are you completely inept?

even if you drone the area before entering it doesnt matter she is a fast roamer and sitll doesnt change the fact that she can rapidly down multiple players with a single shot.niggers and nigger lovers are in denial

You just sound shit. She's not hard to deal with. Just use your eyes and check other rooms around you and where she could come from

Ive not once had trouble with this bitch besides this one time she dropped off the top of the stairs in that shitbox cabin map dropping an impact grenade on me and magdumping me.

You seriously need to practice and thats not even me memeing you.

Pick Jackal or something. Communicate with your team and have them watch your back. She can't 1v5 and you know it.

>I can't beat this character
>there's no way this might be my fault
>obviously it means the character is bad

You modern gamers disgust me. Go beg for some participation awards or something.


She's not hard to kill but I fucking hate her whole character regardless. Next to Valkyrie as the most disgusting design.

Great argument, Timmy.

>3 speed op + shitty netcode

Your fault for playing a shit game

the only bad thing about valk's design are the arm tattoos, they look like ass.
>complains about valkyrie when dudebro jackal is now in the game

Her whole design is lame, hurr strong female navy seal, looks dumb as fuck. I don't have a problem with female ops but if they can't make them look aesthetically decent or cool then just don't bother, Hibana is another absolutely shit design. Jackal has a stupid helmet but otherwise he's alright, apart from the fact he's a mudslime.

>could've got this
>instead got an edgy emo girl

Looks dumb as fuck


off yourself you little waifu faggot

>doesn't go in with his teammates

Caveira is shitter bait, but you are shitter OP. She's literally designed to make you stick with your team and watch each other's back

You're bad, I guarantee you'll unlock Caveira the first chance you get and sit in the corner of the objective room until the match ends

They have to make operators identifiable from a long distance.

This is the preferable design but it really is just "too generic" when there's already so many gasmask/operator outfit characters already

Cover up her head and it just looks like Ash concept art, see what I mean?

>Navy seal
No, she is from BOPE (Special Police Operations Batalion) in reference of State of Rio de Janeiro's elite force made famous by the movie Tropa de Elite (Elite Squad), directed by that Padilha guy, who directed the Robocop reboot.

I'm not a waifu weeb, I just think that looks stupid as fuck, because it does.

Every single post, except and in this thread is shittalking

You guys are all massive cunts

Fuck this gay website

Bandit and Ash. Fuck the hitbox registration on 3speed characters in general.

Nah, rook and doc are literally identical, who cares? You know who your teammates are and you know your enemies aren't outlined, nobody checks to see what they look like before shooting them unless you're a literal retard.

You have pleb tier shit taste then so goodbye.

cry more nigger

>tfw you throw a nitro into a room and get 2+ kills

How is she edgy? Because of a hood? Fuck you people are goddamn stupid.

>comes to Sup Forums to bitch about how bad he is at a game
>advice is offered
>spurgs out because people tell him hes shit

Yea confirmed underage autist redfaced in his room right now.


OP deserves the shittalking though.
>baw she killed me I better cry about it on Sup Forums

>implying you werent replying to OP

>27 hours into the game

>.8 k/d
>.8 w/l
>.3 ranked w/l

how do I get better I hate this

The thing is, that looks more like Frost than anything. That brings up what said
There is literally nothing wrong with Valk apart from the tattoos, it sounds like you're having a sperg out over her fucking portrait instead of her design.
I agree, Hibana's emo hoodie thing is fucking trash, but her season pass headgear makes it a whole lot better so I'm glad they included it, but it should have been the default.
Mira looks fucking dope, especially the Stingray uniform. For the most part, designs are decent in the game.

Are you stupid or baiting?

>You have pleb tier shit taste then so goodbye.

Since when is liking B^U buckley-tier art considered good taste? Kids these days.

I main Rook, Sledge, and Mute.

Am I cancer?

>nobody checks to see what they look like before shooting them unless you're a literal retard
t. copper

As much as I hate circlejerks, I recommend you get on /r6g/ and join try to befriend some people on there to show you the ropes.
27 hours is nothing in this game. I only got past 1 KD last night because I was so shit at the game when I started, right now I'm topping the leaderboard in casual.
Unfortunately I'm gold-tier at best while my friends are all Diamonds so playing ranked with them is like slitting my wrists and jumping into shark infested water, and as a result my ranked k/d is fucking whack

I main Frost, Fuze, Thermite and Rook

>tfw 1.7kd and 3.15 winrate
My brother is my best teammate

I play Echo, Kapkan, Thermite and Jackal

Hate me if you want

As I already said, it doesn't matter what they look like, the SAS all look similar, when you're playing do you check to see what mask they're wearing? No you don't because it tells you at the top of the screen who you just identified so that's bullshit.

As for Valk looking like shit, obviously you're some weeb who has bad taste so we're going to have to agree to disagree. For the most part yes the designs are decent but then they add shit like this and ruin the overall look of the game.

i bet you're a silver shitter

that feeling when youre unironically copper

I only hate jackal, rest of your choices are gud

Solo queue?

Literally, just LITERALLY unironically point at heads.

>tfw started Gold 2 and now I'm a Silver 4

RIP rank

>nobody checks to see what they look like before shooting them unless you're a literal retard.
You are the retard

ok so you're playing the game, see a person a long distance away, and you can't make out if it's a doc or a rook because the models are too similar!! oh no!!! what do i do?!?!!

fuck off

>kill Doc
>get into objective room and throw a grenade
>get a down and run in to finish him off
>surprise, you killed Rook and Doc's getting up
>he shoves his revolver up your ass, your balls get shown on stream, you look like a dumb asshole to your teammates and you threw the game

but i guess it was too difficult to use your eyes and see if it really was doc you killed... :(

what the fuck are you on about lmao, nothing like this ever happens

people used to complain that the attacking and defending teams didnt have matching camo as if that matters in the fucking slightest, its the same argument being made here.

you will always be close enough to identify what operator is which in addition to the game telling you. jesus christ.

I hate people who are bad at this game. I just don't understand how you can be bad at an fps. You should get tested for downs or something.

>tfw just now realized i'm actually fucking shit at this game no matter how much i play
why even live

If you kill an operator without looking at them long enough, the icon remains a question mark.
If you're not paying attention, you won't know what operator it was, and neither will your teammates.
Is that a difficult concept to you?

it's a difficult concept for people who aren't copper shitters like you

>dudebro jackal
I'm not sure if either of these two words were supposed to be used.

Jackal is not ACTUALLY a mudslime, they just changed his name to some Arabic bullshit for the sake of "diversity'. He is wholeheartedly a spic, and a fairly accurate one.

so what? im not talking about paying attention because as far as im concerned you dont have to, each of the operators are already distinctive enough and lets say they added hibana with a mask/helmet as opposed to a hood, would this hinder my ability to recognise it's her? i doubt it. and even then so what? if im in a firefight being able to tell the enemy operators apart has no real bearing.

there are no circumstances in which i found myself wondering "hmm did i kill rook or doc?" and they are identical from a distance.

i dont buy this reasoning that apparently they decided to make (most of) the dlc operators look garbage so they could be recognised at a distance, thats fucking bullshit. if this was the case, hey lets change smoke so he has no mask so you can tell him apart from mute, nah, it literally doesnt matter.

There are some unbelievably insecure and judgemental people on this board specifically.

I know I just pretend he's Spanish, fuck Ubicuck regardless.

You just hate women.
Sort yourself out.

You don't have to pretend, have you listened to his accent?

Jackal may not be a dudebro but he is the sexiest man alive

I play him because he looks vaguely like Commander Shepard. I also recommend his green helmet.

haha i btfo you so hard you have to start making random assumptions

kill yourself

t. unranked

>lets say they added hibana with a mask/helmet
We're not talking about minor headgear changes, we're talking full uniform. We'll take the example of , which is what this conversation stemmed from. Its appearance is too similar to JTF2 operators - as said, it looks more like Frost than anything.
Even the new skins are causing problems (apart from Thermite's invisibility) - I recall people having a few problems with the forest camos for SAS because at a glance you could think they were a Glaz or Fuze.
Don't make the assumption that any time you see someone you're going to be gunning them down.

Valkyrie looks like a fish on land

>out comes the Jackal defense force
You're late to the party.

>blathering on and on about how female designs bother you

>no headgear option to remove her edgelord facepaint

>see kapkan
>be cautious for kapkan traps
>see valkyrie
>be cautious for cameras
>see buck
>be cautious for ceiling breaches and killholes
you're genuinely retarded if you think recognising an operator doesn't affect your playstyle

You could always use the wrestling mask :^)


only i was talking about recognising operators from a distance not that

anyway the base game females look fine, twitch and iq are cool, frost and mira are alright as well, but most of the dlc ones are just fucking bad designs regardless. capitao is also a bit shit but at least hes not some tryhard skullface girl.

i wasnt talking about whether or not it effects my playstyle, im fully aware that it does, fucking idiot.

if people are mistaking operators for others operators, isnt that an advantage to exploit?

im sure they can find ways that make them look distinctive but also well designed, they're a fucking triple a studio. its not an excuse when the vast majority of the basegame ops are similar in style but easy to tell apart.

are they going to add a pink haired 2d anime girl for south korea because too many people already have helmets? no i dont think so

>advantage to exploit
I'm going to an extreme here but would you call the game fair if recruits all had abilities of their own? It would be an entirely different game, and I doubt it would be as popular because who the fuck knows what you're up against.
While it's not near that level with similar-looking operators, it's still shady. You could be certain it's Fuze and watching all your windows and walls, but then Sledge smashes through instead becaues it was him all along.

Did you lose track of the argument? I agree with you that Hibana looks out of place and poorly designed. Yes, it could be better, but she is unique, and I'd prefer that than a fantastic design.
Besides, I have her season pass headgear and that looks fine to me.

only if they took the time they could actually make a design which is both recognizable and good, as opposed to "unique" but shit, not a valid reason. check all the vanilla ops, they're all easily recognizable, and if not, oh yeah there's that bar thing at the top of the screen which like tells you what operators are selected...really makes u think.

>You could be certain it's Fuze and watching all your windows and walls, but then Sledge smashes through instead becaues it was him all along.

this doesnt happen

and the mask is shit

>being bad at Rainbow Six
Diamond here, git fucking gud you plebs
Also Cav is great but also really easy to beat if you aren't terrible

Fuze is fucking great, man
Once you learn how to use him he becomes amazing

still funny how 50% of the time someone picks fuze in hostage mode , they fuck up .

Fact: SAS are the best CTU.

Have they nerfed his damage to the hostage? I've not seen anyone kill a hostage with Fuze in a long time.

>playing on XO
>literally nobody uses mic

feels bad man

Hostage mode is incredibly frustrating.

>Down to one opfor remaining
>Easy win
>Kill cam shows the guy look round a corner, see the hostage, wait a second, then shoot it in the head

I will never ever understand.

Hostage is my fav mode, can actually use castle without worrying that Fuze is going to fuck everyone up

What are some general tactics I can do with pubbers? Do I just stick with them and use my operator ability to help out where applicable? Do I split up?

Pls help game is hard.

This. But you still get idiots who use fuze on hostage. Sometimes I just pick him because I don't trust anyone else

Probably a new guy who thought any character model is an enemy.


blitz is op fuck him he should be nerfed instead

>blitz is OP
t. copper player

ay senpai what's your GT we can play a couple rounds tonight
how good are you?

>waah waah pls ubi make him op so i can flash 9000000000000 times my enemies wahh why my shield isnt big enough to cover my armpits waaah
sure im the copper guy

>blitz is OP
Want to know how I know you're shit at the game?
Blitz is the second worst op right now, just above Tachanka

t. copper

I would explain it to you but you clearly aren't open to any actual strategy

please never design a game, or anything for that matter

I had someone genuinely thank me and send me a friend request because he was aiming at a camera and I crouch walked in front of him to not get TKd like a retard

This blew his fucking mind


I downed a couple of guys one round and Caveira came and interrogated one of them while I killed the other and we won the match.
After I got this message from him.
I found it kind of cute.

t. silver

I don't need to stop and think and identify my target 1) the game tells you who's on the enemy team 2) i can check when they're dead

>needing to think to identify the target
I can catch a split second flash of an enemy op and instantly tell you who it is
It's a valuable skill, especially for peeking defenders, both countering them and peeking on defense yourself
Too many times I've seen people fuck up and fail to kill Doc because they thought it was Rook and end up losing the round because of it
Don't rely on the game's icons, learn the skill
Each op looks quite unique so it isn't even hard

>asscreed avatar
Of course.

you realise you need to be looking at an enemy for a few seconds for their icon to appear right

What are you, Gold 3 and you think you're hot shit?
Anything below Plat is utter shit tier

It's not a skill lmao it's just how the game is, it's pretty easy to tell who is who IN ADDITION to the game telling you.

Who cares? If you're such a fucking retard you can't identify an operator then you have a backup fail-safe just in case.