Filename Thread
Filename Thread
Is this animu worth a watch
>I've had a lot of practice... against my little sister
Kanna's kawaii (cute) as fuck and one or two of the side characters are OK, but the sound mastering is noticeably awful and pretty much every gag falls entirely flat. I wouldn't recommenced it.
lel most PCgames look like trash
It's very cute/funny, totally worth a watch if you don't mind the fact it's pretty much just a bunch of non sequiturs. Think Azumanga Dioh, just with tittymonsters.
I usually don't participate in console wars, but that made me kek a bit.
I really, really, really like that gif
You can have it if you want.
>is anime worth watching?
I don't know, man. I don't watch cartoons anymoew, I grow up
In a few years you'll see anime girls covered in fucking burkas.
Thanks, user.
>I grow up
>plays video games
need source
active raid
bless you user
>I want to play video games
clearly not Sup Forums
You don't have to tell me what happened
Is it bad I bind crouch to ctrl and toggle crouch to c?
Dunno, saw it on Sup Forums. sorry
>"I grow up"
>Still on Sup Forums
Clearly not.
i want moe to die
Girls are from the anime Saki is all I know for sure.
I don't play videah
I just like to lurk in Sup Forums to kill time, I grow up man
That last slide always gets me
RIP big chin man
I do the same user
right is hotter thought
Why do so many people have such a hard time drawing a Hakenkreuz?
>I just like to lurk Sup Forums
>I grow up
Nah. You sound like a manchild to me.
god damnit
what kind of miserable entitled fuck created this
>Not Trick_Time!
Came here to say this
Not trash, just outdated. Most PC games have been made before 2010s so that's not surprising.
So, how long did it take Nintendo to put a claim on her stream?
what did he mean by this?
I'm surprised they didn't put a claim on her entire life.
I know this is fake but fucking hell my sides
That is so sexy
You forgot your :^)
This looks so generically weeb trash.
She's probably the only person that is rich enough and cares enough about Nintendo vidya to take Nintendo to court for their bullshit, so I doubt they'd try.
>killed by a german
GOTY 1984