>game has lockpicking
>some doors still require a key despite being able to lockpick other identical looking doors
Game has lockpicking
>employing that the look of the door dictates the mechanics of its lock
Dumb frogposter.
Doors might look identical, but the actual mechanisms might be more complex.
>lockpicking minigame
>can't back out of lockpicking until successful
>enemy is getting closer
>le dumb frogposter maymay
>Game has escort missions
>Game has segment devoted specifically to training rather than organically building skills
>Game is made by Ubisoft
why do Sup Forumsirgins always do this shit when they've been told
Its a reddit thing
Custom uncrackable locks for story related doors. Devious.
pepe isn't reddit
>Trying to escape enemy fortress
>Wooden door has a lock
>One of your characters has a blunt weapon as big as them
>door is locked, have to find a key
>door is made out of wood
>protag carries a gun, rocket launcher with them
>lockpicking isn't high or good enough
>can break open doors instead
>Game has lock picking skill
>Doors have health and can be destroyed with basic attacks
pepe is facebookcore
>Game has interspecies romance
>wooden door is locked
>cant use a weapon to get through it
developers are lazy as fuck
>locked door has a hole
>can't just reach through and unlock it
holy fuck...i dont wanna become a furry
>lockpicking mini game is piss easy
>only thing stopping a character with 0 in lockpicking from casually lockpicking a very hard lock is just that the game won't even let you attempt to pick it
I can't tell if skyrim was bad because of this or if this was a good idea to let you attempt any lock you want no matter your skill
on one hand, it makes putting points into lockpicking pointless and lets you just get through that bullshit, but on the other it kinda ruins making a lockpicking character
>game has lockpicking
>only one character in your team can do it
>game has lockpicking
>game also has a seperate utility skill that can open locks on top of all kinds of other useful shit, making lockpicking pointless
>lock is pretty much broken into smithereens
>not very hard
It's about the lock, not the door.
You are a retard.
>stick hand through big hole
>open from the inside to bypass lock
>just climb through hole in door to room
if you tear down a door til it's nothing but a door knob and deadbolt, is it really going to be able to stop anyone from walking through, even if it's got a master tier lock on it?
>he doesnt get it
I said it's about the lock, not the door.
but the lock is irrelevant without a good door to be placed on. the door is what actually stops people from getting past, the lock just ensures the door can't be opened.
He literally is
>game has lockpicking
>game also has "hacking" or something which has the exact same function for lockpicking but for a different type of lock
It's not about the door. The lock.
Try to open a lock that is broken dude. A lock, not the door. I repeat.
The lock.
>game also has "safecracking", which is also lockpicking but for safes
>game also has fucking "toaster repair", which is safecracking for one-per-area safes
>The lock.
is irrelevant if the door is not of quality
oh btw
>safes and doors and other pickable shit can have alarms or explosives wired to it
>disabling those are two additional skills
>game has locks and picks
>still can't lock picks
This is true in real life too. All Euro Cylinders look roughly the same. Difference is that some old soviet type or maybe a cheap Chinese one you could easily get through with a lockpick, but good fucking luck picking it if it's an Assa Abloy Protec2.
I think you could count the people who can legitimately pick those on your fingers.
Try to open a defect lock mate. You'll fail.