Who makes better open world games, the West or the East?
Who makes better open world games, the West or the East?
>bara shit
speak English weeb
He's not a bara at all you blind fuck.
Cute boys can have muscles too
pick only one
He's a twink, not bara. He's also the twinkiest link there's ever been. The most he's ever been is a Twunk in Hyrule Warriors.
Open world sucks, large interconnected hubs is where it's at.
If you're basing your decision on just these games, East wins in a landslide. It isn't even a competition.
invisible walls suck ass.
I like how my Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind handle Open World
Literally doesn't matter as long as the game is done well. A game's setting could be in one room and still be done well
Gingers do carry the mongoloid gene.
West: Have dinosaurs
East: dont have dinosaurs
The West is superior.
Nobody. Open world games are terrible.
Stop plugging your fanart, user, it looks like shit.
Robots aren't dinosaurs.
west has skyrim!
While the east is trying to port it to their console!
So west!
>Cropping out Link's full body
>reducing image size
West. Rockstar says hi.
East. Just look at this.
>bunch of fetch quesst with liitle rewardin in exploration
The West example should be Witcher 3 and the East example Dragon's Dogma.
Both of your examples are shit.
Redpill me on Witcher 3, I kinda enjoy it but goddamn the combat is fucking garbage. The quests are also too linear for my liking. I love the writing and lore but christ it's pulling my teeth for that enjoyment.
>Both of your examples are shit.
>posts two shitty games
>the wojak 3 and east literally who dogma
>open world
lol they're years behind
You clearly have an opinion on that awful fucking game, why do you need to someone to convince you of anything
Because everyone and their grandma praises this game to high hell and I just don't get it.
real answer is the ukranians
Stalker Open world > both Zelda/Horizon
If you have never heard of Dragon's Dogma yet browse Sup Forums I'm not sure what to tell you - other than fuck off.
They praise it for the visuals and story(which sucks but is more fleshed out than most video games), the people who like these kinds of games don't give a shit about gameplay
>women that look like men
>men that look like women
I cant decide.
>If you have never heard of Dragon's Dogma yet browse Sup Forums I'm not sure what to tell you - other than fuck off.
It was released on the worst gen, on the worst consoles, why would anyone know about that game?
I just don't get the loveboner for Witcher 3 and Horizon's graphics. Wow you rendered every individual pore on a character's face. Their art directions are so bland. I know I sound like dobson and movieblob saying this but I think BotW looks better despite lower res textures and lower polycounts because it's art style first, facial pores 10 gorillionth.
Both are shit.
MGSV and everything by ubi is evidence of such
delete this NOW
I prefer Zelda because Horizon was billed as an open world Monster Hunter but it turned out to be Farcry
The west invented, and the perfected the open world genre.
the only thing japs can do is imitate perfection.
Its a gigantic open world RPG where CDPR manged to do "ok" to "great" in all the facets of the game.
Combat is barely ok, graphics great, story is top tier here and meh there, the point is - for the massive scope of the game, they managed an extremely high attention to detail - relative to 99% of western games released these days.
It didn't really do anything exceptionally well, but it did everything good enough - while also wrapping up a book/game series, with solid non-jewy Expansion packs.
All in all, the game deserves the praise it gets.
At the same scope US based companies make
>west or east
it's west or japan
nor China nor Korea makes any games outside of f2p online shit.
She is pretty nasty looking, you're right.
DD is fucking terrible as an open world game. BBI is the only good part about the game and it's basically just one big dungeon without any of the actual open world aspects.
oh shit nice
>west: ugly women
>east: pretty boys
really makes me think
You know something is wrong when the man looks more feminine that you
I don't think you've ever seen a chimp. That or you are a xeno scum.
Post more cute fit link
Men that look like women designs usually also result in women that look like women so it's an easy choice.
I agree with you, art direction has always made more of an impression on me than raw graphical power. WOW THE WORLD REFLECTS IN HER EYES, who gives a shit, you'll never see it unless you're actively looking for that dumb garbage.
>nintendo males are cuter than sony's females
really makes you think
>Shenmue created it
>Zelda perfected it
You're only reinforcing his argument
her bone structure bothers me greatly
fuck off gay boy
>likes women that look like men
>calling others gay
>being a heterocuck
Women are objectively hideous, inside and out.
>loading screens
>likes manhands
>calls others gay boy
Seems like you might be a bit confused, friend.
He's not more feminine, he's cuter. If he were feminine he'd be as ugly as the disgusting girl. Boys are always cuter than females.
the east
probably because all open world are dull and lifeless but the east puts charm and live into the rest of the game
why else would i spend an hour cooking
so all zelda fanboys are gay
You mean west
East is strictly Japan
I'm only interested when he looks like a flat chested cute girl.
so everything west of Germany is now east? fucking finland with their eastern fucking shit games
LOL fag
Post more dudes
They fucked.
Come again?
She's Irish
who is this user
>western trash
come on son
A cat
what's his name
What is this and are there any females?
>dat meathead
>wanting females of anything
i have both fag fuck your vs shit
>i have both fag fuck your vs shit
what did he mean by this?
Cute indeed.
The eastern west