Kinda Funny

Greg Miller caves in


Literal cuck.

Here's the context, since OP is a fag.

The fire rises!

thanks for context

lmfao why do people get upset about this it was just a joke

wtf is wrong with people? I've never heard of this guy before but is everyone he works with a super liberal? the jokes not even offensive


Colin sucks and anything bad that happens to him is good.

Is my Sup Forums app messing up?

Is this Sup Forums?

lol, why would anyone get mad about that

Go away, phoneposter.

To the Best friends? Are they talking about Super Best Friends lads? What the fuck do they have to do with the lassies day

I'm gonna go ahead and guess that's his stupid term for "people that watch my content"

dump phoneposter kys

true, but liberals are way worse. we should use every opportunity to destroy them

Sup Forums, pls

I doubt it. Only person who would probably get slightly offended is Matt. Pat and his girlfriend constantly joke about domestic abuse.

Nah, Colin is a fucking smug idiot and if feminism is what destroys him then I am ok with it.

Did they get in a fight with woolie or something?

Why is this thread not deleted?

don't come crying to me when the ban sexy women from video games

>first they come for the smug assholes, and I did nothing, because I was not a smug asshole

I'll accept the group's decision if they change their name to Not Funny.

Its not a joke in poor taste though? Its not like he said the most racially offensive shit ever, and even then they're taking shit seriously on the internet.

Which makes me feel like a hypocrite but if you can laugh at abortions and german grandpas a simple tweet like that shouldnt be a big deal.

And yet Greg and Tim STILL won't believe Colin when he says PC culture has gone too far.

Colin, don't you have a failing career to save?

didn't you know? insulting women is now worse than being a racist

In this specific case, Colin was clearly right

What if I call a black woman a nigger cunt bitch slut?

You'll get elected President of the United States of America

You called her that because she is black or because she is fucking retarded? Intent is what matters.

Colin's always been on borrowed time as an open conservative working in the video game press. He's gotten away with it for this long because being a podcast personality - with all the cultish admiration that follows - shielded him from his SJW peers.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's blacklisted out of the industry entirely in a year or so when KF finally caves to the neofag lunatics.

I intend to be both racist and sexist
That's why I called her a nigger cunt bitch slut

>Greg Miller
thats him if anyone forgot

it's like a double negative, they cancer each other out

Is that how it works now?

Wasn't Colin Moriarty the guy who defended Mass Effect 3?
The whole "there is nothing wrong with dlc on the disc" guy?

He looks like the kind of man who let other men fuck the woman he loves.

well maybe you called her that because you know that would make the biggest damage, not because you hate any of those groups. That why the word racist is fucking retarded, it's only used as a pejorative, hardly ever as an actual descriptive.


He's getting shit because he made a tasteless joke, not because he believes in small government. There is nothing inherently conservative about making a juvenile lol women belong in the kitchen joke.

take that back right now

But they do belong in the kitchen.

lol XD

Literally who?
Literally what?
And why should I give the slightest shit?


that's because being a "racist" isn't an actual thing

everyone likes their race over others, to try to treat everyone equally goes against nature

The only people who came close to doing that were religious rightists.

Luke did I ever tell you about Greg Miller?

When I needed his backing, he was a good friend.

I think he was the hipster douche calling people entitled when they didn't like the ending.

there's no such thing as a tasteless joke, cunt

>Everyone is like me and anyone that isn't is just pretending

Not an argument


[angry whale noises]

wrong, sjw's are way closer to banning sexy girls than Christians ever were

I'm sure all the boys in the middle school quad think you're very funny.



>None of us want to punish him, but since the internet demands a blood sacrifice we said he can't go to a video game convention. We hope this appeases the SJW Gods.

Why are so many e-famous people scared of tumblr? They literally afect nothing.

yes, all men agree, it's nice and quiet when no women are around

SJW is same mentality as fundie christian

It is within all humans, especially women

Criticise and hit people when they step out of line, but never put your own thoughts forward

No difference between the puritans and SJWs

>all those people getting upset and offended over a harmless joke


I don't remember him ever defending or saying anything about on-disc DLC, but yes, although in time since he has basically apologized for it.

Kek based Colin

By banning you mean that every sexy girl will become a whale?

ur mum fucked all the boys in the middle school quad lmao

oh come on man

if he made a tasteless joke about some non-controversial subject no one would care and if he made a tasteful misogynystic joke he would still be getting shit

I have a fat fatish so the jokes on them lmao

one can only hope

tasteless joke mean anything that I deem offensive user, didnt you get the memo?

These guys were never funny and i couldn't care less

He can say whatever he wants whenever he wants to. He's not entitled to support. The free market is deciding against him. LOL the free market is ok as long as it supports what I say.

For a second I thought this was about Colin Mochrie, and I could only wonder why the guy from WLIIT would be an ancap.


So say this was reversed and a woman said this on international men's day would there be an outcry?

they won't be cutefat. they will have manly faces

Greg didn't denounce Colin's tweet because he made a lame ass tired Home Improvement tier joke, he denounced it because it's so transparent that Colin was just trying to troll and rile people up. He then doubled down on saying he was in bed laughing with his girlfriend at all the "humorless sacks of shit," which just makes it worse.

It's not about the joke, it's about intent. He posted that joke on that day and used the #ADayWithoutAWoman, because he knew it would garner a negative response. And that's entirely antithetical to Kinda Funny's goal to be a positive community that's above internet trolling and vitriolic comments.

The funny thing? There were more people in the replies going "Oh yes, I can't wait to see all the triggered SJW's!" than there were people actually offended. Most replies were some variation of "You're better than this" or "This is just a bad joke."

Colin lately has been actively cultivating a subset of alt-right and gamergate sort of fans within their community, and it reflects poorly on their whole company.

true. it's his fault for cultivating a fanbase of sjw's.

if he cultivated a fanbase of edgy teenagers, he could get away with anything, like pewdiepie

the problem with getting mad at dumb "women belong in le kit chin" humor is that while it's dumb the instant you take offense you're saying you're the sort of person who's live is so issue free and has the mental energy to treat this as a real problem which instantly makes you worse

also what does entitlement to support have to do with anything? it's one thing to not find a joke funny, it's entirely different for something as profoundly, utterly harmless as colin's joke to be at the heart of a controversy

Do not interrupt the anti-sjw circlejerk with rational thought please.

I don't speak English so I'm kinda confused about the joke. Did he mean all women went celebrate so it becomes peace and quiet?

>The funny thing? There were more people in the replies going "Oh yes, I can't wait to see all the triggered SJW's!" than there were people actually offended.

this is like a law of the universe these days

no, he is saying a world without women would be peaceful and quiet


Yeah, really confused about him treating the term "best friends" as a proper noun.

The thing is, many women probably looked at Colins tweet and had a chuckle. It's just to obese special snowflake SJW cunts that got offended again. Every woman that has an actual career and is a productive member of society could laugh about it.

His intent was just to make a funny tweet, my man.

>my face when I didn't even know the day without women was March 8th, because the bar I went to still had all their usual female servers, all the women I know still worked that day, and there were still plenty of women going out to the bars and buying alcohol (it was supposed to be a day where no women worked or purchased anything)
So, was it just lazy shits that work at mcdonalds that took the day off or something? And then did they proceed to still go around buying stuff regardless?
Because if so, can we have a year without women? A decade?

What the fuck this iswhat people are butthurt about?

Liberals get butthurt over the smallest things really.
Imagine it being reversed and a woman making a joke about a day without men being peaceful. She'd get 20 billion "haha that's hilarious!" and only a handful of triggered MRA types.

Someone hasn't seen Colins son....daughter yet.

Quite on point. This isn't the first time that Colin's tried to get a rise out of people for a laugh, it's just the first time it's blown up in his face like this.

yes, colin is the conservative one, and the rest of them are extremely liberal and live in San Fagsisco.

He'll look back on this and realize how much of a mistake this was.

Not because of anything he said being particularly unreasonable, or because Dave Rubin is bad or anything, but because it gives the fringe everything they need to justify going after him over stupid shit like this..

The funny bit is there were far more people shtting on feminists yesterday than people agreeing with that garbage. Why the fuck do these people let SJWs dictate everything

The fuck? Really?

a) That tweet is BARELY offensive
b) It's funny

Shut up, faggot.

This desu. His Kojima interview was insufferable to sit through.

>internet slacktivist SJWs do internet slacktivism
>guy mocks it derisively
>angry slacktivists who take they virtue signaling VERY seriously get mad
>"Is this who you really want to be?" is an actual quote by some IGN faggot
>beta numale cucklord apologizes on Colin's behalf

why can't "gaming" """""journalism""""" just die

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with pissing people off for fun.

>correcting the record
>rational thought
Don't samefag, please.