ITT: Series that should never have gone 3D

ITT: Series that should never have gone 3D

I'll start us off with an easy one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi, Arin. How you doing? Still struggling on puzzles meant for children?

Just got done watching Sequelitis and now you're enlightened eh?

Have you remembered which item you mapped to which c-stick yet Arin?

Fuck off Egoraptor, didn't you say you loved BotW?

Pokemon. Fuck it god bad from X and Y onwards. If they used the 3ds for different sprite layers that would of been so good.

Castlevania. That 2.5d sidescroll abomination they last released made me want to throw up.

Also what a terrible way to start a thread op, please end your life

But we got Majora's Mask because of that, OP.



Called the fuck out, OP.

Face it, no one but Egocuckter and his autistic fans think that way.

3D Zelda was a mistake. None of them are even close to the quality of a 2D Zelda,


OOT is the only 3D Zelda I like

Nobody but autists think otherwise. Considering 4 people all hopped on and went "HURRRRRRR EGORAPTOR".

Or are you seriously implying the dungeons and overworld actually improved with any 3D Zelda?

Not OP, or Arin, but if the eventual culmination of the Zelda franchise was to just become this retarded dog killing simulator that is some sucky fuckin retarded rushed and pointless physics puzzle game that sold poorly and hated universally as to spell the doom of the franchise so Nintendo bins it for the next decade like Metroid and Earthbound and Starfox, then it probably would have been better if they never got our hopes up with OoT since for whatever reason they've been too mentally challenged to make a better Zelda game, as if it is supposed to be some magnanimous feat to make a game better than a 20 year old game, while pure diarrhea brained mongoloids stand on their rooftop shouting to the sky "98" and "BETTER THAN OCARINA" like that homeless old bitch screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" over and over after Trump won the Presidential election.

Nintendo could have spent $20,000 more on BotW and actually made it a game so great it could sell itself; instead they paid millions of dollars in super bowl ads, paid reviews, slogan marketing and viral marketing to trick idiots into forking over their wageslave pennies for an overpriced fischer-price shitty plastic tablet and a copy of Minecraft without multiplayer or world building.
It is not ironic that the Switch itself is confused marketing and so is BotW. Theres some problem at Nintendo.
"B-but it only has poor graphics cause its a handheld!"
"B-but it only has poor battery cause its a home console!"
"B-but Zelda and the tiny shrines are meant for busy people who can't game frequently!"
"B-but Zelda and its big world are meant for neets and kids who games 24/7!"

they've lost all track of what audience they're trying to target unless their only audience they want is idiots too stupid to judge good from bad and will buy anything.

It's not funny the game wasn't reviewed critically or fairly when it has all the same underpinned issues of many other games this generation, even the use of bullshots in 2014.

SimCity / Citybuilders in general

Literally all me :^)

City Skylines can be comfy if you make your city or town comfy.

But they never stopped making 2D Zelda games senpai.

>implying 2D games were ever good.

You first faggot

Minish Cap was the last one.
It was also the last one made by Capcom and coincidentally the last good handheld Zelda.

Minish cap was shit desu senpai.

Pretty much all Nintendo IPs, desu.

>after dominating the previous two generations Nintendo gets blown the fuck out by Sony
>managed to halt progress or take their established franchises into "new", awful directions from which they never recovered
>Mario 64 is objectively the worst Mario game, and is a soulless husk compared to SMW and SMW2
>brought absolutely nothing to the Mario canon
>transitioning Zelda and Donkey Kong Country to 3D was equally disastrous
>Zelda never recovered, actually a miracle that Tropical Freeze managed to be decent
>only reason Metroid was spared was because one of its creators found the N64 controller too confusing
>that series was later rebooted as a generic FPS and has since ceased to exist
>pretty much all the developers responsible for the classic and most memorable SNES games jumped ship to PSX
>N64's library was pitiful as a result
>players were so starved for games they had to delude themselves into believing the games they had were somehow the pinnacles of their respective genres
>they genuinely believe Goldeneye is somehow more influential than the myriad of legendary PC FPS games that preceded it
>Nintendo proceeded to get obliterated by Sony AGAIN in the next generation
>only thing keeping them afloat is the general homogenization between their competitors and their few fans who refuse to stop clinging to their beloved childhood franchises no matter how bad they get

Was the N64 truly the end for Nintendo?

But Ocarina of Time shits all over Link to the Past in every conceivable way.

Said no one anywhere ever.

You mean everyone else who isn't a retarded nostalgia goggles faggot.


I see your opinion, and humbly disagree.

Fresh off the boat from GameFAQs, huh?

I'm gonna clue you in on something, kid. Criticizing OoT isn't a capital offense here. You don't get moderated for it.

Better than what came after it.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...


>isn't a retarded nostalgia goggles faggot
>oot is the best ever and beats 2d zeldaxD
yeah right. that'd be you

quadruple BTFO

Name one thing Link to the Past does better than Ocarina of Time. 2D > 3D is not an argument.

Agreed, OP

Autist detected tldr

Gas tripfags

But 3D does nothing but serve the Zelda formula. In fact, LttP IS 3D, dimensionally. It has floors and levels to navigate within the same rooms of its dungeons. The hell are you talking about?

How the fuck does 3D hurt city builders in any way? Why in the world would you not want a beautiful 3D representation of your city? 2D SimCity looks like utter shit compared to even that shitty mobile SimCity's graphics.

>Was the N64 truly the end for Nintendo?
Pretty much.
Their handhelds are still pretty good although 3DS's library pales in comparison to DS.

>being this mad

Brainlet detected



Aww, leave Arin alone, he's just an idiot who doesn't know how to express himself.

>more gameplay
>faster gameplay

I will fokin bash yer head in m8!!

How can one person be so delusional? I know you spend all your time in this echo chamber but literally everything you said was false. Like not even opinion false, factually false.

Better pace
More innovative

>Arin's opinion on anything

I don't think you know what that word means.


It's such a shame, the main games have gotten so downhill and I still love the rest. DESU it died around B and W, HG + SS where amazing and Platinum underrated.
With the graphics on X/Y they could of easily put the main games on a console somehow but never have.

how's horizon zero games

>literally can't come up with anything even remotely resembling an argument

I accept your concession.

You are absolutely full of shit if you actually believe this. The only correct thing you said is that Goldeneye is utter garbage.

This x1000.
What the FUCK was it about 3D that fucking made XY so horrible to play? They get done with making the best pair of Pokemon games just before that in my opinion and then decide "hey let's go out of our way to make the worst main series games we can think of!"
Sun and Moon is a step in the right direction but I will always be salty about XY.

You shut your goddamn whore mouth.

>Series that should never have gone 3D
All of them.

Haven't actually played past X/Y and my 3ds has been gathering dust, played a bit on DS games ans the GBA but never bothered touching the new games.
They're just too "cartoon", anything worthwhile for me to play? The original games where best when it was simple, pretty graphics and just one aim of levelling up.

You typed so much..

The counter argument is
>Prove it then.
You're the ones trying to impress us fuccboi.


Sprites were 1000x better, Monsters looked better in sprites, it was cool that other games had different sprites and shit.
Sprites gave you a bigger world, because you couldnĀ“t rush the whole game. For fucks sake RSE feels bigger than ORAS.
Sun Moon are still on my top 3, but sprites > 3D models.

Frame rate

The one thing 2D Zelda games have over 3D Zelda games is that there is less dead space, the 3D games always have issues with having worlds of fucking nothing.

>the 3D games always have issues with having worlds of fucking nothing.

Can't have that framerate dropping below 20.

ITT: OPs that never should've left their daddy's twig and berries. I'll start us off with an easy one.

>2D games: will always have that cartoony, artistic look
>3D games: until we have real-time ray tracing, these games will look like absolute dog shit in 5-10 years



The team for the game was about 200-300 people. Let's assume 200. They are probably making about $30 an hour so that's $6,000 per hour. $20,000 will get you half a fucking day of work.

Ah yes, this game could have been so good with another half day of development!!!

"I MUST have the unpopular opinion!"

That's funny, because you have zero arguments in your post. All of it are opinions with a few buzzwords thrown in. Before I can actually present my counterarguments you have to come up with any arguments at all.




3D was a mistake